View Full Version : End of the world Dec 21, 2012...

03-Jun-2008, 09:45 AM
I'm facinated by these end of the world predictions. The next big one coming up is of course the end of the Myan calendar on Dec21st 2012.

Now what's kind of odd about that day is:-
- Jupiter and Saturn will be on opposite sides of the Sun which seems to be connected to increased solar activity.
- We will be aligning with the galactic center.

Now these are the rumblings being talked about on the internet about this specific day.

Now, we've had these 'warnings' before when planets have lined up etc, which of course have come and gone, and we're all still here. But it's a little spooky that on this day things are potentially 'lining up'?

I haven't spend much time looking into it but:-
- I bet the day the Mayan calendar runs out could be interpretted in different ways. ie: Dates other than Dec 21 2012.
- I bet these alignments are not particularly accurate. ie: Lining up with the galactic sent X hundred million light years away is like crossing an accurate line.
- How did a bunch of people X thousand years ago, who hadn't even invented important things like Big Macs and mobile phones, know the day the world was going to end?

03-Jun-2008, 10:02 AM
Bloody typical, I have to put up with saturation coverage of the Olympics and then I get fried in "Fire Sun" or whatever the Myans call it. :mad:

Awkward bastards, what's wrong blitzing the world on January 1st 2012?:rockbrow:

03-Jun-2008, 03:11 PM
- How did a bunch of people X thousand years ago, who hadn't even invented important things like Big Macs and mobile phones, know the day the world was going to end?

they didn't. their world ended in a catastrophe (in one of the swiftest and most complete collapses of any civilization ever) over a 1,000 years ago. did they see that coming? guess not.

people blow this up into all manner of idiocy. just because the maya had an accurate calendar and could predict eclipses and other phenomena doesn't not by any stretch of even canine logic mean they knew when the world would end.

this seems (in the pap i've read on the internet) to be tied at the hip to the inanity about nibiru (aka planet X) - the mysterious planet in a (of course and oh so conveniently for the people stir this up) highly elliptical orbit about the solar system that brings it back to rain fire and destruction every so many millions of years.

this is yet another in a long, sordid, and ignorant line of "the sky is falling" theories.

anyone remember the may 5, 2000 idiocy? that is probably one of the more patently ignorant end of the world/global disaster theories ever.

03-Jun-2008, 03:27 PM
they didn't. their world ended in a catastrophe (in one of the swiftest and most complete collapses of any civilization ever) over a 1,000 years ago. did they see that coming? guess not.

people blow this up into all manner of idiocy. just because the maya had an accurate calendar and could predict eclipses and other phenomena doesn't not by any stretch of even canine logic mean they knew when the world would end.

this seems (in the pap i've read on the internet) to be tied at the hip to the inanity about nibiru (aka planet X) - the mysterious planet in a (of course and oh so conveniently for the people stir this up) highly elliptical orbit about the solar system that brings it back to rain fire and destruction every so many millions of years.

this is yet another in a long, sordid, and ignorant line of "the sky is falling" theories.

anyone remember the may 5, 2000 idiocy? that is probably one of the more patently ignorant end of the world/global disaster theories ever.

Kill joy! Where's the fun in assuming we're all going to be safe and sound, rather than being fried in some massive gamma radiation burst forecast X thousand years ago by the all-knowing Myans! :)

03-Jun-2008, 04:13 PM
Kill joy! Where's the fun in assuming we're all going to be safe and sound, rather than being fried in some massive gamma radiation burst forecast X thousand years ago by the all-knowing Myans! :)

i'm sorry-:lol: the sky really is going to fall - time to head for the hills, save the womenfolk,etc.

nibiru is gonna collide with moon and doom us all!:lol:

03-Jun-2008, 04:45 PM
calenders back then were based on the celestial bodies so its not surprising whatsoever that this connections made since anything that looks artificial in nature is instantly taken to have a special meaning, like 4 leaf clovers or trees that suddenly grow form the stump at a right angle.

03-Jun-2008, 05:48 PM
Im more worried about a virus breaking out than a predicted end of the world by far but eitherway I have an emergency box. Everything I think Id need in case of a fire, riot etc. No gun surprisingly as Im english but plenty of knives :D

03-Jun-2008, 09:49 PM
Im more worried about a virus breaking out than a predicted end of the world by far but eitherway I have an emergency box. Everything I think Id need in case of a fire, riot etc. No gun surprisingly as Im english but plenty of knives :D

There's a years supply of food and water in this box I assume?

04-Jun-2008, 12:05 AM
There's a years supply of food and water in this box I assume?

Theres a couple months worth of food. Boil in the bag ration meals enough for about four months a couple bottles of water, some water purifying tablets and other things. Its a "What if" box and is a bit of peace of mind and if a fire did break out or riot ( in the country? Nah ) then it would give me a couple extra seconds of hauling ass than trying to get my **** together.

04-Jun-2008, 12:13 AM
are you prepared for a pogrom though?. the pogrom worries me.

and manbearpig, but thats just common sense.

04-Jun-2008, 08:59 AM
Theres a couple months worth of food. Boil in the bag ration meals enough for about four months a couple bottles of water, some water purifying tablets and other things. Its a "What if" box and is a bit of peace of mind and if a fire did break out or riot ( in the country? Nah ) then it would give me a couple extra seconds of hauling ass than trying to get my **** together.

Interesting... Where did you source the food and purification tablets from? I'd be VERY tempted to put a couple of months supplies up in the loft TBH!

04-Jun-2008, 10:59 AM
Interesting... Where did you source the food and purification tablets from? I'd be VERY tempted to put a couple of months supplies up in the loft TBH!

Any survival or camping site will have suff like that.

These are about the best puri-tabs that money can buy...


04-Jun-2008, 08:14 PM
i think you all have more to worry about then you let on. im not sayin i believe in all this jazz but i speculate... what i do know is the mayans werent the only ones to predict the end in 2012. nostradomes (spell check!) predicted it in the supposed lost 5th book of predictions that was raved about on discovery channel. also if i remember correctly about 4 years ago there was another show about the end in 2012. so thats three sources not necessarily related. i dont the domes man had any association with the mayans let alone the same time line as them... that up for discussion though. so research away. all im sayin is i got some shout lead with someones name on it if need be.

04-Jun-2008, 08:21 PM
This reminds me of the "World of the Psychic" scene near the beginning of Ghostbusters II.

"According to my source, the end of the world will be on February 14th, in the year two thousand and sixteen. "

"Valentine's day. Bummer. Where'd you get your date, Elaine?"

"I recieved this information from an alien. I was sitting at the bar, alone and this alien approached me. He started talking to me, he bought me a drink. And then he must have used some kind of a ray or a mind control device because he forced me to follow him to his room and that's where he told me about the end of the world."

"So your alien had a room at the Holiday Inn, Paramis?":rockbrow:

"It could have been a room on the spaceship made to look like the hotel. I can't be sure about that, Peter."

04-Jun-2008, 11:33 PM
When I see a gaggle of shamblers in my backyard, I'll believe the world is ending. Until then, it's just a load of crap.

05-Jun-2008, 12:29 AM
When I see a gaggle of shamblers in my backyard, I'll believe the world is ending. Until then, it's just a load of crap.


05-Jun-2008, 01:24 AM
take more than that for me, they could just be stragglers left over from download.

The never really leave, they just head around the shires in herds in a yearly migratory pattern betwixt essex and Manchester.

05-Jun-2008, 01:29 AM
they could just be stragglers left over from download.


05-Jun-2008, 06:34 PM
Not an authority on these things, but it looks like business as usual to me:


05-Jun-2008, 09:27 PM
whats the "LMC" meant to be a dust cloud or meteor field?

05-Jun-2008, 10:20 PM
whats the "LMC" meant to be a dust cloud or meteor field?

LMC = Laser Missile Cloud :eek:

05-Jun-2008, 10:33 PM
Fuuuuuccccckkkk, Lassssseeerrsssssss!

06-Jun-2008, 12:25 AM
whats the "LMC" meant to be a dust cloud or meteor field?

Large Megellanic Cloud.


06-Jun-2008, 03:42 AM
Okay, well, if the LMC were going to reach us by 2012, then scientists would notice it NOW moving closer. It's not just going to suddenly appear on top of us.

The Myans had to end their calender at some point. They couldn't just keep it going for infinity. I mean, 2012 is a pretty long time away from when they started the calender... think about it, people.

06-Jun-2008, 08:09 AM
Large Megellanic Cloud.


Still think Laser Missile Cloud sounds cooler!

06-Jun-2008, 07:47 PM
I predict the end of the world on February 14th, 2013.

It will come in three stages.

Stage 1, the power will fail. If it has a battery or a generator, everything from nuclear power stations to a wristwatch battery - and Uncle Harry's pacemaker, will just stop working and will not come back on.

Stage 2, the Yellowstone Caldera (the supervolcano) will erupt, disrupting the weather all over the world.

Stage 3, the newly dead will rise to eat the flesh of the living. (This being a zombie site, what else could it be?)

The odds are that I am just as likely to be right as Nostradamus (and he did not predict Hitler! He said something about Hister, which, in his day, was a region on the river Rhine!).

06-Jun-2008, 08:22 PM
im going to have one hell of a fucking birthday then

06-Jun-2008, 10:08 PM
im going to have one hell of a fucking birthday then

Well, good thing the world will be ending so you won't have to worry about being carded at the liquor store. ZING!