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View Full Version : F*ck sake!!! *super pissed off*

06-Jun-2008, 01:15 PM
So I was led to believe that the 1-disc DVD of Rambo on R1 has the extras, and that the only difference between the 1-disc and the 2-disc was that the 2nd disc on the 2-disc edition has that lame digital copy that nobody wants (and apparently it doesn't even work).

But oh no - the 1-disc has F*CK ALL ON IT!

And what's lamer? I can't return it because:

1) I've opened it.
2) Only company error, not customer error, counts.
3) It's not faulty.

F*CKING BASTARD SAKE! :mad::mad::mad:

06-Jun-2008, 03:35 PM
This is one reason why I buy all my dvds and games in the store instead of online...

06-Jun-2008, 04:37 PM
same here, i gotsta read the back myself before i buy.

06-Jun-2008, 05:41 PM
Well you see, it's more of a bugger.

I'd gone by what DVDTimes had said, and they didn't say ANYTHING about the 1-disc having fuck all on it.

I also assumed that the 1-disc would just be the 2-disc, sans the second disc - surely it'd make more financial sense?

But oh no, so I've been screwed over! :(

Still, watched the movie again regardless and it's still fucking awesome.

Ah well, maybe I'll rent the R2 or borrow it off a mate if they get it on DVD and just see the features that way...win some lose some I guess, still pissing annoying.

06-Jun-2008, 09:21 PM
I can understand being annoyed... but dude... super pissed off over something as little as that?

07-Jun-2008, 11:03 AM
Ever heard of exaggerating, especially at the start of being pissed off over something?

And there's a difference between being pissed off/annoyed over something that's small and generally a nuisance - and being genuinely disappointed, or genuinely heart broken, or genuinely furious in a lasting manner over a real issue by comparison.

But I already know the difference between a nuisance and an actual problem, but it doesn't mean I can't be pissed off over a nuisance/annoyance for a spell ... just like everybody else on the forum. :rolleyes:

You're just being picky. :p

08-Jun-2008, 06:12 AM
dude that blows big ones. id be pissed to

08-Jun-2008, 06:22 AM
I thought you had the right to basically return anything you purchase online?

08-Jun-2008, 10:45 AM
It depends on site to site, if you've opened something you can't return it on some sites. Only if it's broken, can you return something that's opened.

Meh ... I'll keep it, can't be arsed to fart around. I'll borrow the version with extras off of a mate or something sometime.

Still bloody annoying, I ultimately blame DVDTimes for not pointing it out, and usually they always have accurate info, but they'd said nothing about the 1-disc having piss all on it ... and if their info was direct from Lionsgate or Maple - whoever the DVD people were for it - and it wasn't clear from them, then it's those guys' fault too.

It's just stupid, you've got the 1-disc in Widescreen and 'absolutely retarded to still have in this day and age' fullscreen - with NO extras.

Then you've got the 2-disc edition, the first disc has the extras - so that's another version of the first disc to print, in other words - and the 2nd disc has a digital copy of the movie - aka POINTLESS - and the copy doesn't even work past 53 minutes apparently.

So in other words, THREE versions of the first disc, it just seems absolutely stupid.