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View Full Version : Here's an idea to please the masses:

09-Jun-2008, 03:11 AM
Since it seems everyone hates any new zombie movies (by Romero or not) and hates the new stuff he does, but praises Dawn of the Dead as the bestest horror film of all time...what would you think of this:

A frame by frame remake of Dawn of the Dead with modern effects, hair styles, etc. Actors would have to be rough equivilants to the originals, no big stars and such. No plot changes, no dialouge altered, everything the same but as seen with current effects and such?

I know its a totally wild and off the cuff idea, never be done, but would you go see it? Just curious.

09-Jun-2008, 06:33 AM
ummm... yes. and it has been done b4. ever see the psycho remake? lol

09-Jun-2008, 07:54 AM
I'd still hate it...haha

09-Jun-2008, 08:51 AM
As ridiculous of an idea as I think it'd be, it seems that's what people want.

It would never happen though.

09-Jun-2008, 03:45 PM
Well, as someone who does enjoy some of the modern zombie films (Land, DotD 04, Severed, the first Resident Evil film etc.), I'd have to say I'd definitely check the movie out and quite possibly enjoy it. I think, however, that I'd prefer a slightly expanded film that would clean up a few issues and questions, as opposed to a shot for shot.

But I'd rather see George revisit Day before Dawn, anyway.

09-Jun-2008, 03:55 PM
Everyone hates modern zombie films? Why didn't anyone make me aware of this?!?!?:confused:

09-Jun-2008, 05:18 PM
Since it seems everyone hates any new zombie movies (by Romero or not) and hates the new stuff he does, but praises Dawn of the Dead as the bestest horror film of all time...what would you think of this:

A frame by frame remake of Dawn of the Dead with modern effects, hair styles, etc. Actors would have to be rough equivilants to the originals, no big stars and such. No plot changes, no dialouge altered, everything the same but as seen with current effects and such?

I know its a totally wild and off the cuff idea, never be done, but would you go see it? Just curious.

I'd watch it. To be honest with ya, when I heard they were making "Dawn 04" this is what I was hoping for.

09-Jun-2008, 06:48 PM
ill watch any zombie movie once... my panties arent jammed up my butt so much that i wont give one horrible movie a try. this one would be interestin

09-Jun-2008, 06:54 PM
if they told romero "hey remake dawn,but modern,and just like your original script" we'd have a HUGE movie on our hands.

10-Jun-2008, 12:16 AM
if they told romero "hey remake dawn,but modern,and just like your original script" we'd have a HUGE movie on our hands.

Yeah, brother. If and only if.

Instead they would have some puto like Snyder do it, and then it would be full of all kinds of B.S. cloaked as respectful homages. And a lot of B.S. emo music too.

10-Jun-2008, 04:13 PM
Yeah, brother. If and only if.

Instead they would have some puto like Snyder do it, and then it would be full of all kinds of B.S. cloaked as respectful homages. And a lot of B.S. emo music too.

I thought D04 was a decent movie, if they had called it something else it would have been better. Its like remaking Star Wars, sounds nice but it will never be the same...just look at episodes 1-3. I think the remake craze is a mistake...I have yet to see one that is better than the original. Some are good movies but there is no need to remake classic films...it like colorizing them...big mistake!!

10-Jun-2008, 06:29 PM
No offence but how the f**k does this please the masses? No one want's it remade, end of.

10-Jun-2008, 06:39 PM
No offence but how the f**k does this please the masses? No one want's it remade, end of.

I would have to agree. They already tried once with lackluster results(to say the least;)) so why would they do it again? It's bad enough Rubinstein is trying to make a direct sequel....

10-Jun-2008, 09:13 PM
I thought D04 was a decent movie, if they had called it something else it would have been better. Its like remaking Star Wars, sounds nice but it will never be the same...just look at episodes 1-3. I think the remake craze is a mistake...I have yet to see one that is better than the original. Some are good movies but there is no need to remake classic films...it like colorizing them...big mistake!!

Skip, I agree that there was much good in D04. Like you mentioned, I think what killed the film for me was that it was trying to step into the footprint left by DOTD78 - in my mind an impossible feat that should not have been attempted. Of course, there were other issues I had with the film, but

I agree that the remake craze should be put to rest.

Stop screwing with the classics, say I , and pull an original idea out of the hat and make a new film.

10-Jun-2008, 11:13 PM
I'd watch it. To be honest with ya, when I heard they were making "Dawn 04" this is what I was hoping for.

I was hoping for that, too. Only difference would be, I'd want the things that were in the original script put back into the new movie (such as the petshop dog getting eaten, the straggler zombie making it up to their hideout before they went out, etc.).

11-Jun-2008, 01:09 AM
Can't we just enjoy Dawn for what it is, a product of it's time?

I don't see the point in modernizing it.

11-Jun-2008, 02:49 AM
Can't we just enjoy Dawn for what it is, a product of it's time?

I don't see the point in modernizing it.

I agree! I love Dawn as is. Its a fun movie to watch anytime. My "idea" was only meant as a joke, I was just curious what everyone else thought. I think Hollywood needs to get some new ideas AND movie names.

11-Jun-2008, 09:16 AM
I think the storyline of the original Dawn of the Dead would make Hollywood studios very nervous about shooting a re-make. Modern American society is supposed to be the end all, be all of civilization. A movie where the characters more or less adapt to the end of world, and make the most of it would be politically incorrect to say the least. The ease with which the government collapses due to a crisis that takes a week or so to fully blossom might also make people think about things they shouldn't.

Dawn '04 got around the first problem by simple having no one survive to the zombie outbreak. The second problem they solved by having the zombie outbreak unrealistically becoming a full blown pandemic in just 24 hours.

12-Jun-2008, 04:15 AM
What would be the point? We would already know the ending and see everything coming? That's what made the new Omen so bloody awful. It was nearly exactly the same. You can't top perfection.

I hate the constant remakes of older horror flicks. Like Prom Night... they didn't even follow the origional plot. Why try to call it a remake? Why not just make it a seperate film completely? And call it something else? Or with RZ's retake on Halloween? It couldn't capture the essence of the origional.

But with all the remakes I still enjoy modern zombie flicks. Sure they're not as good as what I grew up watching but that doesn't mean they weren't worth seeing. And I surely think there's a following for new zombie flicks. Critics were suprised by the number of people who came to see 28 Weeks Later and Dawn 04 (from what I heard) so there's obviously a market for new films. We're kinda like wine afficionados. Sure we know the good stuff. But that doesn't mean we dont try to expand our horizons with new varietals. And even if we all turned our noses to the new stuff... we live on a planet with millions of people who wouldn't know good stuff from the crap. There's some people who didn't know Dawn 04 was a remake of anything... those poor lost souls...

12-Jun-2008, 05:04 AM
if its a zombie movie ill consider it.... if i can tell its cheese by watchin the trailer or lookin at the box ill piss on it. take the movies for what they are and shut up. expressin your feelings is one thing... blowing it out of proportion (spell check!) thats just stupid on your part. you dont wanna watch it dont watch it. me personal anything close to romero's titles other than what ive seen on you tube ill watch again. i liked diary even though it was cheesy the third time around... ill prolly buy it. day contagium.... oh god that was just horrible. i saw bits and pieces on you tube that was enough for me. see that simple. make a comment then leave it at that. dont blow things outta the park please dont.