View Full Version : The GTA IV Post-completion thread...

09-Jun-2008, 10:16 AM

This is a thread for everyone who's COMPLETED Gta 4 and wants to talk about the remaining activities/achievements that are needed - do NOT read any further if you don't want any magic spoiled, but I figured enough of us have completed the story mode now so we can freely exchange ideas and info on the post-story world.

So, a couple of questions...

Any easter eggs that you've noticed post-story? Only thing I've seen is the heart beating in the Statue of happiness....

Any cool places we can go steal fast vehicles for stunt jumps etc? There's a bike shop selling PCJ900 bikes that I've found North East on Alderney, and a Turismo shop just round the corner your penthouse apartment on Algonquin...anywhere I can get infernus cars or other types of bikes?

Question: "hidden package" achievement = pigeons right?

Questions about your story route:

Did you kill Playboy or Dwayne? Did you do the deal with Dimitri or did you take him out? When you deal with Dimitri what happens to Kate? How many girlfriends could you have? I only got Lawchick aka Kiki who was very useful in getting shot of wanted levels...

I'm sure there's plenty of other stuff - but that's all for now :)

09-Jun-2008, 10:51 AM
Nice thread, good too cos the other one was taking too long to load cos of all the posts in it.

Anyway, I killed Playboy X cos he was a nob'ed and having the mansion was better as I had somewhere to save on Algonquin.

I also took out Francis, cos he was a nob'ed too. That also allows you to do the last Francis mission, which was great fun - come out of his funeral and a bunch of Albanians shoot up the joint, you get into a firefight, then have to scarper with the Romero and take the body to the cemetery. Noiiice mish that was.

Also, I killed Dimitri, hence didn't do the deal with him - so I was on the boat and nailed him there. As a result, Kate gets blasted and killed outside the church at Roman's wedding - if you do the deal with Dimitri, Kate hates you for going against your morals, but survives, and Roman gets it instead.

I wanted Roman to survive, and that was good cos I stuck to Niko's morals on the issue of the deal with Dimitri.

I haven't bothered getting into further dating yet, will do after I've gotten all of Stevie's cars methinks, which in itself can be a task if the txt msg isn't informative enough...also, there really needs to be a zoom function for the picture, cos it's too small and you often can't tell what the f*ck it is.

Otherwise I'm just driving around, doing the odd jump, blasting sky rats when I see them and going on ho-killin' sprees, lol.

09-Jun-2008, 12:10 PM
Nice thread, good too cos the other one was taking too long to load cos of all the posts in it.

Anyway, I killed Playboy X cos he was a nob'ed and having the mansion was better as I had somewhere to save on Algonquin.

I also took out Francis, cos he was a nob'ed too. That also allows you to do the last Francis mission, which was great fun - come out of his funeral and a bunch of Albanians shoot up the joint, you get into a firefight, then have to scarper with the Romero and take the body to the cemetery. Noiiice mish that was.

Also, I killed Dimitri, hence didn't do the deal with him - so I was on the boat and nailed him there. As a result, Kate gets blasted and killed outside the church at Roman's wedding - if you do the deal with Dimitri, Kate hates you for going against your morals, but survives, and Roman gets it instead.

I wanted Roman to survive, and that was good cos I stuck to Niko's morals on the issue of the deal with Dimitri.

I haven't bothered getting into further dating yet, will do after I've gotten all of Stevie's cars methinks, which in itself can be a task if the txt msg isn't informative enough...also, there really needs to be a zoom function for the picture, cos it's too small and you often can't tell what the f*ck it is.

Otherwise I'm just driving around, doing the odd jump, blasting sky rats when I see them and going on ho-killin' sprees, lol.

Yeah we made the same decisions except I killed Dwayne. It was early in the game and I thought they were trying to double bluff me, ie: yeah PBX is a knob but Dwayne's a killer and blah blah....turns out I was wrong. Still though you get shedloads of money but that's it. Wish I'd gone for PBX!

What about Dwayne's girlfriend? DId anyone let her live? I did and met her later - if you kill her is the friend activity replaced, or negated, therefore ruining the achievement for completing all friend activities?

09-Jun-2008, 12:55 PM
I can't even remember a bit with his girlfriend ... I remember there was a time later where there was some woman who knew me on the corner of a street, and she had a new boyfriend or something but he was beating her up, so I had to go beat his ass and then she went on her way.

Was that Dwayne's old gf?

09-Jun-2008, 01:14 PM
I think it was yeah, there's a mission for Dwayne where you go to beat the crap out of her new bf but end up chasing him on a motorbike, and you get a quick choice of killing her or not killing her....when you do the friend mission niko says "**** dwayne, I made the wrong decision, sorry man" - in reference to Niko killing Dwayne (if you did!)

12-Jun-2008, 05:35 PM
Either this guy is scary in reality, or he's got a wicked sense of black humour:



Anyway, I met up with Eddie Low for the second time in the game today (he can be found in the top half of Alderney). The second time around you have to kill him as he attacks you - and he's the serial killer that's mentioned throughout the game.

You can even go to MyRoom on the t'internet and read his page where he has a massive, really perverse and f*cked up "about me" section. :eek::lol::eek: It's also mentioned on the radio and internet news places too.

I'm now seeing about doing some dating, such as LawChick - after I saved before coming off my Xbox though, I decided to dump her over the phone to see what would happen. She's none-too-pleased, and then sends you a txt later saying she loves you and was crying while masturbating the night before. :lol:

Reminds me of the Uncle Matt & The Sh*tbirdz song that goes "jacking off at full speed while crying..." :lol:

12-Jun-2008, 08:10 PM
So I ended up getting to 100% completion, and got into the online play for a bit, but with summer classes and picking up quite a few hours at work lately, I've not played much of GTAIV at all lately.

I've actually been playing a whole lot more of San Andreas since my new copy for the XBox arrived the other day. IV is fun and looks amazing, but the online is usually full of a$$holes and retards...like the guy who insists on forming a team of his own, so instead of 2 teams of 8, we have a team of 7, one of 8, and a dude rolling solo. Aside from the onine capabilities, San Andreas has a bit more of higher replay value, IMO.

13-Jun-2008, 05:27 PM
Finished it about a week ago, sold it. I thought it was a great game overall, if not a tad over-hyped. The whole "friend meter" thing was a bad design choice, in my opinion

Why no Roman, I don't want to go drinking tonight.

That's OK Brucie, no helicopter rides for me tonight.

Darts? No thanks, Little Jacob.

It was a cool idea, but they executed it in a way that makes that part of the game feel like a chore to play. I'm actually more excited about Saint's Row 2, to be honest...I never thought I'd ever say that :confused: The activities actually look FUN:


13-Jun-2008, 06:41 PM
Crazy sh-it that doesn't allow you to say the swear without being bleeped, eh? :D

Aye, at times the friendship thing can get in the way - but you can turn it off on your phone if you wish for a spell. Your friends also provide services for you, be it a free taxi ride, or a couple of guys for back up, or cheap guns near your location, or a health boost, or to get cops off your arse etc.

Saints Row 2 is exactly the sort of game GTA IV wasn't setting out to be...that was San Andreas, with all the silliness and craziness. They wanted to do something different with GTA IV and they did that, and wonderfully so.

The problem with SR2 is it's just a copy of GTA, it's also not got the intelligence and sense of humour.

SR is fun, but not as much as GTA.

Now ... mission wise, SR had that nifty feature of being allowed to go back and replay some missions of your choosing ... however, I didn't want to replay any of the SR missions.

It'd be good if GTA IV had that feature, to replay missions of your choosing, because the missions in GTA IV were almost all rather enjoyable. Also, the stories and characters in GTA IV are far better than those in Saints Row, which are just 'thug life' cardboard cut-outs and being all 'gangsta' and ugh...

13-Jun-2008, 07:56 PM
Saints Row was much more enjoyable as a mechanic, much more varied, and overall just played out better. I've always said the story and the humour of SR was bad, but having that is not enough to carry a game through.

Mission wise - all of GTA 4's missions were PISS easy, the thing that made them challenging: the aiming and combat system - this was because it's a FLAW in the game, and not because it's a challenge.

Sure SR2 looks like it has tons of stuff, bordering on silly, but I'd rather have fun playing my games than run around a life-like city with beautiful graphics and nigh on nothing to do. Everything that was in GTA4 was in SR1, only less so. Bottom line!

For instance: You can pick up your gang members anywhere in the map and take them on a mission with you - all you get in GTA4 is MAYBE the option to bring a couple of guys. Chop Shop missions exist in both games, but in SR you add the car to your HUD and if you go past it, it flashes up on your map allowing you to see it - GTA4 wants you to refer to the booklet to hunt high and low for cars with no indication of where they are.

You lose a car in GTA4, it's lost forever. How long did you keep the infernus after the gay dude gives it to you? Five minutes I'm guessing. Where were all the infernus's anyway? That was the only one I had in the single player. Destroy, abandon, or otherwise lose a vehicle in Saints Row, and it can be picked up from your garage, at a price! Customisation options in GTA4 for vehicles? Not likely! Customisation options in SR? HELL YES! Change the colours, indescent paint, add spoilers, rims, decals, you name it, bring in an old banger and drive it out looking like something from Pimp My Ride, it's all possible.

Mayhem missions in GTA4? Nope. No carnage at all. Saints Row? YEP.....unlimited weapons, a time limit and many attempts at trying to shoot the train off the tracks with a rocket....sorted.

Insurance fraud: run into oncoming vehicles, double points for getting hit by a cop car! SO much fun!!!

Assassin missons: same as chop shop, add target to hud, if you see them they flash up (which is possible as you just need to kill the character model) kill them and get money.

Shops: clothes? yep, and much much more to choose from. Liquor stores? Yep, go in, get drunk, or buy illegal drugs from behind the counter. Rob the shop when you're done? Yup...just point your gun at the clerk who'll either hand over all their money or hit the alarm giving you an instant 2/3 stars. Break into shops? Yes....break in, crack the safe, if you mess it up, instant 3 stars, if you get it right, lots of money or guns!

God I've forgotten all the stuff there was to SR but the point I'm trying to make is, GTA had none of that. Not a bean - yeah the story, graphics, etc are amazing, very well acted, deep, interesting, compelling...but as I said, bowling 50 times in one game is NOT fun...ever.

Anyway that's my full two cents worth! :)

It was a cool idea, but they executed it in a way that makes that part of the game feel like a chore to play. I'm actually more excited about Saint's Row 2, to be honest...I never thought I'd ever say that :confused: The activities actually look FUN:

Wholeheartedly agree with you CR. Am stoked about SR2...can't wait :)

I reviewed GTA4 on facebook and some random guy messaged me (basically saying what I've always said about GTA4, it's cut down, bad combat system, not enough to do, but looks amazing) and saying that "you, are a true gamer" - basically he saw the same as me and couldn't believe so many people love it...still, I guess whatever floats your boat...this don't float my boat, or my helicopter, or my Infernus....

14-Jun-2008, 10:41 AM
Right well you've had your fanboy rant :p, so let's leave it at that shall we, because otherwise this thread will get taken off on an unintended tangent.

If you've still got stuff to say about GTA/SR, then perhaps a new thread would be in order.

So let's wrangle it back in and focus back on those of us who actually like GTA IV, talking about what we're doing in it after completion...


I think a reason for cars occasionally going missing (I've had two go missing in 76 hours of gameplay) is down to a glitch or unexpected event in that, with the traffic that's passing by, one car gets restless all of a sudden and tries to pass by quickly between the line of traffic and your parked cars - I've seen this happen at least twice already - and what happens is your cars are accidentally battered out of the way, and therefore roll out of the parking space.

As it took ages for it to happen once, I'm sure it was something the testers were very unlikely to have experienced.

I noticed this after completing the game, just thought I'd drop my info - and no, this isn't an excuse to start another "GTA IV sucks" rant, if you want that, I suggest a whole separate thread to leave us GTA IV lovers in peace, then if people want to join the battle, they can if they wish in a totally different thread.

Fair enough? :)

14-Jun-2008, 04:40 PM
Doesn't bother me, I've said all I want to on the subject of the two games....and of course my opinion is the right one, so I'm happy :) :p

Anyway my theory is the autosave on missing cars. Say you do a mission, complete said mission but lose your favourite car, when you re-load the game to that point the autosave goes over it perhaps and the mission is done but of course, the car is gone....that seems to be my experience anyway. The autosave feature really did me over a few times in this game, especially as I tried to get a save in before taking out PBx or Dwayne, but it disappeared....booo

Anyway I got the achievement for the heli tours, and I got the ten vehicles in ten seconds achievement, but I am having trouble with the 5 mins on six stars one, I know to start a new game and try to cross the bridges but I die after being in the water for too long - any suggestions on how I can do this?

14-Jun-2008, 04:58 PM
Symph - I did the 5 mins on 6 stars thusly:

Stocked up on plenty of ammo, including rockets (for choppers). I went onto the balcony of Playboy X's apartment and caused havoc from there, making sure to survive to get 6 stars, as soon as I got that, I went inside PBX's apartment and stood flush against the wall (RB), but not right up to the edge of the door as you can still get shot occasionally by choppers, so step back two or three steps, but stay there and wait it out - sorted. :)

26-Jun-2008, 10:50 AM
What a stupid bitch...


I duno about you, but having completed the game, there's no rape scene in it ... what a stupid bitch she is. :rolleyes:

Unless it's like the time in one of our film classes in second year when me and my group, doing a presentation to class, said that the truck in Duel was raping the little red car driven by the protagonist - it was all a joke you see, cos the teacher would read such perverted things into absolutely anything (including that "A.I." was actually all about incest :rolleyes:), so we let the class in on the joke, did our presentation, and got commended for our rape analogy - and it was a piss take! :eek:

Anyway, the woman = stupid.

27-Jun-2008, 08:13 AM
Oh my god that's hilarious....love the story too, awesome stuff...sounds like your media teacher had something on the mind

I've gone over to MGS4 now - good game, very good, brilliant atmosphere, good weapons, the suit that snake wears is awesome! (It can measure the patterns of what you're hiding behind and replicate it all over the suit to make him blend in, looks awesome)....not a game that would make you buy the ps3 however, but it beats the crap outta GTA4...