View Full Version : Do us - and her potential future kids a favour - and chop out her uterus...

09-Jun-2008, 10:58 AM
For goodness sake... What is going on :confused:

A tot left home alone for days scavenged for food in bin bags after carer went out "to party" a court heard yesterday.

Prosecutor Felicity Gerry said: "The place was strewn with rubbish because the boy had been looking for something to eat."

Kelly Tollerton, 22, who denies cruelty, replied: "I was never neglectful of him. I took care of him as best I could. I loved him very much."

She admitted spending the weekend at her boyfriend's home but claimed she had arranged for a babysitter for the boy at her Lincoln flat.

Police found the toddler dirty, half-dressed, sobbing and shaking with cold.

The trial at Lincoln Crown Court continues.

More here - http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/topstories/2008/06/03/two-year-old-tot-left-alone-all-weekend-so-girl-could-party-89520-20593042/

She's been found guilty thank God, so while she's banged up, chop out that uterus please! - http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/topstories/2008/06/06/home-alone-mother-kelly-tollerton-facing-jail-89520-20596533/

09-Jun-2008, 11:30 AM
Christ that's just awful.

I remember reading about a couple who were arrested being drunk and disorderley in brighton, with their kid in tow, the police went back to their flat and found two other kids, dead, in the flat...


09-Jun-2008, 12:58 PM
Aye, I can't be doing with scumbags like this being able to reproduce. It's not good for the offspring, and it's not good for the gene pool at large.

Despicable. :mad:

09-Jun-2008, 03:38 PM
This kind of thing is normal around here. I guess I should fit in and just leave my daughter at the hospital next month.:rolleyes:

Chic Freak
09-Jun-2008, 04:20 PM
Hearing about things like this makes me want to adopt :(

09-Jun-2008, 05:41 PM
Some people really do need a good f**king slap...this woman is one of them. :mad:

10-Jun-2008, 12:35 AM
i came here expecting an Amy Winehouse thread.

i am disappointed.