View Full Version : Labour says do away with spelling??? (and the 42 day issue)

10-Jun-2008, 05:51 PM
I heard about this, but haven't seen it roll around on the news yet. I was told by someone that they'd seen on the news some absolutely insane bullsh*t from those numpties in power who want to do away with spelling cos some kids can't spell.

Well unless they have an actual issue - like dyslexia - then they're just not learning and/or being taught how to spell ... or they're layabout scumbags too busy knifing each other and thieving cars.

Oh yes, of course, spelling becomes whatever you want it to be ... so "kullah" is the same as "colour", oh indeed, of course and why not. Yes young Timmy, you're still intelligent, yes we'll continue to change the examination mark bands so that every single year everybody gets constantly smarter and then everybody is a genius and everybody goes to university and then everybody becomes a famous millionnaire!

If it's indeed true, it's just indicative of the sheer idiocy of that bunch of f*cking bastards swanning about in power.

Spelling is a simple issue, there's the right spelling and the wrong spelling (let's not get into the whole colour/color thing though :rolleyes:).

If this is indeed a serious idea from some absolute f*cking idiot in the government, then my absolute hatred for Labour has boiled far beyond the roof and into the sun itself.


So, anyone heard about this, is this actually true??? :eek:


Also - gimme a break, I haven't had a good anti-Labour rant in AGES, so shut up. :D

10-Jun-2008, 06:06 PM
Totally agree with you,this government is an absolute shambles,its solution to any problem is to sweep it under the carpet!kids cant be arsed to learn?then dont make them.Cant win the war on drugs?legalise the lot & pretend they dont do people any harm.Cant control violence and anti-social behaviour?then make it so neither is a punishable offence.Half the population wont work?just tax the living **** out of those that do to pay for them to live better than the working population.
But if you dare to drive a car or put the "wrong" rubbish in your wheelie bin,then the full force of the system will come down on you!

10-Jun-2008, 06:15 PM
I have seen something on tv Sunday? that there is a study group looking to see if some words need their spelling changed.

Like silent letters being dropped completely.

And something about not matter how some words are spelled as long as what's written is phonetically right to what is meant.

A suggestion was 'ghost' becoming 'gost'.

I'll be absolutely disgusted if anything comes off this.

10-Jun-2008, 08:38 PM
I have seen something on tv Sunday? that there is a study group looking to see if some words need their spelling changed.

Like silent letters being dropped completely.

And something about not matter how some words are spelled as long as what's written is phonetically right to what is meant.

A suggestion was 'ghost' becoming 'gost'.

I'll be absolutely disgusted if anything comes off this.
Absolutely beyond redemption, that's what that idea is.

Whoever came up with this idea actually must be braindead by choice and proud of it.

"Gost" isn't anything like "Ghost", it's like "gohsst", it makes no sense at all.

Silent letters? Who cares that they're silent, the point is that they're there and they're not a nuisance whatsoever if you know how to spell the friggin' word, and if you don't, bloody well learn it cos - unless you've got dyslexia or whatever - you've got no f*cking excuse whatsoever.

The magical fairy land Labour are trying to create in the face of the actual reality of what's going on is beyond offensive, it's literally beyond disgusting. It defies every single shred of common sense.

Yes, if something is phoenetically sort of there you can understand what it means, but just because you can, doesn't make that a correct spelling - there is only one correct spelling, so f*ck off you education-destroying f*cking sh*tbag bastards! :mad::mad::mad:


I'd imagine this will get mocked copiously and thrown into the toilet immediately, but the point is that this bunch of morons who are running the country and educating the future of this nation, came up with that idea.

It's also illustrative of the incredibly dangerous style of thinking this gubment has ...

'Freedom of speech?' What's that?

'Right to Privacy'? You what?

'Locking people up under the terrorism act for using their democratic right to protest?' No problem there.

'Poorly drafted legislation based on taste, rather than evidence, just to make a few voters a bit happier?' Of course.

'First run on a bank in a century, leading to a £100 billion bill for the tax payer?' Happens all the time, there's no shame in it, let's ignore the offer by Lloyds that would have saved the mess from taking over.

'Say we've done a good job with the floods, while there are still families a year later living in caravans outside their wrecked homes?' Everybody is that evil and heartless.

'Manipulate every single stat and figure we present to the public?' Oh hell yes, that's what we the Labour party do best!

'Fight a pathetic class war to desperately regain votes from people, that don't fight this now-dead class war, and perpetuate a division between people that's no longer relevant, while also increasing the gap between the richest and the poorest of the nation, which we said we'd decrease?' That makes us humane, caring and lovable.

'Sell a bunch of the nation's gold at rock bottom prices?' That's common financial sense, surely?!

'Create a bunch of non-job pen pushers who shove red tape and bureaucracy around and choke the public services, thus buying votes which is essentially illegal in itself?' That's how we desperately try to cling to power!

'Spend an exceptional amount of tax payer's cash on all sorts of things, including public services, and watch everything get worse and create a country where hospital staff actually say to patients in all honesty that "you'd better get out of here soon or you'll leave in worse condition than when you arrived"...' This is what God would do.

'Say 1000 troops are coming home, but then never follow through on the promise, which we made in the middle of another party's conferance, thus pissing all over the long-held-tradition of gentlemen's agreements between all parties not to pimp major announcements during their time at the front?' Everybody does that, surely?!

'Make 5 million of the poorest in the country even poorer?' That's what Labour now stands for, especially if it means we spend £3 billion fixing the problem, which still leaves 1 million people out of pocket, and oddly 20 million people apparently better off ... yep, our maths skills are absolutely non-nonsensical and we stand by it and so should you, and if you don't, we'll arrest you under the terrorism act!

I could go on, but I'm so utterly appalled beyond belief at this f*cking disastrous joke of a common-sense-raping 'government', that I'll simply have to pack up and go watch some telly to try and calm down.

I can't wait for them to get absolutely shafted out of power.

10-Jun-2008, 09:14 PM
thats ****ing abominable, or should that be "a-bom-nabull"?:rolleyes:

Chic Freak
11-Jun-2008, 09:40 AM
Good lord MZ, you've really been bottling it up, haven't you? ;)

I do agree that the idea of "doing away with spelling" is ridiculous... so ridiculous that I doubt it's true. I don't really see how Labour can ban spelling?

On a side note, I actually think that schools should return to the traditional ways of teaching kids to spell/ learn their times-tables etc (minus the caning for getting things wrong of course).

11-Jun-2008, 09:56 AM
Good lord MZ, you've really been bottling it up, haven't you? ;)

I do agree that the idea of "doing away with spelling" is ridiculous... so ridiculous that I doubt it's true. I don't really see how Labour can ban spelling?

On a side note, I actually think that schools should return to the traditional ways of teaching kids to spell/ learn their times-tables etc (minus the caning for getting things wrong of course).
Indeed I have been, my contempt for them knows absolutely no bounds now, I detest them that much, every time I see that god-awful face of Brown's I damn near vomit, or that smarmy twat with the incredibly plastic hair ... what's his name, the Foreign Secretary who's about 3 years old ... the one tipped to be Gord's replacement ... yeah, that guy ... he's a nob'ed too.

And Ed Balls? What a c*nt, and his Mrs too ... and Hazel Blears, oh christ what a freakshow ... and Jaqui Smith or however you spell her name, proper useless ... and the one who looks just like her, she's a bitch too.

I could go on, but in summary, they're all c*nts.


I too agree that the old school way of learning to spell and such is a good idea. My mum actually had to request my teacher at primary school set me some homework, because they never set any homework there.

Just a simple list of 10 words to learn, or a list of multiplications...I did struggle with my maths in primary cos of that utterly useless "Math's Chest" system they used to use (not sure if it's still in use though), which made absolutely no sense to me at all.

But aye, just simple homework like that in primary school is not only good for the kids, it'll give them at least some homework to do before they go to high school - where, on your first day, you'll get homework for your first classes straight away and it won't let up for the next 5 or 7 years (Sixth Form depending).

Let me tell you, I found the sudden jump in homework to be a bit of a shock at first, but others certainly found it more of a shock than I did - and that's not good. Primary is supposed to prepare you as best it can, for Secondary...meanwhile, it's all rubbish now.

Do you know if Setting/Streaming is back in education yet? I couldn't believe my ears when I heard it had been dispatched with, truly a policy invented by somebody who had no idea how Secondary School sociology works.

Awful, it really is.

And it's even worse that universities are now warming back up to entry exams to try and stem the sheer flow of people - 50% off to uni?! Do Labour even understand what Uni is for? Annnnnd - where are the jobs for graduates gonna come from? Nowhere is where, and as a result more graduates than ever are struggling to get into the job market, let alone onto the housing ladder, all the while saddled with debt (at the very least I got out just before Tuition Fees came in ... that little thing they promised not to introduce :rockbrow::mad:)

For employers and uni's to now start saying that A-Levels are almost meaningless (thanks to all the mark rigging), is absolutely beyond disgusting. Education is of tantamount importance. It prepares the young for the outside world, so they cannot be mollycoddled and wrapped in cotton wool prior to the harsh reality of the real world when suddenly life gets incredibly hard by comparison and hard just in general.

Education literally is our nation's future, and to stuff it up so appallingly is going to f*ck up an entire generation ... gee, thanks.


I guess I had more bile than I thought stored up ... ugh, they really do make me wanna smack them all upside the head with a tractor ... or a barge ... or a train ... or the QE2 ... or just be rid of them all full stop. :mad:

11-Jun-2008, 10:33 AM
I have seen something on tv Sunday? that there is a study group looking to see if some words need their spelling changed.

Like silent letters being dropped completely.

And something about not matter how some words are spelled as long as what's written is phonetically right to what is meant.

A suggestion was 'ghost' becoming 'gost'.

I'll be absolutely disgusted if anything comes off this.

More of my taxes wasted paying for people to look into this nonsense...

I think the thing that gets me about labour - and infact seemingly all the parties - is everytime they increase taxes, and people complain, they respond, 'well how else are to fund things'.

The answer - do what the rest of us do - tighted your belts and make things f***ing more efficient! How much of our taxes are being fritted away on utter and total waste! I bet you a massive massive amount!

Can you imagine one year labour saying, well actually we've streamline this and that, and have saved so much money we'll reduce taxes this year... Nope! Why not!?

If any of the parties suggested revamping the taxation system to something far far simpler, then I'd vote for them!

If you compare the UK to most other countries in Europe we pay rather a lot in tax!

Let's have a nice simple flat tax please! - http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_39/b3952079.htm

11-Jun-2008, 01:56 PM
I think this law might be suitable to Hellsing's forum posts. :D

11-Jun-2008, 05:37 PM
I think this law might be suitable to Hellsing's forum posts. :D
"Excellent compuper skills" ... sorry, just had to quote that line from an early season of Friends...couldn't resist.

Get on MSN, that'll sort out anybody's keyboard skills.

The answer - do what the rest of us do - tighted your belts and make things f***ing more efficient! How much of our taxes are being fritted away on utter and total waste! I bet you a massive massive amount!


With the amount of money that's gone into the NHS alone, we should have the world's best public health care system ... and yet we don't. What we do have is a bunch of talking heads and red tape bureaucracy garbage that isn't doing anyone any good - it is in fact, literally killing people (and my family has had personal experience of this too :().

The reason for all these non-jobs, tickers, dealers, yes men etc? Bought votes. It's sickening.

An efficient country can compete, and a competitive country creates jobs - real jobs - not silly non-jobs, or taking one man's job and splitting it amongst 10 bought-off idiots.

11-Jun-2008, 07:09 PM
Only work is important.

12-Jun-2008, 12:34 AM
first off - is the labour party gonna get bent over and raped in the next major elections or what?

second - it seems that 75% of the govt. ministers in britian have been smoking draino during their time in office. there doesn't seem to be any other answer for some of the totally asinine ideas emanating from them.

third - what a crock of **** this spelling thing is. there is a standard written form of english so that anyone who can read it can understand everyone else - no matter where they are from, canada, india, south africa or the ****ing falkland islands, it doesn't matter.

dropping silent letters is idiotic too because in a lot of words they have a function - they force the preceeding vowel to be long, e.g lone being pronounced like the word "loan" instead of the name lon.

"killa" might be acceptable in the title to a rap song but otherwise it is "killer." period. end story.

12-Jun-2008, 01:32 AM
first off - is the labour party gonna get bent over and raped in the next major elections or what?

second - it seems that 75% of the govt. ministers in britian have been smoking draino during their time in office. there doesn't seem to be any other answer for some of the totally asinine ideas emanating from them.

third - what a crock of **** this spelling thing is. there is a standard written form of english so that anyone who can read it can understand everyone else - no matter where they are from, canada, india, south africa or the ****ing falkland islands, it doesn't matter.

dropping silent letters is idiotic too because in a lot of words they have a function - they force the preceeding vowel to be long, e.g lone being pronounced like the word "loan" instead of the name lon.

"killa" might be acceptable in the title to a rap song but otherwise it is "killer." period. end story.

Well said. I mean, what are they gonna do, force every single other english speaking person to adopt their writing as well, or are they planning to branch out a new version of english just because a few kids are to lazy to learn how to read?

Aren't we to easy on kids these days in general? I worked at a school last week, and the kids got about half of the day off for playtime, and another lesson was massage. I never got any of that!

12-Jun-2008, 03:23 AM
Ah, but you're all forgetting one very important factor. It doesn't matter if this is totally absurd and unpractical, or that you'd have to pay rediculous sum of money.

The most important part is that no one gets their feelings hurt or feels like someone is better than them in any way.

12-Jun-2008, 08:03 AM
Ah, but you're all forgetting one very important factor. It doesn't matter if this is totally absurd and unpractical, or that you'd have to pay rediculous sum of money.

The most important part is that no one gets their feelings hurt or feels like someone is better than them in any way.

Sorry, didn't understand that last sentence. Did you infact mean, 'the mowst important part is no 1 gets theyr feelins hert or feals lyke some1 is betta than them in enee way.'

12-Jun-2008, 10:45 AM
Sorry, didn't understand that last sentence. Did you infact mean

doent u meen "soree, didunt undastan that las centunc. did u nfakt meen" ???

speek propah innit...


Scip - aye, it's looking like they'll most likely get their arses absolutely pounded at the next election, for months on end they've been languishing in the polls and recently had their lowest ever rating since polls began, and even came third in some recent local elections (or was it the by-election, I can't remember) to the Liberals ... and they're a joke as they've not been in power for a century, and in the form they are now, they've never been in power.

People across the land, even in Labour strongholds, are finally waking up to smell the red-tape-wrapped, sh*t-soaked, pocket-raping, red rose of the Labour gubment ... and about bloody time. Their nonsense has gone on far too long.

Indeed, there have been rumblings from some political commentators asking "what are they even for anymore?", particularly as they've gone against all their left wing principles they apparently held, as well as going against their core value of 'being the working man's party' - yeah, by making the poor poorer and the rich richer...ergo, what on earth are they for.

They're also currently playing games with Detention Without Charge, attempted to get 42 days through (we have 28 at the moment, the longest period in Europe I believe), in some disgusting attempt to make Brown look tough on terror and the opposition soft on it, but like David Cameron said yesterday on Prime Minister's Questions, it's not about what's popular, it's about what is right, as well as pointing out that he maintains this position despite two of his mentor's being killed by the IRA many years ago.

Detention Without Charge is not some silly political game, it's not like rubbish bins or something (even though their bi-monthly collection idea is and was retarded). While there will be some of the suspects who will be actual terrorists, there will also be plenty of innocents who are given less excuse to sympathise with Britain as a result.

Also - what's even more disgusting, is the sheer amount of back room bribery and blackmail going on. One Labour guy very bravely stated on TV he'd been offered a bribe and even threatened if he didn't go with Brown's line on the matter - it's absolutely disgusting that this sort of sh*t is happening in 21st century, first world Britain.

It got through Parliament last night, however it has to go to the Lords next, and I think they'll turf it out - and rightly so.

12-Jun-2008, 10:51 AM
My concern is, Labour will get kicked out, but the Conservatives will be little better... :(

I want this red-tape, over convolutely taxed nonsense all gone! I suspect the Conservatives will stick with the way things are, and add yet more tax rules for example, making it even more complicated...

I'll probably vote Libs if only because they are actually talking about a flat tax system...

12-Jun-2008, 11:09 AM
My concern is, Labour will get kicked out, but the Conservatives will be little better... :(

I want this red-tape, over convolutely taxed nonsense all gone! I suspect the Conservatives will stick with the way things are, and add yet more tax rules for example, making it even more complicated...

I'll probably vote Libs if only because they are actually talking about a flat tax system...
Honestly, I seriously doubt that. It'd be a stupid idea to do that.

They are stuck with continuing some Labour things just because they are (like Labour continued certain Tory things through their first term after they won in 1997).

I want shot of the red-tape, the non-jobs, the lack of common sense and unashamed, wasted spending ... among other things.

A simpler tax system would be rather nice too.

12-Jun-2008, 03:55 PM
This whole spelling thing reminds me of the Novel 1984. They tried something similar here a couple of decades ago, but the difference is it used a different alphabet made to be easily recognizable to schoolkids. It faded away like most things of that ilk. One of my older teachers had what I think is the solution to learning, constant repetition. It's the one thing that has worked consistantly.


12-Jun-2008, 04:51 PM
I mentioned that 42 without charge thing earlier, and there's been an interesting development from the opposition, the Conservative Party (the Tory party).


I say bloody good on him and damn straight, he'll be protesting and flagging up things such as the much-hated ID Card plans, as well as the sheer extent of CCTV, database culture, blocking of protest, and the plans to gather the DNA of all newborns for the DNA database, and other such things Labour love so much, but which completely rape the right to freedom, privacy and the freedom of expression. Also, Jaqui Smith must be huffing glue if she thinks that translates into "disarray" ... Labour right now, that's disarray.

Labour were completely split on the vote, with something like 36 rebels not voting in favour of it, other people were bribed, some were threatened - now, in complete opposition to that is, the opposition themselves, the Tories.

The Tories all voted against the 42 day thing - except for Anne Widdecombe, who stands down at the next general election anyway - but she herself said she was left totally free to make whatever decision she wanted on the matter.

Now, what was Jacqui Smith saying again? Yeah - desperate, panicked, nonsensical bullsh*t from her gob. :D


Anyway, as I said, bloody good show David Davis. I'm sure there's few MPs who'd take such a measure to protest and flag up the disgusting betrayal of Civil Liberties and the Magna Carta that Labour have perpetrated over the last 11 years.

Here here for DD. :)

12-Jun-2008, 05:08 PM
I mentioned that 42 without charge thing earlier, and there's been an interesting development from the opposition, the Conservative Party (the Tory party).


I say bloody good on him and damn straight, he'll be protesting and flagging up things such as the much-hated ID Card plans, as well as the sheer extent of CCTV, database culture, blocking of protest, and the plans to gather the DNA of all newborns for the DNA database, and other such things Labour love so much, but which completely rape the right to freedom, privacy and the freedom of expression. Also, Jaqui Smith must be huffing glue if she thinks that translates into "disarray" ... Labour right now, that's disarray.

Labour were completely split on the vote, with something like 36 rebels not voting in favour of it, other people were bribed, some were threatened - now, in complete opposition to that is, the opposition themselves, the Tories.

The Tories all voted against the 42 day thing - except for Anne Widdecombe, who stands down at the next general election anyway - but she herself said she was left totally free to make whatever decision she wanted on the matter.

Now, what was Jacqui Smith saying again? Yeah - desperate, panicked, nonsensical bullsh*t from her gob. :D


Anyway, as I said, bloody good show David Davis. I'm sure there's few MPs who'd take such a measure to protest and flag up the disgusting betrayal of Civil Liberties and the Magna Carta that Labour have perpetrated over the last 11 years.

Here here for DD. :)

I actually think having everyone's DNA is not a bad idea...

14-Jun-2008, 12:28 PM
The scary thing about these terror laws,which is why david davis took his stand,is that the governement are using these terror laws against the law abiding population!i read fairly recently that a council had used the terror laws to spy on a woman they suspected was putting her wheelie bin out too early :eek: and that the terror laws are also being used to stop protests against the government & things like that.Also why does holding someone for 42 days mean they can prove something they couldnt in 28?i just dont get that :confused:

On a plus note & changing the subject slightly,i was extremely happy to see that the irish have rejected the EU treaty which at the very least delays them from forcing us into a federal europe :D

14-Jun-2008, 04:44 PM
The scary thing about these terror laws,which is why david davis took his stand,is that the governement are using these terror laws against the law abiding population!i read fairly recently that a council had used the terror laws to spy on a woman they suspected was putting her wheelie bin out too early :eek: and that the terror laws are also being used to stop protests against the government & things like that.Also why does holding someone for 42 days mean they can prove something they couldnt in 28?i just dont get that :confused:

On a plus note & changing the subject slightly,i was extremely happy to see that the irish have rejected the EU treaty which at the very least delays them from forcing us into a federal europe :D

Yeah, read that about the council, and on the EU Federal thing, hear, hear!

I heard two things (at least) about the EU Federal membership;

1) That it is a legal requirement that you cannot criticise it.

2) That once a country has joined, it is not allowed to leave it again.

Or is that the EU now?

Can't find out whether it is true or not.

14-Jun-2008, 04:45 PM
Damn good on the Irish too for kicking the EU 'Treaty' in the nuts, but the persistence of some EU types to continue - when they LEGALLY CANNOT - beggars belief. Are we living in democratic times, or only democratic when we vote however the gubments would prefer us to ... *sniffs* ... smells like a Gordon Brown led vote in parliament to me.

Indeed, before they wanted 90 days to detain suspects without charge, and that was what they wanted and what was necessary ... so why is 42 fine all of a sudden, which surely just points out how unnecessary 90 days was, and therefore how unnecessary 42 days is.

There's that criminal prosecutions bloke, or who used to be in the job recently, saying it's not needed, you've got a whole bunch of coppers saying it's not needed and you've got (if memory serves) MI-5 saying it's not needed ... not to mention the myriad of groups related to freedom and liberty who oppose it.

Surely, if you've got enough reason to detain someone, then you have - or almost have - stuff to stick on them. How can you not manage to do that in a friggin' month?!

Also, many other countries manage with two weeks or less, heck, don't the Americans only have 2 days? Mind you, they can extend if they wish, so that's somewhat different.

The point of all this is - already there have been totally innocent people locked up for weeks and tarred in the media and they've not actually done anything wrong (such as a bloke who was banged up over an apparent case of Ricin production - which was proved to be false, but still he was portrayed in the media as a terrorist and he's still under 23-hour-a-day house arrest).

I highly recommend "Taking Liberties" as compulsory viewing for fellow Brits to see just what Labour has been up to with their raping of our nation's freedoms and liberties.

And indeed, the terrorism bill has been vastly mis-used. There are also cases of people being spied on to see if they're in the right or wrong school catchment area - parents being spied on and essentially persecuted for wanting to get their kids into a good school, and why are they doing that? Because they can't afford private education, especially not with all the tax they're paying, and so they have to use normal schools which are not teaching children properly anymore, schools which have fudged results and constant holiday breaks and botched teaching.

It truly is sickening.

It's also important to note that David Davis is standing up to protest other things, not just the 42 days thing, it's also DNA databases, other database culture, ID cards and so on, as well as the abuse of the terrorism act.

And indeed - I worked on a documentary called Contempt of Conscience (should be out later this year, produced by Clarity Productions) - and the director of that, while at a protest against an American base, if memory serves, was taken aside and had his details taken under the terrorism act - what did he do? Nothing as a matter of fact, just protesting - and that's now terrorism?!

I wasn't the cameraman at that time, but during my time on the project (I was the third and final cameraman on it, as it took 4 years to make), we got pulled aside by - either guards or coppers, not sure, I figured them as guards - at the city court house because we'd been shooting outside the front door of the place.

We had to tape over 17 seconds of footage which showed the door to the place, because apparently terrorists can use that to blow the place up ... *sigh* ... first of all, due to the lighting, you couldn't see through the glass, nor would it have done them any good anyway, also, terrorists use their eyes, not great big DVX100B's.

In fact that's another thing - photographers getting pulled aside for being terrorists cos they have a camera out in public, meanwhile actual terrorists rarely/never go about in public documenting their targets, they do it in person like any other normal person walking around ... meanwhile, cos of those c*nts (both the bombers and the gubment), photographers are getting hauled up and are having to delete photos/footage or indeed having their entire memory cards wiped by some clunking fist of authority.

It's absolutely sick how it's all gone in this country, and all this sh*t is making the terrorists very pleased with themselves. We have to suffer because of the one in a million bastard out there...instead, how about the gubment f*cks off.

Also, I'm totally against a nationwide DNA database. I have no problem with DNA being kept on convicted criminals, but beyond that I'm totally against it (which I've explained before a while back when the issue was hot off the presses).

14-Jun-2008, 05:05 PM
I like a good MZ rant :D

Your right about the EU's persistence though,they are already putting ireland under pressure to have another vote until they get the answer they want :eek: and even though the treaty should be dead in the water after yesterdays result,brown is still insisting he will push it through parliament regardless!! :mad:

14-Jun-2008, 06:40 PM
I like a good MZ rant :D

Your right about the EU's persistence though,they are already putting ireland under pressure to have another vote until they get the answer they want :eek: and even though the treaty should be dead in the water after yesterdays result,brown is still insisting he will push it through parliament regardless!! :mad:

good for ireland i say. i find it funny how the bbc was harping on the fact that ireland shot this down. the bbc article seemed rather scornful of the fact that ireland has only about 4 million voters out of the total EU pop of 495 million but yet could stop this treaty with a vote. so much for self determination.

as for the terror laws - those are fu*king ridiculous and ought to be nixed on both sides of the atlantic. though it seems that while the US supreme court keeps handing the bush admin defeat after defeat over the legal way the "war on terror" is being conducted, people in the UK seem to still be getting fu*ked at the drive thru.

i am interested to see how this all plays out once the newly established supreme court of the united kingdom gets to work in oct 09.

14-Jun-2008, 08:33 PM
Interesting you should mention the BBC ... now, the BBC is blatantly left-leaning, it's plain as day. Skipping from Sky News to BBC News 24 t'other day to see coverage of David Davis (a Conservative MP) going on about the awful 42 day law that got through.

Sky News were playing fair and generally unbiased. BBC News 24 were harping on about 'in what way is this BAD for the Tory Party' - typical Brown Broadcasting Corporation elements seeping out there, a news reader asking loaded questions - you're not a commentator love, you're a news reader, read the news in an unbiased manner, which should also be given to you as text which isn't biased. Christ, Brown got such a soft-arse interview with Andrew Marr exclusively, after he botched the election that never was last year.

The Beeb harp on about how they're so unbiased, but they are exceptionally not. ITV News was farrrrrrrr more even on the issue later that night at 10pm. Channel 4 News, likewise, is even - somewhat harsh and pushing, but unbiased.

Anyway, my point is, surely the BBC would be congratulating Davis for taking a stand against an awful law, which is a complete trampling of basic British freedoms (along with all the other, aforementioned tramplings either out there, or about to get out there, or wanting to get out there).

But no, because he's a Tory, they have to go for the 'how is this damaging?' angle, rather than focus on the issue at hand. Surely, as a corporation who try to present themselves as caring and morally upright, they should be focussing on Labour's astonishingly shocking treatment of our nation's freedoms and liberties ... but no.

They can f*ck off ... they're not always bad, but when it comes down to Labour VS Tory, they always slither in the direction of Labour more often than not. They'll broadcast how Labour is languishing at the bottom of the polls, but they'll put up a right fuss if they have to congratulate a Tory or the Conservative Party itself.

That's my view on it anyway ... but then I think many news readers, of all the channels, are taking their views far too far. They're readers of the news, they're not there to drop their opinion - that's for political commentators, like the geezer with the bald head and the specs. They're hired to comment, the readers are hired to sit at a desk/stand on the floor/hang off the ceiling and read a teleprompter and generally um-and-ah-and-err their way through the constantly repeating 15 minutes worth of news.

Also, I hate how newsreaders and people like Paxman or whatever ask loaded, deliberately guiding questions ... some interviewees struggle and get mocked, some just get angry, others stand up and say "oi, be fair and I'll give you MY answer, and not YOURS" ... which somebody recently said, I can't remember who know, but it was definitely a Tory bloke, and well ... damn straight ... no matter what colour of party, loaded questions to try and guide their answer or just gain an excuse to mock them isn't fair ... even if I do, honestly, enjoy seeing a Labour arse stumble all over themselves...it's still not fair mind you.

I duno, I always get this vibe of 'have your cake and eat it too' from the BBC News ... anyone else feel that way? I feel that ITV and Channel 4 News are far more even-handed, be they softer or harder in their approach.


Another rant out of the way...:p


Additional ... this isn't to say I'm totally opposed to the BBC, far from it. I like them or dislike them as much as I do any other channel. It all depends on what's being talked about.

My favourite TV show is Top Gear, and that's on BBC2.

I think the License Fee (which only applies to BBC channels, not the myriad of other channels which have to share advertisers amongst themselves) is unfair and overpriced.

I think the BBC News is sometimes biased or full of self-importance.

I'm also a bit "ugh" by their employment strategy, I guess it's various niggles, and it sounds like a bit of a gravy train for those really wedged in there (certainly according to Ricky Gervais who complained about the sheer number of people who don't really do anything, except be middle men who just pass comments around). I'm also rather "hmmm" about certain employment drives that are ONLY for, say, disabled people, or something like that...positive discrimination is still discrimination, and it perpetuates a divide amongst people while still preaching equality.

On the other side, they also do have collections of people who are very talented and entertaining, they also produce many great shows - such as Red Dwarf, which I recently re-watched all the way through ... however, by the sounds of it, the Beeb kinda just ditched it towards the end, or made it harder to make for some odd reasons...which isn't very impressive at all of the BBC.

So they do good, and they do bad ... I guess like all channels, it's just that the BBC pisses me off stronger than other channels when it pisses me off, but likewise only the BBC make Top Gear ... and that's just f*cking awesome ... and it's a rare bastion of common sense, and *shock horror* Tory-voting presenters! :eek::D

14-Jun-2008, 09:34 PM
I think I'm going to kill myself....the world is ****ED man!