View Full Version : ACTA Treaty and RIAA Sleaziness all in one Thread - A Must Read

16-Jun-2008, 05:27 PM
You may or may not have heard of ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, being negotiated between the US and other territories, drafted by a California law maker.

If this Treaty passes it can act as a DMCA for global purposes, outlawing everything from, P2P, even if used legally, to region free DVD players.


And in other News... the Sleazy RIAA is at it again.

One week before a lawsuit was to be dismissed by the court, the RIAA voluntairly stopped the case, only to re-file it later to get a different judge, but not informing either judge of the ole' switcheroo.

The defendants attorney, made the alert ot the court officials.


16-Jun-2008, 09:27 PM
region free DVD players

That especially makes no sense. Who cares if they're region free, the people using them are BUYING THE DISCS!

I've got a region free player, well a simple handset combination code made it free - in other words the factory code some bloke types in on each one or whatever.

Anyway, I've bought a shedload of R1 discs - BOUGHT - what's wrong with that?

How about they stop screwing over the UK with later releases, that often aren't as good as the R1 versions?!

Or how about they yank that sh*tty stick out their asses and f*ck off.

18-Jun-2008, 03:47 AM
I think Andrew Jackson put it best in this situation.

"You made the law, now enforce it."