View Full Version : Top 50 directors of all time

21-Jun-2008, 09:21 AM

#26 Romero

21-Jun-2008, 12:41 PM
This list is BS, Woody Allen? Peter Jackson is above Kubrick? You kidding me? They didn't even list Dvid Cronenburg. Pffffft.

21-Jun-2008, 03:38 PM
Wow. Talk about Hollywood-bias. And yeah, Peter Jackson? Why, because of Lord of the Rings? Pfft. List doesn't even have Roman Polanski.

21-Jun-2008, 05:31 PM
Where the hell is Kurosawa? What sort of crap is this? And yeah, EvilNed is correct, no Polanski.

This list is a joke and is not fit to smell my $hit.

23-Jun-2008, 06:19 AM
1.) John Ford (You're talking Stagecoach and The Man who Shot Liberty Valance. This is the guy who built Hollywood and billed Marion Morrison as John Wayne!)

2.) Howard Hawks (The King of westerns, baby. Rio Bravo is arguably the best western of all time. Who could forget the duet with Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson?)

Purple lies in the canyon
That's where I long to be
With my sweet, girl companion
Just my rifle, my pony, and me

3.) John Huston (This cat put Bogart on the map! The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is Bogart's best, and arguably his nastiest.)

One strange omission from that list is Fred Zinneman. C'mon, this guy directed Gary Cooper in High Noon and The Day of the Jackal! From Here to Eternity to Oklahoma!, this guy did everything.

Another "best" list where the author doesn't know his asshole from his elbow. I'm not claiming that I know everything, but I definitely know movies, especially old westerns and Americana cinema. And as much as I like Hitchcock (he should definitely be in the top five), John Ford should be number one. That is a given.

23-Jun-2008, 06:37 AM
What's the appeal of directors, anyway? It's the writers that give us the stories. Good story, good movie. Bad story, bad movie. No director can shine ****.

For all we know, some poor guy that directed 12 films of steaming crap was actually a more skilled director than the famous ones. He just had nothing to work with.

23-Jun-2008, 12:07 PM
What's the appeal of directors, anyway? It's the writers that give us the stories. Good story, good movie. Bad story, bad movie. No director can shine ****.

Actually, yes they can. For one they can demand changes to the script so it's made good. Failing even that, they can up the "spark" of the film and simply go for entertainment first and story second.

There's a thousand ways to interpret a scene. Bad story? Could still turn out to be a good film.

And yes, John Ford should be up close to the top. At least in a Hollywoods top 50. But I don't see him as the greatest director of all time. This is all opinions, so I'll stop right here. :p

23-Jun-2008, 06:18 PM
where's argento? or bava?

23-Jun-2008, 07:37 PM
What's the appeal of directors, anyway? It's the writers that give us the stories. Good story, good movie. Bad story, bad movie. No director can shine ****.

For all we know, some poor guy that directed 12 films of steaming crap was actually a more skilled director than the famous ones. He just had nothing to work with.

This is true, but at the same time you have to think that a sh1t director can turn a great story into a mundane film.

23-Jun-2008, 09:29 PM
Actually, yes they can. For one they can demand changes to the script so it's made good. Failing even that, they can up the "spark" of the film and simply go for entertainment first and story second.

There's a thousand ways to interpret a scene. Bad story? Could still turn out to be a good film.

I want to hear the name of the director that can turn Dude, Where's My Car? into a good movie. He/she'll get my vote for #1, then.

23-Jun-2008, 10:19 PM
This list is BS, Woody Allen? Peter Jackson is above Kubrick? You kidding me? They didn't even list Dvid Cronenburg. Pffffft.

No David Cronenberg....that is blasphemous...seriouslly it is...!! ****ty list....

1.) John Ford (You're talking Stagecoach and The Man who Shot Liberty Valance. This is the guy who built Hollywood and billed Marion Morrison as John Wayne!)

I dont agree with you on him being number 1.....Im not sure where I would put him on the list....I might not even put him on my top ten...but you forgot to mention what I think was his best movie....The Searchers.....(But I guess they mention it on the list on the link)

I prefer writers/directors....like Darren Aronosfky

23-Jun-2008, 10:34 PM
I want to hear the name of the director that can turn Dude, Where's My Car? into a good movie. He/she'll get my vote for #1, then.

You mean, turn it into a movie that you'd like? :p