View Full Version : European Collider - Will not suck earth into a black hole!

24-Jun-2008, 09:50 AM

Most physicists believe the risk of a cataclysm lies in the realms of science fiction. But there have been fears about the possibility of a mini-black hole - produced in the collider - swelling so that it gobbles up the Earth.

Critics have previously raised concerns that the production of weird hypothetical particles called strangelets in the LHC could trigger the mass conversion of nuclei in ordinary atoms into more strange matter - transforming the Earth into a hot, dead lump.

When ever I see or hear something about this collider, I cannot help but think of 'The Mist' (by Stephen King) or 'Half Life' (the game).

Anyway, we've been assured it will not open up a rift in space time!


You have to wonder if the reason we don't hear from any ET's is that they all build big matter colliders, open up a space time rift to the 14th dimension and all get killed by 22 dimensional toilet brushes called 'Zog'!

24-Jun-2008, 10:48 AM
as long as one of the scientists looks like tom green with glasses and is handy with a crowbar were smilin':lol:

24-Jun-2008, 01:09 PM
Well, truth be told, this seems like a cooler way to "go out" than any of the other already thought of methods.

24-Jun-2008, 01:46 PM
I would have liked this thread so much more if it had been entitled "European Collider -- Oh Dear!" :D

But in any event, I thought the same thing every other geek did when he first heard about this: "Oh, ****!" Everything I've ever seen that began with "a bid to unlock the secrets of the universe" has always ended in fictional disaster. Let's see what happens in real life, eh? Will it be more boring or more interesting than the fiction we're all used to? Fly Icarus! Fly!

(Probably more boring.)

24-Jun-2008, 02:13 PM
Humorbot 5.0: So I says, "Super collider? I just met her!" And then they built the super collider. Thank you, you've been a great audience.

Speaking of that I need to buy the new movie thats out today

25-Jun-2008, 03:17 PM
No I'm not a religious nut but its the name of a book by Douglas Preston about EXACTLY this. In the book they are using a machine just like this on the edge of an indian reservation. The public ignores it until some televangelist catches on and starts saying they're trying to disprove God and the bible. meanwhile, the machine malfunctions ( maybe) and God starts speaking to the scientists through it.