View Full Version : this bothers me

25-Jun-2008, 08:12 PM
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Wednesday outlawed executions of people convicted of raping a child. In a 5-4 vote, the court said the Louisiana law allowing the death penalty to be imposed in such cases violates the Constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

"The death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child," Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his majority opinion. His four liberal colleagues joined him, while the four more conservative justices dissented.

There has not been an execution in the United States for a crime that did not also involve the death of the victim in 44 years.

Patrick Kennedy, 43, was sentenced to death for the rape of his 8-year-old stepdaughter in Louisiana. He is one of two people in the United States, both in Louisiana, who have been condemned to death for a rape that was not also accompanied by a killing.

The Supreme Court banned executions for rape in 1977 in a case in which the victim was an adult woman.

Forty-five states ban the death penalty for any kind of rape, and the other five states allow it for child rapists. Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas allow executions in such cases if the defendant had previously been convicted of raping a child.

The court struggled over how to apply standards laid out in decisions barring executions for the mentally retarded and people younger than 18 when they committed murder. In those cases, the court cited trends in the states away from capital punishment.

In this case, proponents of the Louisiana law said the trend was toward the death penalty, a point mentioned by Justice Samuel Alito in his dissent.

"The harm that is caused to the victims and to society at large by the worst child rapists is grave," Alito wrote. "It is the judgment of the Louisiana lawmakers and those in an increasing number of other states that these harms justify the death penalty."

But Kennedy said the absence of any executions for rape and the small number of states that allow it demonstrate "there is a national consensus against capital punishment for the crime of child rape."

Kennedy also acknowledged that the decision had to come to terms with "the years of long anguish that must be endured by the victim of child rape."

Still, Kennedy concluded that in cases of crimes against individuals — as opposed to treason, for example — "the death penalty should not be expanded to instances where the victim's life was not taken."

The decision does not affect the imposition of the death penalty for other crimes that do not involve murder, including treason and espionage, he said.

"It looks like a smashing victory on all fronts for us," said Denise LeBoeuf, a longtime capital defense attorney from New Orleans.

The girl's mother said, "We don't talk about that" and hung up.

The author of the Louisiana law, former Republican state Rep. Pete Schneider, said even opponents of the death penalty told him they would kill anyone who raped their children. "When are you going to have the courage to stand up for what's right for all of the people — but especially the children under 12 that have been brutally raped by monsters?" Schneider said, directing his comments to the justices in Wednesday's majority.

The last executions for crimes other than murder took place in 1964, according to a database maintained by the Death Penalty Information Center.

Ronald Wolfe, 34, died in Missouri's gas chamber on May 8, 1964 for rape. James Coburn was electrocuted in Alabama on Sept. 4 of that year for robbery.

Patrick Kennedy was convicted in 2003 of raping his stepdaughter at their home in Harvey, La., outside New Orleans. The girl initially told police she was sorting Girl Scout cookies in the garage when two boys assaulted her.

Police arrested Kennedy a couple of weeks after the March 1998 rape, but more than 20 months passed before the girl identified him as her attacker.

His defense attorney at the time argued that blood testing was inconclusive and that the victim was pressured to change her story.

The Louisiana Supreme Court upheld the sentence, saying that "short of first-degree murder, we can think of no other non-homicide crime more deserving" of the death penalty. State Chief Justice Pascal Calogero noted in dissent that the U.S. high court already had made clear that capital punishment could not be imposed without the death of the victim, except possibly for espionage or treason.

A second Louisiana man, Richard Davis was sentenced to death in December for repeatedly raping a 5-year-old girl in Caddo Parish, which includes Shreveport. Local prosecutor Lea Hall told jurors: "Execute this man. Justice has a sword and this sword needs to swing today."

The high court's decision leaves intact Kennedy's conviction, but will lead to a new sentence.

The case is Kennedy v. Louisiana, 07-343.

great, so we have ot keep paying for people who do this crap in AND otu of prison :mad::mad:

25-Jun-2008, 08:46 PM
I hear you. I'm actually for bringing back the death penalty for lesser transgessions. They used to hang people for stealing horses. Also, the public spectacle of a hanging was a nice deterrent for futer law breakers. Bring back the hangings!!

25-Jun-2008, 08:52 PM
"The death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child," Justice Anthony Kennedy...

Maybe not in your little liberal world Mr Kennedy, but it is in mine. :mad:

25-Jun-2008, 10:15 PM
/Agreed Kennedy needs to be beaten. This is absurd. The guy raped a kid he raped her after he drugged her, then while he was raping her punctured the side of her vagina and severed her colon or whatever which basically made her anus dump into her vagina. While she was bleeding profusely all over the carpet he called up a co-worker and asked how to get blood out of white carpet because "his daughter just became a woman". There is no way to fix this man he is better off dead. Not by lethal injection though thats too kind. They should put him in general population in Sing Sing and let the inmates fix the problem for us.

26-Jun-2008, 01:29 AM
/Agreed Kennedy needs to be beaten. This is absurd. The guy raped a kid he raped her after he drugged her, then while he was raping her punctured the side of her vagina and severed her colon or whatever which basically made her anus dump into her vagina. While she was bleeding profusely all over the carpet he called up a co-worker and asked how to get blood out of white carpet because "his daughter just became a woman". There is no way to fix this man he is better off dead. Not by lethal injection though thats too kind. They should put him in general population in Sing Sing and let the inmates fix the problem for us.



26-Jun-2008, 02:36 AM
/Agreed Kennedy needs to be beaten. This is absurd. The guy raped a kid he raped her after he drugged her, then while he was raping her punctured the side of her vagina and severed her colon or whatever which basically made her anus dump into her vagina. While she was bleeding profusely all over the carpet he called up a co-worker and asked how to get blood out of white carpet because "his daughter just became a woman". There is no way to fix this man he is better off dead. Not by lethal injection though thats too kind. They should put him in general population in Sing Sing and let the inmates fix the problem for us.

Wow, for once I whole heartedly agree with Khardis. :stunned:;)

26-Jun-2008, 02:49 AM
does this girl weigh as little as she says?



26-Jun-2008, 05:21 AM
They should put him in general population in Sing Sing and let the inmates fix the problem for us.

With gas prices the way they are, I'd rather not spend the money it would cost to transport him there. Just smash the back of his head in with a hammer wherever he is at the current moment, and toss his body in the dumpster out back. Absolutely free - don't go to the hardware store to buy the hammer, just borrow it from somebody.

26-Jun-2008, 07:06 AM
Instead of killing him, why not spare the buttox' of the people in jail for things such as hacking or traffic violation warrants, and put this guy in a room in which he can be raped by the portion of the prison population that were planning on raping the guys that shouldn't even be in jail?

26-Jun-2008, 09:23 AM
/Agreed Kennedy needs to be beaten. This is absurd. The guy raped a kid he raped her after he drugged her, then while he was raping her punctured the side of her vagina and severed her colon or whatever which basically made her anus dump into her vagina. While she was bleeding profusely all over the carpet he called up a co-worker and asked how to get blood out of white carpet because "his daughter just became a woman". There is no way to fix this man he is better off dead. Not by lethal injection though thats too kind. They should put him in general population in Sing Sing and let the inmates fix the problem for us.

I suggest we sow up the end of his dick (extremely well), sow up his anus (extremely well), and see what happens?!

26-Jun-2008, 05:37 PM
Hi guys, long time lurker and one time story submitter. this is my first post on this forum.

Some crimes do not rise to the level of homicide that would be answered with a death penalty being awarded.

While the little girl did not die, what was done to her was so heinous as to defy society as a whole that it does deserve the death penalty.

While the constitution does not allow cruel and unusual punishment, this guy deserves whatever can be handed to him. Preferably something involving dull serrated medical instruments and blow torches.

26-Jun-2008, 06:56 PM
"The death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child," Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his majority opinion.

i don't know whether to laugh or cry over this asinine statement. i can't think of a better reason to put someone to death than raping a child.

26-Jun-2008, 08:59 PM

I think a child-rape is just about the worse crime there is. He should be hung by his genitals.

I think we should bring back public hanging.

27-Jun-2008, 12:12 AM
While I don't think the death penalty is anything other than institutionalized revenge-courts and judges and juries doing for much more money, and accurately, what mobs have done for centuries with ropes, or clubs, I'd like to see this guy and those like him get some of those demented old time punishments-Brazen Bull, Iron Maiden, maybe some Viking Blood Wings.

27-Jun-2008, 01:32 AM
AceAlive1 Writes:"Still, Kennedy concluded that in cases of crimes against individuals — as opposed to treason, for example — "the death penalty should not be expanded to instances where the victim's life was not taken.""

I think the arguementcan be made that despite the fact that a child was not killed, he life was taken, of at least the possibility of an innocent life without terror at the prospect pf meeting new people, this has been destroied, or at least severly impared.


27-Jun-2008, 01:44 AM
AceAlive1 Writes:"Still, Kennedy concluded that in cases of crimes against individuals — as opposed to treason, for example — "the death penalty should not be expanded to instances where the victim's life was not taken.""

I think the arguementcan be made that despite the fact that a child was not killed, he life was taken, of at least the possibility of an innocent life without terror at the prospect pf meeting new people, this has been destroied, or at least severly impared.


yea........so what i did was copy and paste a story to have to not link it so it could be easier to read.

i didnt "write" anything