View Full Version : Hey Neil, complain about this...

26-Jun-2008, 11:00 AM

Disaster Movie - from the eye-raping morons who brought you Date Movie, Epic Movie, and that Spartan thing. :hurl:

I absolutely cannot believe idiots go to see this sh*t, and because idiots do, they keep making them.

I mean wtf has Sex & the City, Enchanted, Juno and Iron Man got to do with the disaster movie genre? :mad:

Then chuck in some more non-disaster related stuff such as Hancock (a movie which wouldn't have even been out during the production of this, which makes the so-called 'comedy' even more condescending and formulaic - using the worst formula known to man), and Hannah-bleedin-Montana.

I mean ... ugh ... just, ugh ...

The twats behind that garbage keep making movies and getting paid vast sums of money for it, and yet genuine talent and original filmmakers keep getting ignored or shafted up the butt with a barge pole.

Pathetic beyond belief - a working title for it was apparently:

"Meet the Spartans 2: The Story of McLover & The Kingdom of the Crystal Beer Can" :eek:

I mean sh*t - this is the THIRD one of these stupid pieces of sh*t we've had this year alone!

26-Jun-2008, 11:36 AM
Argh! My eyes! My eyes!

26-Jun-2008, 11:45 AM
I'm gonna be camping out on opening night for this one.

26-Jun-2008, 11:53 AM
I'm gonna be camping out on opening night for this one.

That's what I'm saying. This thing looks like an instant classic.

26-Jun-2008, 01:59 PM
La la la la la la. This isn't happening. La la la la la la.

I hate these knock-off, crap movies. They don't even properly lampoon anything. They just plain suck.

26-Jun-2008, 02:32 PM

It Broke My Brain!!!

26-Jun-2008, 02:55 PM
I can't find the video now, but someone here once posted a funny video that made fun of these stupid movies. I remember that it pointed out that they actually recycle jokes from the movies they're lampooning.

Something about Wolverine giving someone "the bird" with his claws.....

26-Jun-2008, 03:15 PM

This is the one you mean Bassman. it's from Maddox.

And this is capitalism at it's worst. Anyone care to join me?

Oh and this film is a new low. They're spoofing films they haven't even seen because they aren't OUT YET. THIS, my friends, is the NEW kind of exploitation.

26-Jun-2008, 05:05 PM
Exactly, they knew that Hancock would be out by the time this sh*tfest was out, so they cash in on it by using nothing more than a picture of Will Smith, then have him bump into something - oh lol indeed ... actually, no, that was a joke ... a joke far funnier than any of the fall over/bump into/random excuse for a cultural reference 'joke' in these utterly atrocious sacks of sh*t.

26-Jun-2008, 06:53 PM
these sort of spoof movies are really nothing new. airplane and the hot shots movies come right to mind. thing is those movies were actually funny unlike the newer flicks coming out in this "genre."

26-Jun-2008, 06:58 PM
Dear lord, just watching the trailers for these movies makes me wanna puke.

26-Jun-2008, 07:04 PM
Oh, the critics are going to have a field day with this one. I mean, "Disaster Movie". The guys who came up with the title already did half the work.

26-Jun-2008, 08:00 PM
Oh, the critics are going to have a field day with this one. I mean, "Disaster Movie". The guys who came up with the title already did half the work.

Scipio - I don't think anyone is bemoaning the spoof movie in general ... it's just these 'spoof' movies, which don't spoof anything, aren't funny, don't know what they are, and are just scattergun garbage.

The people getting paid to work on this sh*te must be smoking up a load of pot, write anything down they see on YouTube, insert a fall-over/bump-into 'gag' and then laugh all the way to the f*cking bank.

Sickening really, it's as bad as all those heartless remakes (although there have been decent remakes in recent years, but they are generally sh*t of late) ... mind you, at least an awful 'spoof' movie such as these aren't remaking, they are extremely unoriginal though.

Now Airplane! - that spoofed one disaster movie, and made it really funny.

Hot Shots 1 & 2, likewise, were f*cking great. :)

26-Jun-2008, 10:35 PM
Yeah....I would like to put in motion a rule that clearly states that Airplane/Hot Shots/Naked Gun/Top Secret!/ETC never be mentioned as films in the same genre as this current batch of crap....

That is all.

26-Jun-2008, 11:12 PM
Sometimes I wish I were born retarded. That way, I'd be able to enjoy life the way people who go to these movies do. When you just moh-moh-moh your way through life, totally oblivious to how stupid you are, the world can be a wonderful, fun-filled place.

Unfortunately, I was born without brain damage, so I'll never know all the joy I'm missing.

26-Jun-2008, 11:33 PM
i would rather watch postal the movie.

though considering id watch alone in the dark over the happening thats not saying much.

27-Jun-2008, 01:50 AM
You know Bass, I acyually blame the Naked Gun series for all this. Naked Gun part 1 was funny, After that that, they rehashed the same jokes and people still ate it up. It's just moron comedy. . and it keeps getting worse. The morons of today are MUCH stupider than the morons of yesteryear.