View Full Version : What is peoples beef with lady in the water

27-Jun-2008, 04:41 AM
so The credits are just rolling on my first viewing of lady in the water and that was a great movie, one of my favorite shamylan films and just generally kept me enthralled for the pretty long run time, which is hard to do so consistently.
Paul giamatti gave his best performance since american splendor. The music was excellent throughout. I could go on about this for a good while but i think many people went in expecting a horror with a twist, but its not, its a straight up fantasy story in a contemporary setting and i loved it.

How people think this is worse than the happening AND the village is bloody beyond me.

27-Jun-2008, 06:17 AM
I dunno. . .I quite liked Lady in the water. It's the Village that I hated so. . .

27-Jun-2008, 06:22 AM
the village wasn't so bad, it just never really got off the ground, it felt like half a movie.

i would have gone full tweest hog and had the "animal reserve" be a reserve for them, humans. and have everyone outside be robots, and the demons be there to protect them and keep them in.

27-Jun-2008, 06:58 AM
the village wasn't so bad, it just never really got off the ground, it felt like half a movie.

i would have gone full tweest hog and had the "animal reserve" be a reserve for them, humans. and have everyone outside be robots, and the demons be there to protect them and keep them in.


You should call Shaymalan for the remake.

The village sucked. . .I figured out the "twist" halfway through the movie, and those "creatures" looked like rip off Skeksis from the Dark Crystal. :bored:

29-Jun-2008, 10:57 PM
No complaints here. I thought the village was pretty bad, Signs was going well until the twist held its head in a bucket of fail and havent seen the happening and dont intend to.

I liked the lady in the water, I felt it was the best shot at modern fantasy I had seen in a while and it worked with all the ideas weve been tought about fantasy while making new ones. Good movie.