View Full Version : Ledger's Joker Creating Oscar Buzz

27-Jun-2008, 03:51 PM
During a Press screening in LA last night, many critics have applauded and complemented the performance of Heath ledger as the Joker, many noting his performance was better than Nicolson's Joker.

It seems they all agree The Dark Knight is the movie to see in 2008


27-Jun-2008, 03:55 PM
I wonder if they would come to the same conclusion if he were still alive?

Of course I think Jacks performance was over the top, but it was something to learn from.

27-Jun-2008, 04:26 PM
I wonder if they would come to the same conclusion if he were still alive?

People working on the film were saying the same thing last summer while they were filming. Long before he died everyone was saying that he was doing something truly incredible with the role.

I never doubted he would treat the character the way it should be. I wonder if any of these "Ledger's GAY!", "Nicholson is the only Joker!", "Brokeback Joker!" people will come forward and insert their foot into their mouths....

27-Jun-2008, 05:41 PM
I remember when they announced him being cast as the joker, I was probably in the minority who thought this was an excellent idea. I love his work, and I knew he would make a kick ass joker.

27-Jun-2008, 05:42 PM
Heath's Joker oscar buzz has been going since he initially finished the movie.

I'm not sure of the facts here but will he be the first posthumous receiver of an award?

27-Jun-2008, 06:34 PM
its only because he's dead.

27-Jun-2008, 07:36 PM
its only because he's dead.


Have you read the thread?:rolleyes:

I expect the film to get a little bit more attention because of his passing(I actually bought the "Why So Serious?" poster at Blockbuster and the cashier said "ohhh....I have to get that poster because he's dead." No friggin lie....), but his role was getting huge praises LONG before he died.

If any of you guys haven't seen the 7 minute prologue of TDK, it's been released with the Batman Begins blu ray today across seas. So expect to see it online soon. It's awesome. Very "Heat"-ish.

28-Jun-2008, 01:00 AM

Have you read the thread?:rolleyes:

Yeah. I got some crap about the people who were making the movie thought he was God. Big deal. They always think that; what are they going to say, "oh, we totally stepped on our dicks by casting this hack"?

28-Jun-2008, 02:34 AM
I am not denying Ledgers talent...I am one who has not seen Broke Back. But his other roles have been FANtastic. Its that its batman. When was the last time an oscar was given out for a movie of this type or caliber?

BTW I loved him in Lords of Dogtown!

28-Jun-2008, 05:21 AM
Yeah, Ledger was once considered an "It" guy because of his "chick flicks", but it's undeniable that he was on the incline of his career within the last six years or so.

Regardless of his career, word was out of his great take on the character around June of last year(07).

I don't care about his past films. As a Batman fan, I feel as though he's created the Joker on film. Nicholson was great for his film and his time, but Ledger feels more like the character that I had imagined while I was viewing the source material.

Even the tagline of the movie says it all: "Why so serious?"

Mock my words: This is going to be one film to watch for. Possibly the best of the year.

28-Jun-2008, 10:59 AM
BTW I loved him in Lords of Dogtown!
You knows it. Heath played Skip Engblom to a tee.

28-Jun-2008, 03:52 PM
I wonder if any of these "Ledger's GAY!", "Nicholson is the only Joker!", "Brokeback Joker!" people will come forward and insert their foot into their mouths....

That would be me, you're talking about!:evil:

No, seriously. While I refuse to watch brokeass mountain, as I find it to be a sin filled, homosexual promoting gay recruitment film, I do not blame ledger for that. He was an actor and he made his choices. I don't need to cast stones. That's between him and God now.

I would normally say that its only because he is dead, just like he is on ALL of the movie posters. I think they're profiting off his death, sure. But as for his performance? Everything I have seen so far matches what they say.

And Nicholson's Joker was campy and cartoony because thats how the film was. Batman Begins ( as I am sure The Dark Knight will be ) was done quasi-realistically. Down to his suit and down to the Batmobile. Ledger seems like he was going along those lines, as the movie called for.

28-Jun-2008, 03:56 PM
scuse' me?, "gay recruitment"?

Sin filled i can get if you are religious, but a reqruitment video?, ONE OF THEM GETS BEATEN TO DEATH FOR BEING GAY!

thats one more case of "i didnt know the facts so ill just make up a view insted...ahh, much better"

Not flaming you here, just pointing out that, yknow, not really a recruitment film unless your suicidal i guess.

28-Jun-2008, 08:47 PM
I would normally say that its only because he is dead, just like he is on ALL of the movie posters. I think they're profiting off his death, sure.

Actually he's only on a few of the posters. Batman and Harvey Dent are on the rest. Even if he was on all of the posters, it's not because he died. The Joker is arguably the most popular of all comic book villians and he hasn't been portrayed on film in nearly 20 years. And imo, he was never portrayed accurately.

The film isn't even about the Joker like most people think(obviously because of the advertising), but the real arc of the story is Harvey Dent. That's what Bale and Nolan have said, anyway.

There are 12 clips over at iesb. Check out the one titled something like "This town deserves a better class of criminal". Cool Joker clip. He seems very ganster....which I really didn't expect. "There's A Batman" is a cool Joker clip, too.

And SRP....the people making The Godfather thought Pacino was doing an excellent job while filming. But what do they know?:rolleyes:

28-Jun-2008, 09:40 PM
just going off subject slightly,i dont think brokeback was a gay recruitment film at all,for a start gay people arent "recruited",they're born like that just as you & i are born straight!and whats wrong with it?one of my best friends is a gay lad & he's a top bloke!i dont want to know what he gets up to behind closed doors,but i have no problem with the fact he's that way out

As for dark knight,i cant wait!:D

28-Jun-2008, 09:45 PM
And SRP....the people making The Godfather thought Pacino was doing an excellent job while filming. But what do they know?:rolleyes:

"Columbus got in a boat once, and ended up in the Caribbean. Therefore, every time anyone gets in a boat, they will end up in the Caribbean".

28-Jun-2008, 10:08 PM
There's really no point in arguing about it. I'm a Batman fan so my opinion is always going to appear biased and because of Ledger's death people are going to think he's receiving praise because he's passed, but in the end, we'll just have to continue this conversation after we see the film.

Obviously there's two sides to every coin(pun intended), so some will like it and some won't. Well...MOST will like it, some won't. heh heh. :p

Regardless of our viewpoints on Ledger and his role, all the reviews coming in recently suggest that it's a great movie. That's really the most we can hope for.

30-Jun-2008, 08:00 PM
Just saw on Kevin Smith's blog - Silent Bob Speaks - that he's seen The Dark Knight.

He says its the Godfather 2 of superhero movies, and properly grown up and adult, and even more so than Batman Begins. Seriously awesome stuff basically.

He was also saying he'd be surprised if Ledger doesn't get at least a nomination for his performance - which is phenomenal apparently - and indeed he stands a really good chance of actually winning.

It's just a shame he's no longer around, he's done some amazing acting before - like in Brokeback Mountain, which was a superb piece of filmmaking - so by the sounds of it, he certainly went out on top.


With all this pre-release build up, I've about ran out of happy-zone-juice! :eek:

30-Jun-2008, 08:22 PM
Some Joker clippage:



And the prologue of the film:


01-Jul-2008, 03:31 AM
right now i've decided not to watch any more clips from TDK, as i've seen enough in the trailers already to make me almost fanatical about seeing this film ASAP.

as for ledger, i was a bit "huh" when i heard they'd picked him, but having seen a few very good performances by the guy, i kept my opinion neutral until i saw the first clip. and from what i've seen, he's gonna be great. while some people's perceptions will no doubt be altered due to his death, it doesn't change the fact that mr. ledger is one of the finest actors of his generation and playing an iconic villain in a sequel to a great film. he's gonna get all kinds of recognition for his part, and it'd be the same if he was still alive.

i'm currently taking summer courses, and one i took was about ethics and morality in the media. for my final paper i did an examination of TDK's marketing and how ledger's death has impacted it. and i got an 'A':D