View Full Version : Battlefield: Bad Company

27-Jun-2008, 10:31 PM
I grabbed a copy from Gamestop earlier today, and I'm really impressed. It's got great graphics, incredible sound and that classic addictive gameplay. Maps are huge and varied. The main difference between Bad Company and its counterparts is that it ditches Conquest mode in favor of Gold Rush (Conquest mode will be a free download in about a month). This mode is very well constructed, and it keeps players from idling or camping around the map since you've got to either defend or destroy gold crates.

It basically goes like this: there are 2 crates at each base, and there are 4 or 5 bases per map. As the attackers rush the first base and destroy each set of crates, the defending team has to fall back to the next base, and so on. It's pretty simple, yet you'll find yourself relying on your squad to complete your objective. There are multiple classes to choose from, and weapon unlocks, much like Cod4.

If you're a fan of the franchise, check it out. It's easily the best console Battlefield to date, and it even gives the PC games a run for their money.

28-Jun-2008, 01:02 AM
It's weird haven't heard much about this game despite it being part of a huge franchise. How many players are there in online? And is it more teamwork orientated? ...and is the destructibility of the map really as much as they say?

28-Jun-2008, 07:50 AM
Apparently the single player is a bit cheesy but overall good - I have played the demo and the sound is fantastic, and the gfx are very nice. I think I'll be taking a lunchtime trip to the tescos near me to purchase it.

28-Jun-2008, 10:23 AM
I'll deffo be picking it up in due course, I still have to get Vegas 2 though, and play more of Proving Ground, so I've got a plate full of videogaming right now.

What I wanna know is - when the f*ck is Alan Wake coming out?!

As for Bad Company, looks like fun, I'd only be playing the SP though as I don't have Live (for various reasons), but just being able to blast a hole in a wall and nail your objective that way just sounds like a reet laugh. :D


I like explosions...:p

28-Jun-2008, 10:59 AM
Don't buy Rainbow Six Vegas 2 MZ, it's very disappointing.....it's more like a bad add on, and although you don't have live, if you ever did this is NOT the game to play online!!

It uses the same music, voices etc from the first one, has a weak, tacked on story, and although the gameplay is pretty cool, the level design is flawed and the ranking up thing is just pathetic, and can easily be exploited....

28-Jun-2008, 05:48 PM
Well I don't play Live, so forget all the issues with the game to do with Live.

From what I've heard, the major flaws with Vegas 2 are to do with online, but I won't be doing that part, so it's null & void to me.

I enjoyed the first game and would be up for more, someone on here got it and really dug it, who was that? Anybody reading?

28-Jun-2008, 06:11 PM
that could've been me, it was amazing for the first 10 hours, after that it lost appeal very very quickly...

29-Jun-2008, 03:43 PM
I play the Bad Company demo a lot on XBL. Tons of fun. I was a huge fan of BF:MC2 because of how HUGE the maps were and the fact that you can use vehicles. Judging from the demo, this game is more of the same, but with improved weapons and destructible environments. Definitely a must-buy for myself.

02-Jul-2008, 07:34 AM
Yeah I got it now, it's awesome - but there's only one online mode at the moment, more to follow!

08-Jul-2008, 12:13 PM
I traded in a few games and ended up picking this up for only $13 yesterday. Definitely glad I did, tons of fun.

The only complaint I have (which is minor) is the lack of maps. I know they put a ton of detail into each map there is... but Battlefield 2's maps had tons of detail and there were about 3 times as many in that game. Other than that, I'd definitely recommend this game to anybody. I don't think I'll ever be touching CoD4 again.