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View Full Version : Republican: Obama is "John Kerry with a tan".

28-Jun-2008, 12:27 AM
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/06/barack-obama-jo.html (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/06/barack-obama-jo.html[/url])

Classy. This is part of the reason why I went Independent 6 years ago. :rolleyes::barf:

28-Jun-2008, 12:32 AM
I think its funny because its true. Obambi is an utter politician with an empty suit. He was for the DC gun ban before he was against it. Absurd.

28-Jun-2008, 12:40 AM
That's funny.:lol:

28-Jun-2008, 01:28 AM
All my god! Nice word play mate! NOT! Who cares dude, really. The country is screwed so bad i think they should drop a bomb on the S.O.B.and start over. No one will pull together for sh@#. And as for going indepedent! Oh good luck with that! How about election day you just sit at the house and twiddle your thumbs rather than vote as your just wasting your time. Oh, but your probably making a statement huh. Yeah..whats the message? I DO NOT LIKE EITHER! so i'lle vote for the definate loser. I been hearing these bullsh@# debates over issues all my life and you know what? even with ALL THE CANIDATES ITS THE SAME.....BULLSH@#. It is this simple. PICK a team thats suits you. Or the lesser of 2 evils. Don't waste a vote. Or as i look at it, don't cut your nose off to spite your face ..:rolleyes:

28-Jun-2008, 02:00 AM
Oh yeah, racism is just hilarious. :rolleyes:

28-Jun-2008, 02:03 AM
God forbid someone points out that the guy is black. That's racist! You can't mention it!

Too bad. He's black. He's BLACK! HE'S BLACK!!. So there.

28-Jun-2008, 02:16 AM
God forbid someone points out that the guy is black. That's racist! You can't mention it!

Too bad. He's black. He's BLACK! HE'S BLACK!!. So there.

No no, its only racist if you don't vote for him!

28-Jun-2008, 02:26 AM
Actually, he's more of a creamed coffee color.....:shifty:

28-Jun-2008, 02:29 AM
I must be colored blind.

I remember a few years ago some one named W really hit this guy named McCain to the point of hate. I also had a few really right friends and they hated McCain because he had been brain washed by the VC and now is an operative...I **** you not!...I always like McCain until he began a Bush like campaign...stopped thinking for himself and started to move in the WRONG direction. Of course the direction he moved was opposite of my own.

I only hope the best person wins.

28-Jun-2008, 01:14 PM
What were you guys expecting from the republicans? Intelligence? Wits? Bwahahahahahaha!

28-Jun-2008, 02:06 PM
God forbid someone points out that the guy is black. That's racist! You can't mention it!
Give me a break. Barack Obama is White America's Dream Negro.

There should be more discussion about racism and Mr. Obama being black (part-African, actually) but all you hear is idiotic talk of Obama's wife, Obama's pastor, Obama's middle name. Don't pretend that any God-fearing pundit is pulling their punches.

28-Jun-2008, 04:54 PM
Give me a break. Barack Obama is White America's Dream Negro.

There should be more discussion about racism and Mr. Obama being black (part-African, actually) but all you hear is idiotic talk of Obama's wife, Obama's pastor, Obama's middle name. Don't pretend that any God-fearing pundit is pulling their punches.

Sorry the guy was a muslim for years then joined up in a black nationalist club, not a church and sat there for 20 years filling his mind with poison. WHich is where he met his wife, but we are supposed to look past that. If he was white and had a 2nd cousin who was a Klan member he would be run out of the country.

28-Jun-2008, 09:26 PM
Give me a break. Barack Obama is White America's Dream Negro.

There should be more discussion about racism and Mr. Obama being black (part-African, actually) but all you hear is idiotic talk of Obama's wife, Obama's pastor, Obama's middle name. Don't pretend that any God-fearing pundit is pulling their punches.

Yeah, that has a lot to do with the post you quoted. Like, "not one bit".

The fact is, all that happened was that Obama was being compared to Kerry, with the only difference between them being that Obama's black. Some try to call that racism. It's not. If mentioning that a black man happens to be a black man is "offensive", then someone needs to get a thicker skin.

Next thing we know, it'll be illegal to call light-haired people "blond". We have to pretend they have dark hair.

28-Jun-2008, 09:35 PM
God forbid someone points out that the guy is black. That's racist! You can't mention it!

Too bad. He's black. He's BLACK! HE'S BLACK!!. So there.

he's black?

Oh crud, I thought he was a Methodist...


28-Jun-2008, 09:43 PM
Oh crud, I thought he was a Methodist...

You can't say that! That's....that's....damn, what is the "-ism" for "prejudice against a religion", anyway? "Religism"?

28-Jun-2008, 09:54 PM
You can't say that! That's....that's....damn, what is the "-ism" for "prejudice against a religion", anyway? "Religism"?

atheism i believe :lol:

28-Jun-2008, 10:06 PM
or just jism :lol: how puerile of me

29-Jun-2008, 09:55 PM
Some try to call that racism. It's not. If mentioning that a black man happens to be a black man is "offensive", then someone needs to get a thicker skin.
I agree that some people will cry racism at the drop of a hat. I'm not saying that it's racist to mention that Barack Obama is "black." I'm saying that it's tiresome to hear self-righteous conservative crybabies incessantly whine about political correctness--a majority of whom are making a damn good living doing so in the "liberal media" (another conservative conspiracy theory).

If you count yourself among those who are so concerned with labeling this guy, then get it right: Obama is half-black and half-white. His mother was a white American, though apparently that doesn't count for much these days. It is like when Halle Berry was touted as the first "black" actress to win an Oscar.

30-Jun-2008, 11:09 AM
Sorry the guy was a muslim for years then joined up in a black nationalist club, not a church and sat there for 20 years filling his mind with poison. WHich is where he met his wife, but we are supposed to look past that. If he was white and had a 2nd cousin who was a Klan member he would be run out of the country.

See, now I know you're full of **** and just the biggest joke on the planet. The muslim Obama thing was debunked months ago, yet dumbasses like yourself cannot put forth anyother argument politically so you have to keep going back to something the media, press and even republicans have shown to be a flasehood.

You are a joke, will always be a joke, and will die a joke. The sad par is you're not even a good joke, just a giggle with a lousy punchline.

30-Jun-2008, 02:45 PM
See, now I know you're full of **** and just the biggest joke on the planet. The muslim Obama thing was debunked months ago, yet dumbasses like yourself cannot put forth anyother argument politically so you have to keep going back to something the media, press and even republicans have shown to be a flasehood.

You are a joke, will always be a joke, and will die a joke. The sad par is you're not even a good joke, just a giggle with a lousy punchline.


THIS **** IS ON!

THIS **** IS ONNNNN!!!!:lol:

30-Jun-2008, 03:22 PM
See, now I know you're full of **** and just the biggest joke on the planet. The muslim Obama thing was debunked months ago, yet dumbasses like yourself cannot put forth anyother argument politically so you have to keep going back to something the media, press and even republicans have shown to be a flasehood.

You are a joke, will always be a joke, and will die a joke. The sad par is you're not even a good joke, just a giggle with a lousy punchline.

Can you say "owned"?

30-Jun-2008, 08:06 PM
I think he was banned for awhile before I went to basic wasn't he?

Did I miss something?

30-Jun-2008, 08:51 PM
The muslim Obama thing was debunked months ago,
Who cares if Obama is black and Muslim anyhow? So far, white and Christian hasn't worked out too well.

30-Jun-2008, 08:57 PM
Person of Color. I mean they have the NAACP.

Jeez. What is so bad about pointin out homeboy is black?!?

If thats wrong then, to quote NOFX, DON"T CALL ME WHITE!

30-Jun-2008, 09:10 PM
Jeez. What is so bad about pointin out homeboy is black?!?
Nothing wrong with it. That particular argument is being manufactured solely in the minds of nutjobs.

But Obama is half-black and half-white. I don't know if that qualifies him to be a "homeboy."

And I ain't white, I'm BEIGE. :p

30-Jun-2008, 10:42 PM
Nothing wrong with it. That particular argument is being manufactured solely in the minds of nutjobs.

But Obama is half-black and half-white. I don't know if that qualifies him to be a "homeboy."

And I ain't white, I'm BEIGE. :p

im beige too :lol::lol:

01-Jul-2008, 01:26 AM
When you apply for a job alot of time they ask your ethnicity. They say it doesn't affect the outcome and its optional ( optional my ass. I tested it. I applied declining to take the survey. Never got a call. Applied again using the same app, resume and everything but took the survey. They called three days later)

They have african american, latino, caucasian, etc. They don't have American as an option. Funny, eh?

01-Jul-2008, 05:54 AM
When you apply for a job alot of time they ask your ethnicity. They say it doesn't affect the outcome and its optional ( optional my ass. I tested it. I applied declining to take the survey. Never got a call. Applied again using the same app, resume and everything but took the survey. They called three days later)

They have african american, latino, caucasian, etc. They don't have American as an option. Funny, eh?

AMEN to that!!

01-Jul-2008, 06:28 AM
See, now I know you're full of **** and just the biggest joke on the planet. The muslim Obama thing was debunked months ago, yet dumbasses like yourself cannot put forth anyother argument politically so you have to keep going back to something the media, press and even republicans have shown to be a flasehood.

You are a joke, will always be a joke, and will die a joke. The sad par is you're not even a good joke, just a giggle with a lousy punchline.

You know, I was going to post about that muslim lie being debunked, but then you did. I read the rest of your post and started to laugh my a$$ off. Can somebody say "Owned"? LOL :)

01-Jul-2008, 06:41 AM
You know, I was going to post about that muslim lie being debunked, but then you did. I read the rest of your post and started to laugh my a$$ off. Can somebody say "Owned"? LOL :)

this just goes to show u how far this country has fallen. they say 'racism is behind us' but let someone of color get in a high position of power or let me date a white couples daughter and you see peoples true colors good and bad

01-Jul-2008, 06:55 AM
this just goes to show u how far this country has fallen. they say 'racism is behind us' but let someone of color get in a high position of power or let me date a white couples daughter and you see peoples true colors good and bad

It's disgusting if you ask me. I have been accused of racism at work becuase I have stopped theives from stealing from us. A guy once told me "Your only stopping me because I'm black" so I replied "No, I'm only stopping you because your a theif, your the only person bringing race into the situation." I am a person who will judge a person based on their merit, not on their color and I wish more people would do the same, the world would be a much happier place.

I will go out and say this; I am voting for Obama because I feel he is the best man for the position. I could care less what color he is, he could be purple and I would vote for him. The man is inspiring in a lot of ways. Instead of just saying he is going to do things he says how is going to do things and that is something most politicians will not do. I can't wait to see the debates this year, I believe they will be great.

As for the flip side, John Mccain would have had my vote in 2000 if he had been nominated over Bush. I really liked him back then, but now he has become too much like Bush in the past couple years for him to get my vote.


01-Jul-2008, 10:30 PM
It's disgusting if you ask me. I have been accused of racism at work becuase I have stopped theives from stealing from us. A guy once told me "Your only stopping me because I'm black" so I replied "No, I'm only stopping you because your a theif, your the only person bringing race into the situation." I am a person who will judge a person based on their merit, not on their color and I wish more people would do the same, the world would be a much happier place.

I will go out and say this; I am voting for Obama because I feel he is the best man for the position. I could care less what color he is, he could be purple and I would vote for him. The man is inspiring in a lot of ways. Instead of just saying he is going to do things he says how is going to do things and that is something most politicians will not do. I can't wait to see the debates this year, I believe they will be great.

As for the flip side, John Mccain would have had my vote in 2000 if he had been nominated over Bush. I really liked him back then, but now he has become too much like Bush in the past couple years for him to get my vote.


i like how that guy said "ur stopping me because im black" :lol::lol::lol:

i actually said that once cuz i walked out of a store at the same time this lady did who stole something and they looked at me immediately.....even though i had a bag from a different store and she had nothing. so they went through my bag which was a gift for my mom at christmas and really pissed me off with that. the buzzer went off before i got to it so that really showed their level of incompetence.

thats when i could actually condone saying it.

02-Jul-2008, 06:38 AM
i like how that guy said "ur stopping me because im black" :lol::lol::lol:

i actually said that once cuz i walked out of a store at the same time this lady did who stole something and they looked at me immediately.....even though i had a bag from a different store and she had nothing. so they went through my bag which was a gift for my mom at christmas and really pissed me off with that. the buzzer went off before i got to it so that really showed their level of incompetence.

thats when i could actually condone saying it.

That just goes to show the ignorance that exists. It is disgusting.

03-Jul-2008, 12:58 AM
That just goes to show the ignorance that exists. It is disgusting.

agreed. but this store is no longer there, so good riddance