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View Full Version : Stories set outside of the US

29-Jun-2008, 02:03 PM
:blood:Does anyone know if there are any stories in the fiction section set outside of America. I can't find any apart from the brilliant "Warriors". Most of the stories up here are excellent, but since I'm from the UK I find films like 28 days later scarier and easier to relate to because they bring the action closer to home.

29-Jun-2008, 02:45 PM
"Hello! I'm Brian Blessed! Happy birthday to YOU, Mr. President!"

Sorry, couldn't resist...

Try World War Z. The book. It's great, and has stories from all over the world.

30-Jun-2008, 02:37 PM
Autumn (sp) is also set in the UK. Its not in the fiction section but is a free download. Check the links section from the homepage.