View Full Version : On a lighter note Bigfoot makes front page of paper

29-Jun-2008, 05:24 PM

29-Jun-2008, 05:46 PM
How can there even be a team of Big Foot trackers? I mean, they've never ever succesfully tracked one down, so they're just applying the techniques they believe would work best for this type of creatures, and obviously it's not yielding any results. So any team of big foot trackers out there are automaticly the worst big foot trackers ever.

29-Jun-2008, 06:22 PM
How can there even be a team of Big Foot trackers? I mean, they've never ever succesfully tracked one down, so they're just applying the techniques they believe would work best for this type of creatures, and obviously it's not yielding any results. So any team of big foot trackers out there are automaticly the worst big foot trackers ever.

:lol: well put.

30-Jun-2008, 04:41 AM
I almost want their job... to work everyday trying to find bigfoot but never actually having to find him... its like predicting the weather... you dont actually have to succeed to keep your job...

30-Jun-2008, 04:00 PM
Geting paid 100 grand a year to track bigfoot and camp out most of the year is a job that we would all love hint hint bill and melinda gates fondation its gotta be tax decutable.