View Full Version : Star Trek films

29-Jun-2008, 08:52 PM
Am I the only one who enjoys Star Trek around here? I've recently began watching it after a friend of mine told me how campy the old 60's show was. Now, as a fan of cheese, I had to watch it.

So one night we sat down to watch The Wrath of Khan. But to my horror, it turned out to actually be good. And now, I've seen them all. And they are all much better than anything the Star Wars prequel trilogy could ever be.

Now, I've seen some of the original 60's show too but I found it to be a bit too campy, and a bit too dull as a matter of fact. TNG is alright, but still kinda cheesy. Haven't watched DS9, Voyager or Enterprise and probably never will.

But the films themselves. The films are good, solid sci-fi action/adventure! And you can tell that at least most of them were made with excitement and love from the cast and crew.

But the fourth one where they travel back to the 80's? That one was just lame as hell.

29-Jun-2008, 09:16 PM
Star Trek is an interesting series to me. I love the original series for a lot of reasons like the cast or the cheesy storylines/set designs. The movies with that cast are generally good.
ST: The Motion Picture - it's a good one, but it just felt like something was seriously missing from the formula that made the show so good.

ST: The Wrath of Khan - fantastic, best of the series

ST: Search for Spock - it was ok, kept the series alive and allowed Spock to exist again.

ST: The Voyage Home - i didn't think it was that bad. sure ST in the 80s with an environmental message does sound lame, at least it wasn't as bad as...

ST: The Final Frontier - weakest of this leg of the series, keep Shatner away from the camera!

ST: Undiscovered Country - to me the second best of the series behind WoK. Should've been the logical closure point, instead we go to...

ST: Generations - the kill Kirk! what's the point?!?

ST: First Contact - I wasn't a fan of the TNG, as this is the same with their movies. This is the best of this bunch, but only because the following were terrible.

ST: Insurrection + ST: Nemisis - both are highly unnecessary and overall just kind of sucked. It was like Patrick Stewart just wanted his paycheck as his cameo at the end of Robin Hood: Men in Tights was about 100 times more entertaining.

As the rest of the shows go, TNG, Voyager, and Enterprise are not worth my time. I know they have fans but overall I think they didn't quite get the point of the original series. As for DS9, I love it. The episodes actually follow a story arc and develops the characters. While I don't think it actually fits in with Star Trek, its quality is good enough for me.

I just hope JJ Abrams new movie will at least reach Search for Spock quality. I don't think I can stand to sit through another Insurrection.

Damn it, I'm a geek!

29-Jun-2008, 10:37 PM
I like all of the shows and movies except Enterprise (which is really not that unusual).

If you're ever going to watch Deep Space Nine, you'd better have some time on your hands. A huge amount of the series is multi-episode story arcs that all tie in together, so you'll be lost if you just try to watch single episodes.

29-Jun-2008, 11:05 PM
i like the shows better than the movies but am still a big fan of most things star trek, as you may be able to tell from my avatar.

07-Oct-2008, 12:07 AM
I love the original series, as well as STNG....Never got into the movies, but only because I haven't put aside time to watch any.

07-Oct-2008, 12:09 AM
I love Star Trek,The Wrath of Khan is the best Star Trek movie.

07-Oct-2008, 01:46 AM
I don't know too much about Trek or it's history, but my brother was really into it throughout my childhood, so I've seen bits and pieces. From what I've seen(small bits) it seems to have some really good ideas, and some ideas that aren't that great. I think the last full film I saw was the one where Shatner dies at the hand of Malcolm Mcdowell(Alex from A Clockwork Orange).

I do remember watching TNG and loved the episodes about the borgs. Something about those guys were awesome.

Anyway, my point is that I've always heard the stereotype that if you like Star Wars(like me), you can't like Star Trek. I'm not "interested" in Star Trek, but from what I've seen it's got some pretty cool sh*t....

07-Oct-2008, 03:50 AM
I've always heard the stereotype that if you like Star Wars(like me), you can't like Star Trek.

That B.S.I love both Star Wars,and Star Trek.They are both great in their own way.

07-Oct-2008, 05:41 AM
Wrath of Khan is my favorite and kind of nostalgic. '82 was an unbeatable summer for movies.

Undiscovered Country is my second favorite.

Motion Picture and Final Frontier I really only like for Goldsmith's music although one was still fun to see as it was a part of the Star Wars craze of the late 70s.

Voyage Home came across as very corny and was the first Trek film I hated and still do.

First Contact had a zombie feel to it with the Borg and had Goldsmith doing the score so it's the only TNG Trek film I like.

And, of course, I always find the original series enjoyable to watch. Funny how they pulled a Lucas and updated the special effects. At least they didn't go crazy with it like Lucas did.

07-Oct-2008, 05:49 AM
First Contact was my favorite. Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, and Voyage Home are all one movie; you can't watch just one.

If I had to pick one "most hated", it would have been the middle of the trilogy: Search for Spock. What's the point of killing a character if you're just going to revive him ten minutes later?!

07-Oct-2008, 12:22 PM
i've never gotten the whole star wars/ star trek thing. growing up, i liked them both a hell of a lot. i will admit though that as i've gotten older star wars has lost much of the appeal it once had for me. i still dig star trek as much today as i ever did, maybe more.

like i said earlier in the thread, i am a bigger fan of the shows than the movies. i like them all from the original to enterprise and everything in between.

Voyage Home came across as very corny and was the first Trek film I hated and still do.

amen to that, max. that is one bit of star trek that i really do not like - time travel and save the whales equals a big yuck. i agree, completely corny.

the wrath of khan, undiscovered country and first contact are all damn good movies.

07-Oct-2008, 02:05 PM
I always felt the Star Trek films were varying in quality, a nice change of pace from typical space opera-style sci fi of the 80s and 90s and...unfortunately...woefully lacking in quality scripting, plotting and effects.

That said, there are a few real stand outs and I've always felt Khan has to be considered one of them.

I do think it's odd that a lot of you take issue with the environmentalist carping of ST: The Voyage Home, as it seems to fit right in with a series whose impetus is basically a communist one-world polemic. And I'm not trying to knock Star Trek's, hopeful look at a bright future, as I think it's a great, integral part of the series. I think Star Trek at its best is forward-looking, cautiously hopeful Sci Fi, and at it's worst it's a canker-riddled, cash-cow franchise trotted out for a buck.

*Walks off humming the Kirk-Spock fight music...Duh-doo-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-doo-doo dah-dah*

07-Oct-2008, 02:45 PM
i like the shows better than the movies but am still a big fan of most things star trek, as you may be able to tell from my avatar.

LOL - I didn't realize how old this thread was, and was trying to figure out how in the world Harry Truman is supposed to convey a fondness for Star Trek.

I agree with the apparent consensus here. The two best Trek movies, far and away, were Wrath of Khan and Undiscovered Country.

07-Oct-2008, 03:32 PM
LOL - I didn't realize how old this thread was, and was trying to figure out how in the world Harry Truman is supposed to convey a fondness for Star Trek.

Hehe, I did the same thing :skull:

07-Oct-2008, 03:34 PM
LOL - I didn't realize how old this thread was, and was trying to figure out how in the world Harry Truman is supposed to convey a fondness for Star Trek.


back when this thread was new i was using one of the talosians from the original series as an avatar.