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View Full Version : MCR Zombie song?

02-Jul-2008, 07:41 PM
I was listening to My Chemical Romance's first album, "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love," and realized that there's a song about a zombie outbreak on the outbreak. The song is called "Early Sunsets Over Monroeville." Now, the first obvious connection is the title. Monroeville Mall, as most of us know, was where "Dawn of the Dead" was filmed. But by listening to the lyrics, you really get the full connection. All the lyrics could be used as examples to support this, but the best in my opinion would the line that goes "Not knowing you'd change from just one bite, I fought them all off just to hold you..." I know this is random, and some of you probably dislike MCR, I just thought I'd bring it up. Has anyone else thought about this?

02-Jul-2008, 07:46 PM
i dont dislike there songs, but are they ever **** live.

not heard that one, but this ones pretty good.


-Oh, thats jonathan coulton, he did the song stay alive for portal and you can get all 52 of his thing a week songs of his site for free, top bloke and i might be going to see him play in october.

03-Jul-2008, 03:35 AM
If I could get past the gag reflex,:barf: I might try to give that song a listen. :D

-Oh, thats jonathan coulton, he did the song stay alive for portal and you can get all 52 of his thing a week songs of his site for free, top bloke and i might be going to see him play in october.

awesome man. . . I love that guy.

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