View Full Version : day of the dead was really crappy!

02-Jul-2008, 10:50 PM
remember how ****ty day was when it came out because it wasn't as good as dawn? yeah, simply another case of that. diary will be loved just as much as the others years from now.

02-Jul-2008, 11:16 PM
remember how ****ty day was when it came out because it wasn't as good as dawn?
Actually, I don't because back then, there was no Internet, no Ain't It Cool Snooze, no world wide smart-ass blog competition to see who can rant the loudest, the first and the most frequent.

As far as I knew at the time, DAY was a huge success because I saw it twice in the same week at packed late-night screenings, end of story. Who would have thought that it wasn't any good? :D

Dead Hoosier
03-Jul-2008, 12:19 AM
It took me a LONG time to warm up to Day ... compared to Dawn. While there's no way I can estimate how many times I've seen Dawn, it has to be 10-1 over Day.
It is possible that people will soften on Diary over time, but then again, I can't ever see liking Land. I guess we'll see in about a decade.

03-Jul-2008, 12:26 AM
There were only two things I was disappointed about with Day when it first came out.

1. At the halfway mark I was like, "Mmm, this isn't very gory is it?" :rolleyes:

2. I thought the ending was a bit of a copout.

But other than that, I really enjoyed the film and watched it relentlessly.

If I'm brutally honest though (please don't hate me), I don't really regard Day, Land or Diary as valid entries to the series because all three aren't ANYWHERE near as good as the first two.

Dead Hoosier
03-Jul-2008, 12:32 AM
I certainly feel that way about Land. To me, it's almost like it doesn't exist.

03-Jul-2008, 02:00 AM
Nah, Day has always fought with Dawn as my favorite. Dawn only wins because of sentimental value. I actually am much more likely to watch Day than Dawn nowadays. Will Land and Diary ever be regarded in the same light? Unlikely, first of. . I liked Day right away. Second off, There are a WHOLE lot more contemporary Zombie movies for Land and Diary to compete with. Better movies IMO. Day had to compete with Return, and unfortunately lost according to public opinion. I love Return, but I love Day more. . .then again. . I consider Return a classic as well. Go figure

03-Jul-2008, 07:47 AM
remember how ****ty day was when it came out because it wasn't as good as dawn? yeah, simply another case of that. diary will be loved just as much as the others years from now.

Nah I loved Day first time around, even though i didn't see it at the cinema. Diary was awful..

03-Jul-2008, 08:22 AM
I had to let day grow on me too, just didn't dig it when i was younger. Though i do like land more than diary, it really grew on me and aged well and now it seems to fit in with tis 3 predecessors more, diary i dont think will ever get that. Its not a bad movie, i enjoyed it a lot, but it never had any pop to it. the whole thing was....alright. it wasn't bad, it wasn't great. it was alright.

04-Jul-2008, 06:34 AM
I've always preferred Day over Dawn though Night will always be my favorite.

04-Jul-2008, 11:02 AM
Day was the first of GAR's flicks I saw, and I loved it from the off. The goriest film I'd ever seen at that point, I then grew to appreciate it in deeper ways in time.

I've maintained the "Day was hated when it came out cos it wasn't like Dawn" argument in relation to Land, and stick by it. Land will definitely be looked upon more kindly in due course.

04-Jul-2008, 02:27 PM
day is and most likely always will be my fav zombie movie and second fav horror movie (after rosemary's baby) ever.

i have never thought it was crappy in any way, shape or form. it has a dark, claustrophobic feel to it that i liked right off.

now as to whether land and diary will be appreciated over time is damn hard to say and is something that we might as well not even argue about because no one really knows.

04-Jul-2008, 02:32 PM
If you listen to Laurie Cardille's interview on Deadpit, she states that at the end of the premiere there were "boos" coming from the crowd. Day wasn't received well by most, the box office numbers reflect that (especially considering what the first two films made). I have always hated Day and considered it to be a fairly lousy film. I get a lot of milage out of Bub and Logan's relationship, but not enough to carry the whole film on their backs. I actually like Diary more than Day, and certainly more than Land.

04-Jul-2008, 02:32 PM
I never had a problem with Day. I enjoyed the setting and the feeling of how the world really was gone (from the POV of the researchers and soldiers stuck in their bunker).

Grim movie, although as somebody else said, the ending was a bit limp.

04-Jul-2008, 03:13 PM
id say as ive gotten older ive seen day in a better light, but if bub and frankenstein weren't in it i think it would be a different story.

04-Jul-2008, 04:48 PM
i have never thought it was crappy in any way, shape or form. it has a dark, claustrophobic feel to it that i liked right off.


To be honest I never really got the love with Dawn. Its just a little to ridiculous and over the top for me to take seriously....and pie throwing scene seemed just stupid to me....although back then I guess it was great for its time.

04-Jul-2008, 05:18 PM
I think its the fantasy aspect of dawn, i mean who hasn't thought "man, it would be awesome to live in the mall with all this stuff to f about with"?

i imagine more people would want to go nuts in a mall than a underground bunker.

04-Jul-2008, 06:22 PM
I have an equal amount of love for Night, Dawn, and Day. However, I can remember most every detail (what time of year it was, who I was with, where, etc) of the first viewings of both Night and Dawn. With Day of the Dead, I don't recall the first time I saw it, but just that it wasn't as exciting or memorable as the previous films.

Having said that, in no way do I consider Day of the Dead to be a "crappy" film. I think that at the time of my first viewing, I was too young to really get into such a moody film. The severity of the situation and the long discussions and arguments among survivors make for some pretty dramatic and tense moments. The film has feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, dread, isolation, etc. that blend together very well. The FX are killer, Rhodes is an awesome antagonist, and the Logan and Bub relationship is the warmest and most endearing one found in any of Romero's films. As I matured and my taste in movies evolved to what it is now, (and I'm no critic, just a guy who likes movies and is always complemented on his collection) I saw Day for what it is, which is a perfect follow-up to Night and Dawn.

When some think of the word trilogy, some think of Star Wars, some think Lord of the Rings, some think Spider-Man or X-Men, but as for me, when I think trilogy, the first thing that comes to my mind is Romero's dead films. Land and Diary are both okay in some aspects, but can't hold a flame to the Big 3 of Night, Dawn, and Day.

EDIT: 2 more post till you hit 10k hells! holy sh!t-balls!

04-Jul-2008, 06:55 PM
i imagine more people would want to go nuts in a mall than a underground bunker.

Hell yeah! :D

Many a time have I thought or dreamed about just being allowed to have the entire run of a mall and go bananas - as in have loads of fun ... not smearing poo on walls style bananas.

04-Jul-2008, 08:51 PM
I saw Day the Friday it opened at a local Drive-in that is no longer around. I have to say it was awsome from the first time I saw it. But I give Dawn a slight nod over Day. A very slight nod. I agree with the pie scene and a few other things but being in the 7th grade when they ran those spots on late night TV it scared the hell out of me.

Today I sat through Dairy for the 5th time. I am trying to see if this flick will grow on me the way Land has and I can tell you it is only getting worse for me. I hate every character in this movie. I also hate the way the zombies act in this movie. Why in the world are they all going out in the middle of no where?

The scene at Deb's house is such a pathetic scene. It's all nothing more than a scene to try and make you jump. A cheap scare at best. With all of GAR's past movies why did Deb's family stay in the TV room for so long? In every movie GAR has done they, zombies, would have been heading right for them. For some reason GAR seemed to have lost sight of this fact and made Deb's brother wait, like some predatory cat, and jump (yes jump) on to Deb's back so Rambo the professor can put an arrow into his head and stick him to the wall. Please.

Another scene that was horrible was the last scene at the idiot mummy kids house. "See I told you dead things walk slow". ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! I wanted to jump into the TV and kick that idot kids !@#@$$$####!!! Then take that damn camera and shove it,,,,, god this movie only gets worse with every viewing. I hate the one liners in this movie. What in the world was GAR thinking? Please GAR stop the madness I beg you!!!

If you want to check out something cool pick up the George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead annual from Avatar comics. They put our five books leading to up to the movie and this new annual (just out this week) takes place right after the end of Night. I mean right after the movie. Heck the book starts out with them throwing the black guy they shot on to the fire. For those few in here that live around the Oxford area head south on Rt 4 to Queen City comics and see if they have any of these comics left. Well worth the drive. You can visit www.marvel.com or www.dccomics.com and use their comic book store search by entering your zip code. There are other zombie related comics as well. I only follow the Romero stuff myself. :cool: Oh yea www.avatarpress.com

10-Jul-2008, 06:08 AM
If I'm brutally honest though (please don't hate me), I don't really regard Day, Land or Diary as valid entries to the series because all three aren't ANYWHERE near as good as the first two.

I'm one of those heretics who think Day is really up there with Night and Dawn.

Yeah I can see how in someways its inferior to Night and Dawn. But to me in someways Day surpasses them.

10-Jul-2008, 09:05 AM
If I'm brutally honest though (please don't hate me), I don't really regard Day, Land or Diary as valid entries to the series because all three aren't ANYWHERE near as good as the first two.



10-Jul-2008, 05:26 PM
I remember how Day was "meh" when it came out, and how it's still "meh" right now. So, I don't see the point of this.

10-Jul-2008, 05:42 PM
Day was the first of GAR's flicks I saw, and I loved it from the off. The goriest film I'd ever seen at that point, I then grew to appreciate it in deeper ways in time.

I've maintained the "Day was hated when it came out cos it wasn't like Dawn" argument in relation to Land, and stick by it. Land will definitely be looked upon more kindly in due course.

You and I are in the same boat. I saw day first, then night, then Dawn. For Day to be so hated when it was first released, it's funny how it is now considered a classic. As you said, I think Land will be the same.

Day is definitely my favorite of the bunch. They're all great in their own special ways, but Day wins on every level with me. You and I are the "trolls" of this board, as Romero would say.;)

10-Jul-2008, 06:19 PM
You and I are in the same boat. I saw day first, then night, then Dawn. For Day to be so hated when it was first released, it's funny how it is now considered a classic. As you said, I think Land will be the same.

Day is definitely my favorite of the bunch. They're all great in their own special ways, but Day wins on every level with me. You and I are the "trolls" of this board, as Romero would say.;)
Well ... actually - Dawn is my favourite of the series.

But I'm still a massive fan of Night and Day, and of course love Land a lot, and quite like Diary.

But Dawn is my all-time favourite, not only of the series, but film full stop. :)

So Dawn holds a special spot in my heart, but Day does as well - because it was the first GAR flick I ever saw at the age of 14 on a VHS bought from Woolworths in a nearby town for £5.99.

I bought Dawn (extended cut) on VHS on my 15th birthday, and watched it that night, and was utterly blown away and have been ever since. So next year, it'll be 10 years since I first saw Dawn, but generally it's already been a decade since I started pouring over GAR's flicks. :)

10-Jul-2008, 06:21 PM
I think i'm the outcast of these boards when it comes to my favorite film of all time. It's not an entry of the dead series.

*prepares for stoning*

10-Jul-2008, 06:22 PM
You and I are in the same boat. I saw day first, then night, then Dawn. For Day to be so hated when it was first released, it's funny how it is now considered a classic. As you said, I think Land will be the same.

Day is definitely my favorite of the bunch. They're all great in their own special ways, but Day wins on every level with me. You and I are the "trolls" of this board, as Romero would say.;)

i am in that very same boat. although day wasn't the first one of the big three i saw, it has always been and probably always will be my fav of the bunch.

i guess i am one of the day trolls as well.

I think i'm the outcast of these boards when it comes to my favorite film of all time. It's not an entry of the dead series.

*prepares for stoning*

neither is my all time favorite. for me that'd be rosemary's baby.

10-Jul-2008, 06:26 PM
neither is my all time favorite. for me that'd be rosemary's baby.

Stone him!

10-Jul-2008, 06:28 PM
I'm a Day fan too. I love Dawn and I love Night. I have a hard time selecting one over the others. But if I were really pinned down I'd probably choose Day.

I love Day because you see the nature of man exposed in so many clever ways. The military who become out of control. Logan, whose evil comes through as he experiments (ala Nazi Germany) on soldiers in a secretive bunker. Even John and Bill - otherwise good guys - show us how even the good will turn a blind eye on the demise of society. These guys should be heros but have chosen to opt out. And the resulting triumph when they do show their true colors. It's just well done.

I didn't love Day right off. For one, it was just so scary I had a hard time watching it. The ending with them in the dark tunnels with no weapons and no lights. Heck, I have a hard time watching that today. But I've grown to appreciate that rather than dislike over it. I also didn't like the infighting between the group and the insane twist that Logan added. After Dawn and the coordination and teamwork they displayed, Day was just frustrating.

But I came around to Day pretty quickly. A few viewings really. To this day I don't believe it is as finely crafted a story as Night or Dawn. But I love it nonetheless.

I don't believe Land will overcome its criticism. It's had enough time that we should be seeing it by now. It didn't take Day that long - not with the GAR faithful. And, frankly, it didn't bring enough to the table to set itself apart both from its predecessors or from the other zombie and zombie-type movies in the market. Land has slipped into obscurity before having the chance.

And Diary sure isn't helping things. It didn't generate new interest in the series at all from what I can see. Not with people who wouldn't have watched it anyway. A few more GAR Dead movies and people will be saying, "Oh is that the 7th or 8th. I lose count." Ala Police Academy.

10-Jul-2008, 06:46 PM
There's no way in hell that Day (at least the original) is in the same category as Land and Diary. Don't care how it was received by the masses, Land and Diary are of lesser quality. I'm not saying Day couldn't have been better, I guess I've held it in higher regard because it was forced to become a shadow of what it was supposed to be.

I first saw Dawn on video in upstate New York in the mid-80s. I remember hearing there was a "sequel" out or about to come out, but I wasn't interested for some reason. I saw Day for the first time on USA Network's "Up All Night," hosted by a busty blonde named Rhonda Shear. She looks like a porn star, anyone remember her? Her voice was annoying as hell, but I'm sure no one was looking at anything other than her breasts.

I think its the fantasy aspect of dawn, i mean who hasn't thought "man, it would be awesome to live in the mall with all this stuff to f about with"?

i imagine more people would want to go nuts in a mall than a underground bunker.

How so, Hellsing? I think I'd go nuts first in an underground bunker, at least the one portrayed in Day. Considering the mall in the original Dawn was a lot safer than the one in the remake, I'd think six months (or however long) would be easier spent in the film version of the mall in 1978. Weapons, booze, entertainment, and maybe an occassional rump in the hay with Fran would make for an interesting time. Getting out there in case of an emergency would be the only thing on my mind. But, I think it'd be easier than trying to get out of an bunker that was not exactly designed to be escape-friendly.

10-Jul-2008, 07:37 PM
I saw Day for the first time on USA Network's "Up All Night," hosted by a busty blonde named Rhonda Shear. She looks like a porn star, anyone remember her? Her voice was annoying as hell, but I'm sure no one was looking at anything other than her breasts.

"Now back to George Romero's Day of the Dead, right here on USA ^UP^ (Knock up the voice an octave and insert boob flex) All Night."

USA up all night was the t1ts when I was a kid (literally when Rhonda was involved). I saw some of the best cheese on that show: Hell Comes to Frog Town, Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death, Vampires on Bikini Beach, Night of the Creeps, Once Bitten, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Class of Nuke'Em High, Surf Nazis Must Die, Can't Buy Me Love, Hardbodies, Cave Girl, Zapped, Zapped II, Critters, The Evil Dead, Scanners, Midnight Madness, Night of the Comet...

Wow, a lot of cheese and a lot of fun, late night movie watching when I was too young to be out driving around causing proper mischief.

11-Jul-2008, 12:12 AM

Rhonda Shear. . . . drool.

You have no idea how much of an effect that woman had on me through puberty. Her and Elvira were spank bank material for a long time.


Oh and Ace. . Don't forget Sorority Babes at the Slime Ball Bowl-a-Rama

11-Jul-2008, 12:38 AM
Oh and Ace. . Don't forget Sorority Babes at the Slime Ball Bowl-a-Rama

Oooooooh, man! That really brings me back, Clanglee :) That was a fun, if convoluted, movie.

11-Jul-2008, 01:29 AM

Rhonda Shear. . . . drool.

You have no idea how much of an effect that woman had on me through puberty. Her and Elvira were spank bank material for a long time.


Oh and Ace. . Don't forget Sorority Babes at the Slime Ball Bowl-a-Rama

Ole' Rhonda is in her fifties now, hard to believe. She looks like the queen of MILFs from the pictures I saw earlier.


11-Jul-2008, 02:59 AM
Ole' Rhonda is in her fifties now, hard to believe. She looks like the queen of MILFs from the pictures I saw earlier.


Alas, the site is blocked from work. . . reason?. . . Pornogrophy? . . . now I have to see it!!:hyper::hyper:

14-Jul-2008, 04:35 AM
Yeah, Rhonda. I'm gonna need a moment here.

Ah, that's better.

Hell Comes to Frogtown - classic. Slimeball bowl-a-rama - awesome.

Add "Chopping Mall" to the list. And CHUD.