View Full Version : Time to be honest

03-Jul-2008, 03:39 AM
In Dawn, who can forget the ancient, creepy, one legged priest? If I had been sitting there with Roger and Peter and that creepy old guy came shambling in, I would've wasted him right on the spot! No questions, just blown him away because he was so....unusual.

Am I alone in this? Maybe I'm just really mean or something. I always expected him to show up again or turn into a zombie or something.

03-Jul-2008, 03:42 AM
Not really, I mean I could see him getting shot because of the shock of him showing up out of the blue, but not shooting him for any other reason. The people in that building really did nothing wrong, well aside from being stupid and hiding the dead inside. The building should be cleared, and it was, but if folks are alive let them live.

Its one of those things, they might well die and come back and try and bite you in the unpleasent place. But you have to take that chance at times, IMO. You can't kill everyone you see because they might come back too.

Although the priest was kind of creepy he seemed like a gentle man, if a bit misguided for what he was doing. Although when the world is ending nearly anything goes.

03-Jul-2008, 04:28 AM
I would have thought about it, unless he spit some words out real damned fast!

03-Jul-2008, 06:21 AM
I love that character, as you can tell from my signature. He has the best line in the movie. Well that and "Yeah. . Trucks!!"

03-Jul-2008, 07:19 AM
you would have "blown someone away" because they were "unusual".

No i dont think i would ever feel the need to shoot someone because they were disabled.:|

03-Jul-2008, 10:58 AM
No i dont think i would ever feel the need to shoot someone because they were disabled.:|
I dunno man, it might be fun to shoot off his wooden crutch and watch him hop about for a bit. Provide a bit of light relief during a troubled time and all that. :D

03-Jul-2008, 03:20 PM
you would have "blown someone away" because they were "unusual".

No i dont think i would ever feel the need to shoot someone because they were disabled.:|

That's a nice politically-correct comment for a perfect world, but think about the weird and dangerous **** Roger and Peter had experienced before they went down the basement that day. And those occurrences had been going on for weeks. At that point you couldn't afford to take chances if you hoped to survive.

03-Jul-2008, 03:50 PM
I dunno man, it might be fun to shoot off his wooden crutch and watch him hop about for a bit. Provide a bit of light relief during a troubled time and all that. :D

:lol: That's fockin' sick. :lol:

03-Jul-2008, 04:33 PM
That's a nice politically-correct comment for a perfect world, but think about the weird and dangerous **** Roger and Peter had experienced before they went down the basement that day. And those occurrences had been going on for weeks. At that point you couldn't afford to take chances if you hoped to survive.

he wasnt moaning and was using a crutch, before you even saw he wasnt swallows egg blue and covered in blood he was dressed in a clean suit, moving purposefully and with intellignece, these ARE swat team members i dont think they would have the mind set to start shooting madly at any opening door, ill imagine that was hamemred out of them a long time ago.

03-Jul-2008, 04:38 PM
Also let's not forget that Romero's zombies are as fast as a 95 year old grandmother and Roger and Peter were halfway across the room. They had plenty of time to assess the situation.

03-Jul-2008, 04:54 PM
Also let's not forget that Romero's zombies are as fast as a 95 year old grandmother and Roger and Peter were halfway across the room. They had plenty of time to assess the situation.
As well as the fact the dude was coughing, put his hands up, and started talking quick smart.

I dug that guy in the movie, a really stand out part. :)

03-Jul-2008, 05:40 PM
Mistakes will happen with firearms, especially when the dead walk the earth hungering for the flesh of the living, however I tend to not murder people for trivial reasons.

03-Jul-2008, 05:58 PM
he wasnt moaning and was using a crutch, before you even saw he wasnt swallows egg blue and covered in blood he was dressed in a clean suit, moving purposefully and with intellignece, these ARE swat team members i dont think they would have the mind set to start shooting madly at any opening door, ill imagine that was hamemred out of them a long time ago.

IF you spent your whole day (weeks!) shooting creatures who should be laying dead instead of trying to eat you, the psychological toll would surely have a bearing on any situation. You're looking at the situation as if was just another day. Ever deal with close quarter battle scenerios, outside of video games? It takes a hell of a toll without flesh eating zombies running around inside the building. If that guy would have just burst through the door of an unfamiliari darkened basement without saying a thing after I'd seen what Peter and Roger had just witnessed, I might have shot him.

04-Jul-2008, 01:25 AM
I think the fact that he *wasn't* moving fast would've been his death sentence. The place was crawling with zombies. All the living things were running or crying or shouting or making a ruckus of some sort. That dude comes shambling out all calm and quiet and someone's gonna cap him.

04-Jul-2008, 10:53 AM
Aces - but indeed, mistakes also don't happen, as much as they do. Clearly it's a time that it didn't happen.

Also - just from a blatant stand point, if they just gunned him down, we wouldn't have gotten that thoughtful (and awesomely quotable) speech from him.

But do remember - the building is crawling with people as well as zombies, most of whom were locked away in the cellar, or in bedrooms or whatever.

Also - since when do zombies cough?

Nuff said really, but finally - neither of them were in a "Wooley" state of mind, he didn't care, he'd gone nuts and was gunning down anybody he could.

04-Jul-2008, 05:39 PM
All I meant was that I would have gunned the guy down. Being in that place with zombies all around, I think I would have just capped anyone that looked unusual. I'm not saying I am right (I know I'm not), I'm just saying thats most likely what I would have done.

And MinionZombie is right, if I were there and had dusted him, he never would have made his cool quote!

04-Jul-2008, 10:19 PM
I love that character, as you can tell from my signature. He has the best line in the movie. Well that and "Yeah. . Trucks!!"

Come to think of it, what line from any zombie movie would you rank ahead of that line?

All I meant was that I would have gunned the guy down. Being in that place with zombies all around, I think I would have just capped anyone that looked unusual. I'm not saying I am right (I know I'm not), I'm just saying thats most likely what I would have done.

And MinionZombie is right, if I were there and had dusted him, he never would have made his cool quote!

HAHA then we'd have to shoot you.

One thing that bothers me is this. When the zombies bite you you change into one of them. With that said then why does Peter punch them in the face with an unprotected fist? If you are trained as well as they should have been I'd think that's the last place you'd hit a zombie.

Also, in the begining of the movie where the priest had that fantastic line, why were they there? The Swat team that is. Was it to take down that gang or was it to remove the zombies? I'm watching Dawn right now and I have to ask this. What in the world was that dude thinking towards the end when he stopped at the blood pressure thing? I have read a lot of attacks on the Dawn '04 flick that I thought were petty. Stuff like why did they use those busses or why not fly rc stuff over to Andy. I think those complaints are nit picking and pretty stupid. It's scenes like this blood pressure one in GAR's movies that make me wonder why they are there. You're surrounded by zombies and you think it's a good time to check your blood pressure. Ummmm okay I'm sure a lot of people would do that.

05-Jul-2008, 04:13 AM
One thing that bothers me is this. When the zombies bite you you change into one of them. With that said then why does Peter punch them in the face with an unprotected fist? If you are trained as well as they should have been I'd think that's the last place you'd hit a zombie.

Punching them in them in the mouth does not necessarily mean conversion. They have to take a substantional bite out of someone to cause severe blood loss, shock, infection. If someone scrapes their hand on their front teeth, it does not mean instant death anymore than hitting a live person in the mouth and winding up dead from infection because of it.

06-Jul-2008, 02:54 AM
Punching them in them in the mouth does not necessarily mean conversion. They have to take a substantional bite out of someone to cause severe blood loss, shock, infection. If someone scrapes their hand on their front teeth, it does not mean instant death anymore than hitting a live person in the mouth and winding up dead from infection because of it.

I still wouldn't take the risk. I would at least wear leather gloves or something.

06-Jul-2008, 07:06 AM
He was walking with the aid of a crutch, that right there should be an indication that he's not a walking corpse. Sure, Romero likes to give his zombies an identity along with props but come on now.

06-Jul-2008, 02:57 PM
Punching them in them in the mouth does not necessarily mean conversion. They have to take a substantional bite out of someone to cause severe blood loss, shock, infection. If someone scrapes their hand on their front teeth, it does not mean instant death anymore than hitting a live person in the mouth and winding up dead from infection because of it.

I don't buy that at all. Any scrape would get you. Not only that but all you have to do is die not even touching a zombie and you come back. haha I guess you've never hit someone in the mouth. It can be a very substantional injury to your hand. My first stop would be a leather clothing store and cover the old body from head to toe.

07-Jul-2008, 01:43 AM
My first stop would be a leather clothing store and cover the old body from head to toe.

"Bring out the gimp." LMAO!

07-Jul-2008, 01:59 AM
haha I guess you've never hit someone in the mouth. It can be a very substantional injury to your hand.

Actually, I have and I still have the scar over my right hand to remind me of it. No infection, no death although I did wind up with a big craving for raw human flesh afterwards.

07-Jul-2008, 10:05 AM
And that's why leather fetishists will be the last to die in a zombie invasion. :D

07-Jul-2008, 01:29 PM
In Dawn, who can forget the ancient, creepy, one legged priest? If I had been sitting there with Roger and Peter and that creepy old guy came shambling in, I would've wasted him right on the spot! No questions, just blown him away because he was so....unusual.

I've said it before about you MZ, and I'm saying it again now!! You're such a legist!!!

07-Jul-2008, 03:47 PM
Err ... me?

lol, you quote sandrock74 and then bitch me out. :lol::p

And I was defending the poor one legged bastard! :)

Whatchu schmokin' Neil?

07-Jul-2008, 05:40 PM
Err ... me?

lol, you quote sandrock74 and then bitch me out. :lol::p

And I was defending the poor one legged bastard! :)

Whatchu schmokin' Neil?

This interweb fing is so hard and all! DOH!

In Dawn, who can forget the ancient, creepy, one legged priest? If I had been sitting there with Roger and Peter and that creepy old guy came shambling in, I would've wasted him right on the spot! No questions, just blown him away because he was so....unusual.

Am I alone in this? Maybe I'm just really mean or something. I always expected him to show up again or turn into a zombie or something.

*attempt 2 at stupid humour*

I've said it before about you SandRock74, and I'm saying it again now!! You're such a legist!!!

07-Jul-2008, 06:04 PM
Punching them in them in the mouth does not necessarily mean conversion. They have to take a substantional bite out of someone to cause severe blood loss, shock, infection. If someone scrapes their hand on their front teeth, it does not mean instant death anymore than hitting a live person in the mouth and winding up dead from infection because of it.

I don't buy that at all. Any scrape would get you. Not only that but all you have to do is die not even touching a zombie and you come back. haha I guess you've never hit someone in the mouth. It can be a very substantional injury to your hand. My first stop would be a leather clothing store and cover the old body from head to toe.

It looks like you two are about to re-ignite one of the board's fundamental disagreements. Some believe that a bite from a zombie is lethal through normal everyday bacteria and infection, and that's it's only because it is a corpse's mouth doing the biting that it seems so potent. Others believe that Romero's zombie bites are lethal due to fictional reasons directly related to being a Romero zombie, much like the animation of zombies itself.

As to the topic at hand, I'd point out that in Night Ben got shot in the head just for looking out the window. The local law enforcement weren't nearly as nervous or twitchy as in Dawn.

The question is not whether he got shot or not. The question is once the other humans were all eaten whether the zombies recognized him as human. The old priest might still be out there shambling around with all the zombies.

07-Jul-2008, 09:15 PM
Well, he was going to hobble back into the war zone to find some sister, so he's likely lunchmeat. I don't imagine him getting out of the complex alive. And even if he did, he'd be dead soon enough in a shambler-filled Philadelphia.

08-Jul-2008, 01:58 AM
This interweb fing is so hard and all! DOH!

*attempt 2 at stupid humour*

I've said it before about you SandRock74, and I'm saying it again now!! You're such a legist!!!

I like a nice pair of legs on a lady!

23-Jul-2008, 03:54 PM
I dont think he was meant to be creepy I think he was meant to make us feel sorry for him.

24-Jul-2008, 05:08 AM
I wouldn't have shot him.

25-Jul-2008, 12:42 AM
He came in coughing and waving his hand didn't he?
Can't remember quite, but I don't think I would have shot right away.

25-Jul-2008, 10:56 AM
I'm not quite sure how many zombies would remember how to use a crutch so proficiently...

25-Jul-2008, 05:51 PM
I'm not quite sure how many zombies would remember how to use a crutch so proficiently...
And cough...:p

25-Jul-2008, 07:56 PM
I'm not quite sure how many zombies would remember how to use a crutch so proficiently...

Actually in Day there are a couple of zombies using mobility aids quite proficiently:


Not sure if the second is zombie in the group shot is using two canes or crutches but it's close enough.

25-Jul-2008, 07:59 PM
Well, the second is really far off, it's not exactly a feature.

The other one still has BOTH legs, and the second one has BOTH legs.

So really, they're still walking as normal, they just have these things still in their hands and probably remembering some of the motions from their previous lives.

The old priest had a whole leg missing ... plus he was COUGHING! :p

26-Jul-2008, 05:36 PM
Geez...this thread is still going?? I started it as a joke. Now I feel kind of bad.

27-Jul-2008, 04:25 PM
I think I would have shot him because If the world had a zombie Invasion you would shoot any thing that moves really with your nervs but lucky enough Peter and Roger kept their cool and didnt shoot him.

27-Jul-2008, 05:28 PM
Actually in Day there are a couple of zombies using mobility aids quite proficiently:


Not sure if the second is zombie in the group shot is using two canes or crutches but it's close enough.

Dang. All this time and I never noticed that second picture with the zed with those clutchers.

I'm embarrased to call myself a Day fan. :(

27-Jul-2008, 05:37 PM
Actually in Day there are a couple of zombies using mobility aids quite proficiently:


Not sure if the second is zombie in the group shot is using two canes or crutches but it's close enough.

It would have been hard to see that In the movie as the picture Isnt that good and It far away.