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View Full Version : Happy 4th of July!

03-Jul-2008, 04:14 PM
Happy, happy Independence Day to you all! :D

(and no d1ckish, nationalistic insults to our Brit friends on the site, please:))

Just about to head out of the office for the weekend and wanted to wish you all a great celebration. Have fun, be safe and all that jazz.

03-Jul-2008, 04:20 PM
Just about to head out of the office for the weekend

It's a great feeling, isn't it? Unfortunately I still have about 6 hours until I'm off for the weekend.

Then it's on!:p

03-Jul-2008, 04:24 PM
July 4th is my favorite day. Not because of what it stands for, really, but because it's the only day when [most] cops aren't going to bother you for blowing up your BBQ grill with a quarter stick of dynamite.

03-Jul-2008, 04:27 PM
July 4th is my favorite day. Not because of what it stands for, really, but because it's the only day when [most] cops aren't going to bother you for blowing up your BBQ grill with a quarter stick of dynamite.


Unless it's illegal in your state. It's illegal here in Georgia and if I shoot one bottle rocket the cops come flying into my driveway screaming at me....

03-Jul-2008, 04:39 PM
Have a good one, ya crazy 'merichuns. :)


03-Jul-2008, 04:41 PM
July 4th is my favorite day. Not because of what it stands for, really, but because it's the only day when [most] cops aren't going to bother you for blowing up your BBQ grill with a quarter stick of dynamite.


that's awesome man. i have an old grill i've been needing to dispose of, hmm....

so what are everyone's plans?

my family is still in canada so i am on my own. i am seriously thinking of going into cincinnati and catching a reds game over the weekend

Have a good one, ya crazy 'merichuns. :)


she needs to turn around. we already know what the flag looks like.:D:p

03-Jul-2008, 04:45 PM
so what are everyone's plans?

I've got the typical 4th planned. Friends coming over. Beer. Grilling. Jack Daniels. Fireworks. Beer. Grilling. Beer.

And hopefully someone will bring a joint:lol:

That sort of thing. God I love holidays like this one....

03-Jul-2008, 04:59 PM
One of these days I hope to experience some American holidays - namely July 4th, Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Mind you, in the UK we've got Bonfire Night ... everybody trudges out to a cold, damp, public field where some shonky fair ground has been laid out on the rim of a giant, flaming pile of garbage. Part way through there's ten minutes of fireworks as everybody stares like a stench in Land of the Dead at the pretty colours, then when that's over, it's time for dodgy burgers and hot dogs from the vending caravans, a go on a dodgy ride (or just watching your friends get in one of those whirly things, all the while you're avoiding having your face blown off by some chav who's lobbing fireworks into the crowd.

So I guess we have our own things each, eh? :)

03-Jul-2008, 05:20 PM
so what are everyone's plans?

Tomorrow night my band is playing a show... which I'm sure is going to include lots of explosives and a few minor injuries/burns/lacerations.

Mind you, in the UK we've got Bonfire Night ... everybody trudges out to a cold, damp, public field where some shonky fair ground has been laid out on the rim of a giant, flaming pile of garbage. Part way through there's ten minutes of fireworks as everybody stares like a stench in Land of the Dead at the pretty colours, then when that's over, it's time for dodgy burgers and hot dogs from the vending caravans, a go on a dodgy ride (or just watching your friends get in one of those whirly things, all the while you're avoiding having your face blown off by some chav who's lobbing fireworks into the crowd.

That sounds like something you can pretty much find all summer long in America (traveling carnivals).

03-Jul-2008, 07:51 PM

And hopefully someone will bring a joint:lol:

i've got that covered like a jimmy hat already.

it is good to live in a state where it is decriminalized.

all the while you're avoiding having your face blown off by some chav who's lobbing fireworks into the crowd.

sounds like you've been to hamilton, ohio. :lol:

03-Jul-2008, 08:32 PM
One of these days I hope to experience some American holidays - namely July 4th, Halloween and Thanksgiving.


...ever looked out your window on october 31st?:lol:

03-Jul-2008, 08:54 PM

...ever looked out your window on october 31st?:lol:
Yeah, smart arse, and f*ck all is happening - usually it's raining.

No house parties, no costumes, no drinking, barely any horror movies on TV, no shops decked out unless they're specifically flogging what's on show, etc etc.

My point being, Halloween in the UK is so lame and practically nothing by comparison to it in America - where it's done properly.

Doi. :rolleyes::p

03-Jul-2008, 09:09 PM
goin to the club tonight to hang out a lil bit. thats about it. tomorrow, twlight zone marathon and some grilling.

03-Jul-2008, 09:14 PM


03-Jul-2008, 09:24 PM
Going up to Biddeford Pool, Maine with my brothers, my girlfriend some of my cousins and a bunch of friends to blow a ****load of fireworks off on the private beach. Not little sissy fireworks, like illegal up the ass class B and A fireworks. PLus we got an ounce of Banging top grade weed Blueberry Haze, LOTS of alcohol 5 bottles of Patron, and a ****load of other cool things. Gonna go nuts!

03-Jul-2008, 09:34 PM
Going up to Biddeford Pool, Maine with my brothers, my girlfriend some of my cousins and a bunch of friends to blow a ****load of fireworks off on the private beach. Not little sissy fireworks, like illegal up the ass class B and A fireworks. PLus we got an ounce of Banging top grade weed Blueberry Haze, LOTS of alcohol 5 bottles of Patron, and a ****load of other cool things. Gonna go nuts!

Sounds good, I'll meet you there.

Chic Freak
03-Jul-2008, 10:32 PM
I've got the typical 4th planned. Friends coming over. Beer. Grilling. Jack Daniels. Fireworks. Beer. Grilling. Beer.

And hopefully someone will bring a joint:lol:

That sort of thing. God I love holidays like this one....

Why do we not have this in the UK?? It sounds like all the positive aspects of a festival (except the presents) that's on at a time of year when the weather is actually good! If this was more of a girly board there would be a crying smiley, which I would use about now. Lol. *wants burger and beer*

Happy, happy Independence Day to you all! :D

(and no d1ckish, nationalistic insults to our Brit friends on the site, please:))

Aw... just one though? :o My dad's working in America atm and related this snippet of conversation to me:

Dad: "Happy Thanksgiving, everybody."
American colleagues: "No no, it's not Thanksgiving, it's Independence Day this weekend!"
Dad: "In Britain, we call it Thanksgiving."

Bet he's well popular in the office now.

Happy Independence Day everyone, hope you all have a good time :)

03-Jul-2008, 11:13 PM
Blueberry Haze
Lucky bastard! :mad:

Oh and happy 4th of July to all!

07-Jul-2008, 02:36 AM
Lucky bastard! :mad:

Oh and happy 4th of July to all!

Cap, luck has nothing to do with it, if you're ever in CT in the US swing by i'll smoke you out properly and we can go cast some lines and catch some stripers.

Chic Freak
07-Jul-2008, 10:57 AM
Cap, luck has nothing to do with it, if you're ever in CT in the US swing by i'll smoke you out properly and we can go cast some lines and catch some stripers.

I'm so not rock. What does "catch some stripers" mean?

07-Jul-2008, 02:03 PM
I'm so not rock. What does "catch some stripers" mean?

Youll need one of these

07-Jul-2008, 04:26 PM
So how did everyone's holiday weekend turn out? Mine was fan-f*cking-tastic, thank you.:D

Started out with a good music session with some buddies, then grilled for lunch, and then took it all to this AWESOME spot on a local river that I had never heard of.

It was like a beach on one side, but on the other a HUGE cliff with a HUGE tree hanging over the river. There was a rope attached to one of the tree's limbs and we spent the rest of the day getting toasted and swinging off this rope/cliff into the river.

I still can't believe this cliff/rope thing. HUGE. Awesome time. Especially once we were all drunk and started trying triple back flips and sh*t. Needless to say that some of us left with red backs and bellies after not making full rotations and smacking into the water....

Easily the best 4th of my life so far.

Chic Freak
07-Jul-2008, 06:44 PM
So how did everyone's holiday weekend turn out? Mine was fan-f*cking-tastic, thank you.:D

Started out with a good music session with some buddies, then grilled for lunch, and then took it all to this AWESOME spot on a local river that I had never heard of.

It was like a beach on one side, but on the other a HUGE cliff with a HUGE tree hanging over the river. There was a rope attached to one of the tree's limbs and we spent the rest of the day getting toasted and swinging off this rope/cliff into the river.

I still can't believe this cliff/rope thing. HUGE. Awesome time. Especially once we were all drunk and started trying triple back flips and sh*t. Needless to say that some of us left with red backs and bellies after not making full rotations and smacking into the water....

Easily the best 4th of my life so far.

That sounds cool! Despite being in the wrong country this thread inspired me to get into the spirit of things, even though the weather was raining and windy (usual British summer). I couldn't barbecue but I did grill a Quorn burger indoors, then proceeded to go and watch some bands in a windswept field and drink a litre of neat vodka. It may not be traditional, but it did keep me warm (along with 2 vests, a top, a jumper and a coat- my usual summer attire. Haha).

07-Jul-2008, 08:52 PM
I'm so not rock. What does "catch some stripers" mean?

Striped sea bass.

Really popular leisure thing for a buncha guys to do around these parts lately, get a big cooler and fill it with beer, go down to the shore stand knee deep in the waves and cast some fishing lines in and catch striped bass. (Stripers). I dont like fishing sober, so i tend to bring lots of pot too :D we build a huge bonfire and bring a grill, and just spend the day in the surf tossing in lines, or swimming,or smoking out and drinking. Good stuff.

I'm so not rock. What does "catch some stripers" mean?

thats not me in the picto though, thats just a pic i found on google of a guy who caught a big striped bass.

major jay
08-Jul-2008, 08:35 PM
Went to Pittsburgh to see my son's first show ever with the band he joined about six months ago. It went really well. The crowd was into it and he got through his one solo without messing up. The only hiccup they had was when the lead guitar player fell off the stage and stumbled backwards across the floor until he slammed into the wall falling onto a chair. Luckily he didn't get hurt and he never stopped playing so the crowd gave him a standing ovation.

Chic Freak
09-Jul-2008, 02:02 PM
i'll smoke you out properly and we can go cast some lines and catch some stripers.

I'm so not rock. What does "catch some stripers" mean?

Striped sea bass.

Lmao (at myself)!

I was like, "i'll smoke you out properly" means smoking pot, "cast some lines" presumably means doing some coke, but what the hell drug does "catch some stripers" refer to??


Fish is probably a better idea, especially since it's supposed to actually be good for your brain ;) I think I could probably do with some of that.