View Full Version : 12 million a year put to good use - Toddlers who dislike spicy food are 'racist'!

09-Jul-2008, 03:22 PM

I assume then when a toddler from a 'slightly different ethnic origin' doesn't like bangers and mash, they get the full weight of the system thrown against them as well?

For goodness sake!

09-Jul-2008, 04:02 PM
And I thought that it was only here, in America, that bureaucracy and and leftist fundamentalist brainwashing campaigns could one day aspire to such a lunatic form of political correctness. I'd ask what's next but there really doesn't seem like much of anywhere left to go. Seriously, do tax dollars (regardless the nation) have no better applications than this?

So are you Brits supposed to like everyone and everything now as long as the government sanctions it and issues out 400 page manuals to that affect? Show of hands, who read 1984?

09-Jul-2008, 04:17 PM
This is complete bull. My little brother absolutely despises spicy food, yet I know for a fact he's not racist at all. He plays with any kid, no matter what their color of skin. In fact, it seems like he's even oblivious to the fact that not everyone is caucasian. I've never once heard him refer to a non-white as anything other than he/she... never used the words black, brown, etc.

09-Jul-2008, 04:29 PM
This is complete bull. My little brother absolutely despises spicy food, yet I know for a fact he's not racist at all. He plays with any kid, no matter what their color of skin. In fact, it seems like he's even oblivious to the fact that not everyone is caucasian. I've never once heard him refer to a non-white as anything other than he/she... never used the words black, brown, etc.

all kids play with each other......until the parents come along and whisper their beliefs in their ears

09-Jul-2008, 04:32 PM

i find the line about "reporting as many incidents as possible to their local council" ominous as all hell.

yes, let's report that 3 year old who doesn't like spicy food to big brother. what a load of horse dung. i don't know whether to laugh or cry at idiocy like this.

so now we can add the food police to the seemingly never ending cavalcade of govt. stupidity.

09-Jul-2008, 04:39 PM
This is complete bull. My little brother absolutely despises spicy food, yet I know for a fact he's not racist at all. He plays with any kid, no matter what their color of skin. In fact, it seems like he's even oblivious to the fact that not everyone is caucasian. I've never once heard him refer to a non-white as anything other than he/she... never used the words black, brown, etc.

Why are you defending your obviously not racist little brother? See this is what pisses me off about PC and liberals they are constantly on the attack, making accusations against normal people which shocks us and tricks us into reacting when we should just laugh in their face and vote in number to pull their funding.

If you dont like spicy food as a kid youre a racist!


Meanwhile kids go hungry because they refuse to eat food that makes them stomach sick and poop molten lead.

PC wins again!

Chic Freak
09-Jul-2008, 05:57 PM
Bear in mind that the article doesn't actually say that this guide says "toddlers who don't like spicy food are racist."

Also bear in mind the source- the Telegraph generally seems horrified by any kind of social progression, liberalism, etc, and always presents things like this in the worst possible light.

Spicy food aside, it should also be pointed out that children as young as four are aware of social hierarchies and norms, including sexist as well as racist assumptions that they have simply learned from the world around them (e.g. "men are doctors and ladies are nurses"). It doesn't mean they're bad kids, but there's certainly nothing wrong with correcting assumptions like this, or telling them not to call the Indian kid a "Paki"... whatever the Telegraph says (and yes, they did use that as an example to demonstrate how ridiculously over-PC the guide is).

09-Jul-2008, 06:42 PM

*dons proffessor cap*

See, as youngsters we have more tastebuds, wich are more alert to bitter tastes like vegetables, mostly because in nature bitter equals posion, its a survival trait we have evolved, as we get older, these die, as we know better and have, on an animal level, learnt form our parents what to eat and what not to. hence why you get more elderly people eating tomatos than toddlers.

So kids may not like spicy food because of a biological function, thats all, of course this is a sign of evolution, not intelligent design and thats a whole nuther kettle of fish with politics that i grew tired of argueing about in 2007.

09-Jul-2008, 06:51 PM
This is complete bull. My little brother absolutely despises spicy food, yet I know for a fact he's not racist at all. He plays with any kid, no matter what their color of skin. In fact, it seems like he's even oblivious to the fact that not everyone is caucasian. I've never once heard him refer to a non-white as anything other than he/she... never used the words black, brown, etc.

Most kids bought up in the UK dislike spicey food as they need to aquire the taste for it over many years...

Where's my plane ticket to Vancouver!?

Chic Freak
09-Jul-2008, 06:58 PM
Most kids bought up in the UK dislike spicey food as they need to aquire the taste for it over many years...

I'm still not there, about the spiciest thing I can handle is a KFC Zinger, lol.

09-Jul-2008, 07:46 PM
Why are you defending your obviously not racist little brother? See this is what pisses me off about PC and liberals they are constantly on the attack, making accusations against normal people which shocks us and tricks us into reacting when we should just laugh in their face and vote in number to pull their funding.

If you dont like spicy food as a kid youre a racist!


Meanwhile kids go hungry because they refuse to eat food that makes them stomach sick and poop molten lead.

PC wins again!


09-Jul-2008, 07:48 PM


Anywho....I hate spicy stuff. Just can't handle it. A Chicken Quesadea(sp?) from Taco Bell is about as spicy as I get. And everyone tells me that it's not spicy....:lol:

09-Jul-2008, 07:58 PM
Why you are defending his small obvious nonracist brother? He sees that this is what pisses exceeds to me of the PC and liberal that it is constantly in the attack, doing accusations against normal people that it gives trampea to an electrical shock and us to us in reacting when we must as soon as to laugh in its face and to vote in great number to throw of its financing. If you do not have taste of the sharp food like youre of the cabrito a racist! NO MY NONRACIST DISEASE OF THE CABRITOS IT TEST, ALL THE FOOD MUST BE FORM INDIA AND PAQUISTANÍ NOW IGNITED! Test is it! Meanwhile the cabritos go hungry because they reject to eat the food that does the patient and the impulse to them of the stomach fused lead. The PC wins again!

alrighty then. i like it better this way.

i happen to adore spicy food. indian esp. however, there aren't many 3 year olds out there that can handle anything spicy.

09-Jul-2008, 07:58 PM
Bear in mind that the article doesn't actually say that this guide says "toddlers who don't like spicy food are racist."

Also bear in mind the source- the Telegraph generally seems horrified by any kind of social progression, liberalism, etc, and always presents things like this in the worst possible light.

Spicy food aside, it should also be pointed out that children as young as four are aware of social hierarchies and norms, including sexist as well as racist assumptions that they have simply learned from the world around them (e.g. "men are doctors and ladies are nurses"). It doesn't mean they're bad kids, but there's certainly nothing wrong with correcting assumptions like this, or telling them not to call the Indian kid a "Paki"... whatever the Telegraph says (and yes, they did use that as an example to demonstrate how ridiculously over-PC the guide is).

Yeah but it should be parents training their kids not to say paki, not the school or government. They have no business in telling children what they can and cannot think.

09-Jul-2008, 07:59 PM
plus no matter how much a school wants to fight racism, the real place where it has to be confronted is in the home. teachers, etc. can prattle on all day about it but it won't do a bit of good if parents are teaching their children crazy ideas.

Chic Freak
09-Jul-2008, 09:25 PM
Yeah but it should be parents training their kids not to say paki, not the school or government.

plus no matter how much a school wants to fight racism, the real place where it has to be confronted is in the home.

I agree 100% that the most important place to learn these things from is from parents, at home, but I think it is equally important that the schools maintain this by ensuring that an "it's not okay at home but you can get away with at school" thing develops, which it all too easily can, especially with flat-out bullying behavior.

If I saw a 5 year-old call another 5 year-old a Paki I would definitely explain to them why it was wrong and make them apologise. Doing nothing is action in itself and it gives the impression to both kids that this sort of belief and behavior is okay.

10-Jul-2008, 06:37 PM
The hell with these people and their stupid little study. Sorry, but if kids don't like the food, they don't like the food. Good luck trying to force them to like it, without their parents beating you to death first.