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10-Jul-2008, 02:33 PM

10-Jul-2008, 03:39 PM
It's good to see this Jihadist is keeping slim with Diet Coke! Fortunately, diet sodas have through-the-roof carcinogens, so he should be dead of stomach or pancreatic cancer some time in the next 40 years. Cheers to the UK for funding this de facto execution.


Oh, I gotta say, I like the round up of what would likely have happened to Qatada in other countries:

The U.S.

Qatada would have been arrested under the Terrorism Act and declared a ' dangerous person'. He could have expected a life sentence for having had an envelope containing money destined for the 'mujahedin in Chechnya'.

If he won an appeal, the U.S. would have tried to return him to Jordan or have him extradited to another Middle Eastern country. He would not receive any state handouts.


Suspected terrorists are held in jail and rarely given bail.

Once freed after serving their sentence they are served with a deportation order and told to leave the country and held at an illegal immigrant centre until they find somewhere to go.

Qatada would not qualify for state benefits. He would not be sent back to Jordan because of torture fears.


Suspected foreign terrorists can be held in isolation for up to 13 days with limited rights to a lawyer and can subsequently be detained for up to four years on remand.

Spanish rules on extradition are very much in line with those of Britain so it is possible Qatada's extradition to Jordan would have been blocked by courts.

However, with no rights to be living in Spain it is unlikely Abu Qatada and his family would receive any state benefits.


He would be treated similarly to Britain and would not be extradited to Jordan.

The same fears about torture apply and Germany will not extradite if there is a risk.

If given residency, Qatada would be held in a refugee holding camp or in state accommodation.

In the former he would get just pocket money. If allowed on to the welfare system he would find it appreciably less generous than Britain.


Would also have refused to deport a terror suspect if there was a risk of torture.

If there was clear evidence he had committed terrorist acts, he would be held in a secure immigration detention centre or prison until a case against him could be brought.

If there was insufficient evidence, he would be freed on bail under strict conditions.

Qatada and his family would be entitled to full French state benefits while at liberty and living legally in France - with the handouts at a similar level to those in the UK.

10-Jul-2008, 04:37 PM
****, i drink diet coke all the time.

10-Jul-2008, 06:45 PM
I can never figure out why these guys aren't simply shot on sight, instead of going through all this hassle all the time.

10-Jul-2008, 06:56 PM
It's good to see this Jihadist is keeping slim with Diet Coke! Fortunately, diet sodas have through-the-roof carcinogens, so he should be dead of stomach or pancreatic cancer some time in the next 40 years.

You may not be right; I just found this...

The fact that the food contains minute quantities [or carcinogens] does not necessarily mean that there is a significant hazard. The gastrointestinal tract sheds its outer layer continuously to protect itself from carcinomas, and has a high activity of detoxifying enzymes.

10-Jul-2008, 07:29 PM
I can never figure out why these guys aren't simply shot on sight, instead of going through all this hassle all the time.

If the United States had him and released him he very well might have been shot, we still have our guns.:evil:


11-Jul-2008, 12:23 AM
The English have the best military intelligence in the world. The MI-5 and MI-6 taught the CIA everything they know.

If this fundementalist cleric is living in a 800 million pound mansion and hasn't been deported, he's definitely on Her Majesty's payroll. The 7/7 London bombing was an inside job, just as 9/11 was. Al-Qaeda was created and is facilitated by criminal elements within the anglo-american mafia that runs our respective countries.

The MI-6 were running drills the day of 7/7 in which subway tubes were blown up, just as drills were run on the day of 9/11 in which planes were hijacked and flown into buildings. I have no doubt in my mind that this guy is a terrorist, but I seriously doubt his commitment to Islam. It seems to me that he's an operative for the CIA and the MI-6, just like bin Laden. Afterall, Bush ate dinner with the bin Laden family two days before the 9/11 attacks took place, and on the day of the attacks (or shortly after), the bin Laden family was flown (smuggled?) out of the country while all other flights were grounded.

It's been reported that the Pakistani ISI wired several thousand dollars to Muhammad Atta in the months and weeks prior to 9/11, and that several of the 9/11 hijackers were seen at military bases in Florida. So i'm sure this cleric is serving some function for the criminal elements that run England or else he wouldn't be living high off the proverbial hog right now.

11-Jul-2008, 12:30 AM
Oh god. Here come the crazy people and their conspiracy theories.:rolleyes:

I used to drink alot of Diet Coke...damn.:lol:

11-Jul-2008, 12:36 AM
The English have the best military intelligence in the world. The MI-5 and MI-6 taught the CIA everything they know.

If this fundementalist cleric is living in a 800 million pound mansion and hasn't been deported, he's definitely on Her Majesty's payroll. The 7/7 London bombing was an inside job, just as 9/11 was. Al-Qaeda was created and is facilitated by criminal elements within the anglo-american mafia that runs our respective countries.

The MI-6 were running drills the day of 7/7 in which subway tubes were blown up, just as drills were run on the day of 9/11 in which planes were hijacked and flown into buildings. I have no doubt in my mind that this guy is a terrorist, but I seriously doubt his commitment to Islam. It seems to me that he's an operative for the CIA and the MI-6, just like bin Laden. Afterall, Bush ate dinner with the bin Laden family two days before the 9/11 attacks took place, and on the day of the attacks (or shortly after), the bin Laden family was flown (smuggled?) out of the country while all other flights were grounded.

It's been reported that the Pakistani ISI wired several thousand dollars to Muhammad Atta in the months and weeks prior to 9/11, and that several of the 9/11 hijackers were seen at military bases in Florida. So i'm sure this cleric is serving some function for the criminal elements that run England or else he wouldn't be living high off the proverbial hog right now.
