View Full Version : So im hitting the ground runnin'

10-Jul-2008, 06:10 PM
The past week or two ive been having some meetings with people and the cool owners of spirit games (www.spiritgames.co.uk) are my first clients for actual freelance filmmaking work. I'm heading down there on saturday as theyve got this big board game expo, and im supposed to be filming some vampire LARP'ers later on or something, nerdy as hell i know, but it should be good fun and its worth a little woot just because its my first project for someone without any college uni support.

So yeah, W00T!

10-Jul-2008, 06:12 PM
Congratulaions, man!

Now don't f*ck it up!:p

10-Jul-2008, 06:15 PM
Nice one hellsing, I heard about it on your blog in the midst of your seven day job hunt thingy.

I guess we'll stand a chance of seeing something from you up on t'internet then, eh?

10-Jul-2008, 06:24 PM
Nice one hellsing, I heard about it on your blog in the midst of your seven day job hunt thingy.

I guess we'll stand a chance of seeing something from you up on t'internet then, eh?

oh no doubt, ive recommended they youtube it and embed it , given there fookin' massive stock list the keywords alone should get them some traffic.