View Full Version : Former White House spokesman Tony Snow dies.

12-Jul-2008, 02:56 PM
Just saw it on the news. :( As an opponent of the current Administration, I disagreed with the guy on a lot of things, but he had a wife and three kids. I saw him on Bill Maher's show not too long ago and he looked great.

14-Jul-2008, 06:11 AM
He's an advocate of the murdering of hundreds of thousands of people. So, I Couldn't care less...

14-Jul-2008, 01:28 PM
He's an advocate of the murdering of hundreds of thousands of people. So, I Couldn't care less...

Thats because you're a moron.

RIP Tony, one of the funniest press secretaries i ever saw.

14-Jul-2008, 01:55 PM
Thats because you're a moron.

Hello Pot. This is the kettle calling.

14-Jul-2008, 02:38 PM
Hello Pot. This is the kettle calling.

Yes you certainly are the kettle.

14-Jul-2008, 02:52 PM
cant we just use the chat-room for bitching?

14-Jul-2008, 05:30 PM
mr. snow accomplished a good bit during his 53 years, and probably would've gone on to do more had cancer not struck him down. i've got a close friend from work whos father is dealing with cancer (colon as well), so this is a sad deal.

He's an advocate of the murdering of hundreds of thousands of people. So, I Couldn't care less...

this has to be one of the most ignorant statements i've read on these boards recently. seriously dude, shut the **** up.

14-Jul-2008, 05:40 PM

"Alright, alright, calm down!"

He's an advocate of the murdering of hundreds of thousands of people. So, I Couldn't care less...
Explain what you mean by murdering? I've just read a couple of online bios and haven't come across anything that implies this...

14-Jul-2008, 06:30 PM

"Alright, alright, calm down!"

ay-ay-ay!, are youns tellin' us tae caelm daeeeewn?!?

14-Jul-2008, 06:31 PM

Remember the schoolyard days?

14-Jul-2008, 08:02 PM
He's an advocate of the murdering of hundreds of thousands of people. So, I Couldn't care less...

he was the press sec. for goodness sake. egads man, it wasn't as if he was in the "war room" wringing his hands with cheney wondering stuff like "who are we gonna bomb today."

get a grip on something besides yourself.

14-Jul-2008, 09:20 PM
Shouldn't this be moved to general discussion?

Where the hell are the mods? :shifty:

14-Jul-2008, 09:24 PM
Where the hell are the mods? :shifty:
Mods? We got mods? :stunned:

15-Jul-2008, 07:47 AM
i have no sympathy for anyone assosiated with the bush crime family. period. **** him. i don't care. i didn't know him. none of you did. he could've been a real son of a bitch. by assosiation with the bush crime family im guessing he prolly was. but basically none of you knew him. Just because hes semi famous doesn't mean anyone should care about his death. I dont care about Carlin, Ledger, etc etc. I dont know them. Now if my mother dies, I care. Do you? no. You don't know her. Sure it sux, but people die. What if he was child molester. Nobody really knows. Dying doesn't change the fact that if you're a bastard in life, you're still a bastard in death... If I may steal a quote from death cab for cutie...

15-Jul-2008, 10:03 AM
i have no sympathy for anyone assosiated with the bush crime family. period. **** him. i don't care. i didn't know him. none of you did. he could've been a real son of a bitch. by assosiation with the bush crime family im guessing he prolly was. but basically none of you knew him. Just because hes semi famous doesn't mean anyone should care about his death. I dont care about Carlin, Ledger, etc etc. I dont know them. Now if my mother dies, I care. Do you? no. You don't know her. Sure it sux, but people die. What if he was child molester. Nobody really knows. Dying doesn't change the fact that if you're a bastard in life, you're still a bastard in death... If I may steal a quote from death cab for cutie...

Wow Bush Hatred Derangement system much?

15-Jul-2008, 11:15 AM
Well what is there to like about Bush Khardis?

The man has lied to the american people, started another vietnam war... notice we are losing this one too. Has made some of the worse executive decisions of any president to ever grace the oval office. COntinues to do nothing in regards to the current housing market, and gas prices other than to wave a veto pen in front of everyone.

He claims he is a uniter? HA! the only thing he has ever united was a beer can to his right hand, and the coke straw to the powder on the bathroom mirror.

I am not saying Clinton was better, but he never lied to the american people to get us into a war his daddy didn't have the balls to finish.

Khardis, why don't you go poll the 35% of american homeowners about to lose their homes right now and ask them if they think president Bush has their best interests, or even the entire countries best interests in heart.

I bet you will find a pretty good margin that is probably putting a lynching party together.

15-Jul-2008, 11:51 AM
I dont care about Carlin, Ledger, etc etc. I dont know them. Now if my mother dies, I care. Do you? no. You don't know her.
How can you make assumptions like that? I didn't know Ledger but I felt his passing was extremely tragic. Nobody deserves to go out in their prime like that...

15-Jul-2008, 04:24 PM
Not closing the thread, but as capn suggested it would be best if folks cooled it down a bit.

15-Jul-2008, 07:31 PM
Hello Pot. This is the kettle calling.



15-Jul-2008, 07:54 PM
Well what is there to like about Bush Khardis?

The man has lied to the american people, started another vietnam war... notice we are losing this one too. Has made some of the worse executive decisions of any president to ever grace the oval office. COntinues to do nothing in regards to the current housing market, and gas prices other than to wave a veto pen in front of everyone.

He claims he is a uniter? HA! the only thing he has ever united was a beer can to his right hand, and the coke straw to the powder on the bathroom mirror.

I am not saying Clinton was better, but he never lied to the american people to get us into a war his daddy didn't have the balls to finish.

Khardis, why don't you go poll the 35% of american homeowners about to lose their homes right now and ask them if they think president Bush has their best interests, or even the entire countries best interests in heart.

I bet you will find a pretty good margin that is probably putting a lynching party together.

I just find it sad that you have no concept of reality, economics or history.. thats all... People who are losing their homes are people who shouldn't have bought homes to begin with. Its because of predatory loan lending that they're in deep doodoo now, not because of Bush although much of that predatory lending started under Clinton and continued under Bush all the way up until a couple years ago. Do you even own a home?

I know Bush is unpopular now, of course he is, with half the country being insane frothing at the mouth liberals who hate for no reason other than hate. But the sad fact, well sad for you anyway is that Bush will go down as a great president in a couple of decades whereas losers like Clinton will go down as well... losers. The only presidents who wind up hated in history tend to be the presidents who do nothing or people like Jimmy Carter who do nothing except weaken the US.

15-Jul-2008, 08:41 PM
i have no sympathy for anyone assosiated with the bush crime family. period. **** him. i don't care. i didn't know him. none of you did. he could've been a real son of a bitch. by assosiation with the bush crime family im guessing he prolly was. but basically none of you knew him. Just because hes semi famous doesn't mean anyone should care about his death. I dont care about Carlin, Ledger, etc etc. I dont know them. Now if my mother dies, I care. Do you? no. You don't know her. Sure it sux, but people die. What if he was child molester. Nobody really knows. Dying doesn't change the fact that if you're a bastard in life, you're still a bastard in death... If I may steal a quote from death cab for cutie...

That is really overly harsh. You may not give a grap about people in general. But that doesn't mean everyone else shares your nihilistic viewpoint.

Sorry to hear about your mom. . . ;)

15-Jul-2008, 08:58 PM
We're supposed to be sad because that prick died?

Good riddance to that White House muppet.

The Goddamned government has devalued the Dollar 40 per cent. The price of crude has risen 300 per cent. We invaded Afghanistan and Iraq (nobody in Washington can give us a straight answer why we're in Iraq). Now the bastards want to invade Iran. They won't tell the American people why Building 7 collapsed when it wasn't even hit by a plane. We've lost six million manufacturing jobs in eight years.

And you EXPECT me to cry when one of those bastards keels over? With all due respect, to hell with that.

15-Jul-2008, 09:04 PM

such a nice and happy world.:rolleyes:


16-Jul-2008, 04:24 AM
But the sad fact, well sad for you anyway is that Bush will go down as a great president in a couple of decades...

Khardis what the fvck do you smoke? I could use some of that sheet.

16-Jul-2008, 07:00 AM
yeah, in a few decades he'll be one of the greatest presidents ever. its just us in the present time who just doesn't get it... duh.. lol. bush is so bad we have "**** up Fatigue". lol.Lets look t Bush's high points shall we?

1. Hurricane Katrina (He did a great job with that one)
2. Capturing Osama Bin Ladin (Too easy. Thank God that psychopath isn't out there anymore)
3. Economic Surplus (Clinton really had things ****ed up. Thank God for old George Dubya.)
4. Albert Gonzales (Amazing...)
5. Gas Prices (Thank god. I was really sick and tired of paying 87 cents a gallon for gas.)
6. War in Iraq (Well planned. PERIOD. I mean just look, We were welcomed with flowers and candy as liberaters. And thank God we got those WMD's ouit of the hands of Saddam Hussein.)
7. Housing Market (Homes are over rate anyways)
8. 9/11 (Thank god that NEVER happened because we had a president smart enough to heed the warning. WHEW!)

Do I really need to go on?

Yeah Clinton was a typical male. He loved women. But if Clinton had been president for the past 7 years, NONE of this would have happened. HJe would be on that **** night and day making sure everything was taken care of. Sure, he'd be getting blown while doing it. But, hey its nice to have a president whos good at multi-tasking. But instead we have a president whos not even good at tasking period. We have a president with the lowest approval rating EVER. I mean ****, James K. Polk puts Bush to shame! The fact is Khardis, This has not been a fun 7 years. Its been scary. If you cant admit that, you're in denial. I'll finish by quoting Bill Maher, "To be the president you have to be an exceptional person. Bill Clinton was an exceptional person. Al Gore was an exceptional person. John Kerry was an exceptional person. George W. Bush... Well, he's a special person." lol

That is really overly harsh. You may not give a grap about people in general. But that doesn't mean everyone else shares your nihilistic viewpoint.

Sorry to hear about your mom. . . ;)

BTW, I was just kidding. I don't really feel that way. I just thought itd be funny to see the reaction. lol.

16-Jul-2008, 11:21 AM
Well uhh,

if he's so bad, why did you guys vote him back in?

16-Jul-2008, 02:06 PM
Well uhh,

if he's so bad, why did you guys vote him back in?

Do you really think the people that don't like him actually voted for him? Have you any concept of how many people there are in the US?

16-Jul-2008, 05:31 PM
Well uhh,

if he's so bad, why did you guys vote him back in?

First of all, we didn't vote for him. We voted for Al Gore. But, because the Supreme Court is filled with all of "Daddy's buddies", It really didn't matter what we wanted. The Bush crime family was going to get their way regardless.

And second, the second time around Bush basically dooped the idiots of America with the 3 G's. Guns, God, and Gays. All of which, have nothing to do with what realy needs to be focused on. We had a bunch of Good ol' boys saying "Ol' Dubya would drink a beer with me! I'm votin' fur him! **** dem der fags. Them pussy democrats ain't takin' my guns!" Too bad all of those braindead assholes are now homeless and poor. But hey... At least them gays ain't gettin' murried!... Yeah, thats not really working either huh?

"Republicans just suck at running a country. period. I mean, they run on the platform that Government doesn't work! Yeah... the way you run it."

16-Jul-2008, 06:12 PM
And second, the second time around Bush basically dooped the idiots of America with the 3 G's. Guns, God, and Gays. All of which, have nothing to do with what realy needs to be focused on. We had a bunch of Good ol' boys saying "Ol' Dubya would drink a beer with me! I'm votin' fur him! **** dem der fags. Them pussy democrats ain't takin' my guns!" Too bad all of those braindead assholes are now homeless and poor. But hey... At least them gays ain't gettin' murried!... Yeah, thats not really working either huh?

Don't forget the "help" he received from touch-screen voting machine companies like Diebold and EC&S rigging the vote in his favor.

major jay
16-Jul-2008, 07:55 PM
First of all, we didn't vote for him. We voted for Al Gore. But, because the Supreme Court is filled with all of "Daddy's buddies", It really didn't matter what we wanted. The Bush crime family was going to get their way regardless.

And second, the second time around Bush basically dooped the idiots of America with the 3 G's. Guns, God, and Gays. All of which, have nothing to do with what realy needs to be focused on. We had a bunch of Good ol' boys saying "Ol' Dubya would drink a beer with me! I'm votin' fur him! **** dem der fags. Them pussy democrats ain't takin' my guns!" Too bad all of those braindead assholes are now homeless and poor. But hey... At least them gays ain't gettin' murried!... Yeah, thats not really working either huh?

"Republicans just suck at running a country. period. I mean, they run on the platform that Government doesn't work! Yeah... the way you run it."

That's what I'm talkin' about! Well put dude...well put.

16-Jul-2008, 08:08 PM
yeah, in a few decades he'll be one of the greatest presidents ever. its just us in the present time who just doesn't get it... duh.. lol. bush is so bad we have "**** up Fatigue". lol.Lets look t Bush's high points shall we?

1. Hurricane Katrina (He did a great job with that one)
2. Capturing Osama Bin Ladin (Too easy. Thank God that psychopath isn't out there anymore)
3. Economic Surplus (Clinton really had things ****ed up. Thank God for old George Dubya.)
4. Albert Gonzales (Amazing...)
5. Gas Prices (Thank god. I was really sick and tired of paying 87 cents a gallon for gas.)
6. War in Iraq (Well planned. PERIOD. I mean just look, We were welcomed with flowers and candy as liberaters. And thank God we got those WMD's ouit of the hands of Saddam Hussein.)
7. Housing Market (Homes are over rate anyways)
8. 9/11 (Thank god that NEVER happened because we had a president smart enough to heed the warning. WHEW!)

Do I really need to go on?

So when exactly did our government completely change? Under the system that was current yesterday, the President of the United States doesn't control even a quarter of all that.

So, either the whole system got overhauled while I was asleep, or you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and just bitching for its own sake.

major jay
16-Jul-2008, 09:37 PM
Why do we have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the future?

16-Jul-2008, 09:48 PM
Khardis what the fvck do you smoke? I could use some of that sheet.

I smoke reality, in history, and present flavors. you should check it out some time.

17-Jul-2008, 01:28 AM
Can i ask a question? If Al Gore would have run the country the EXACT Same way that Bush has for the past 7 years, would the Neo-Conservatives still praise him as a "great president"? HELL NO they wouldn't! Its all partisanship. Step back and look with any kind of political slant or spin and there is NO WAY IN HELL you can honestly say that we are better off now than we were 8 years ago. It's not possible. Sorry. We're no longer respected as a country. Our leaders are not respected. Hell, the American dollar is weaker than the Canadian dollar! WTF happened to us? We ARE NOT the Greatest country in the world. Sorry, we're not. You can't be the greatest country in the world when you rank dead last in things like healthcare, education, literacy, crime, etc.

So when exactly did our government completely change? Under the system that was current yesterday, the President of the United States doesn't control even a quarter of all that.

So, either the whole system got overhauled while I was asleep, or you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and just bitching for its own sake.

And I hate to burst your bubble but the Prez has his fingers in a little bit of everything. Especially, the **** I have listed. If he doesn't, then why do we even need a president? Lets say Im the leader of my household. And one of the rooms caught fire and killed a few kids and I did nothing for three days but vacation. Or say, a couple of criminals broke into my house while I was away and raped my wife, and when I was told about it I sat for 7 minutes doing nothing. Or maybe I told my kids that they needed to go to war with the neighbors because they had weapons and were planning on attackinh us. But really, I knew it was a lie. That is not a leader. That is exactly what bush has done for the past 8 years. We're talking about a president who thinks God appointed him to office. He believes God chose him to run this country. When he's in doubt he prays to God and God tells him what to do... Sorry, but If God appointed Bush out of all the people in this country, then sorry God doesn't really know what the **** he's doing and he should probably take two weeks off and then quit.

Sorry.. lol. I love talking politics. :)

17-Jul-2008, 03:29 AM
This thread has gone irredeemably off topic. Closed.