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View Full Version : Sorry if you have an Apple Computer...

01-May-2006, 12:05 PM
I saw this and couldn't help but post it!


01-May-2006, 12:15 PM
...........*tumble weed blows by in breeze*.......................:|

01-May-2006, 12:26 PM
thank you.... thank you very much....

01-May-2006, 12:28 PM
Apple and Macs are nothing like they used to be. The IBM style pC's are starting to whup their ass and can perform the same software functions just as well at a fraction of the cost.

01-May-2006, 03:22 PM
i concur. ever since MS shat out XP, i've been eyeing another platfrom for my home computers. my next latop will be an apple.

01-May-2006, 05:48 PM
All computers suck, there's good and bad points to both sides of the coin. Windows is Windows *sigh* ... when it's working it's fine ... when it ain't, well, I end up jumping up and down in front of the monitor like a rabid monkey - slinging super-foul language instead of sh*t though.

01-May-2006, 06:07 PM
come now minion zombie, everyone hurls foul language at there pc's at least once a week:lol:

01-May-2006, 06:54 PM
come now minion zombie, everyone hurls foul language at there pc's at least once a week:lol:
not me. I let my pet monkey out of his cage to hurl feces at mine.

01-May-2006, 09:38 PM
Damn straight. I swear like a trooper for almost nothing when my computers go freaky. Even if the screen refreshes when I don't want it to then I utter "f*ck". I'm very casual with my sailor-tongue, lol.

01-May-2006, 09:53 PM
Since XP I have had less PC problems compared to WINDOWS 98 and WINDOWS ME.

Under win 98 I could never let me PC go for 2 weeks without a reboot. My computer only gets rebooted when one of the following happens:

Install a program, or software update requiring a reboot.
Power goes off.

My PC runs 24/7, I never reboot it unless I need too. The last major issue I had was no internet connection... why you ask? I forgot to replug in the cable modem after relocating it to hook up my Vonage phone.

The only time a PC gives someone problems is if they have no real clue how to use or maintain them. If you don't know how to install an Operating System, Piece of Hardware, or hook up an internet connection then you shouldn't own a PC.

PC's should not be used by anyone under the age of 16.
In order to own a PC you have to know it can do a lot more than surf the net or pirate music and movies. (Although this is the main reason to own one).
It is not for just looking at or downloading porn.

Companies like DELL who give away computers at $399 should be put out of business, simply because it lets complete morons loose on the internet community thus destroying a somewhat decent community.

Nothing ****es me off more than someone who pays big money for a PC. I am talking like $2,000 for a top end VIAO and has to ask me to help fix a friggin pop up problem. Learn to use a friggin computer before you buy one. Save your friends and relatives the hassle of having to constantly fix your phuck ups.

01-May-2006, 10:09 PM
Yeh I have to say XP has given me less problems that previous OS' ... back at Uni I used to leave my XP laptop running 24/7 downloading too, had it jacked up on white-tacked-together highlighter pens (with flat sides) to help get air under it to keep it cool. In the summer I had my desk fan pointed at it all the time the keep it cool and running.

Indeed, only time I had to restart was when a program required it or when the damn thing finally gave up and froze from something ... or the rare case of a minidump. I think my best was leaving it running, connected to the internet and downloading, for over a month with not a single restart or disconnection. I was quite proud ... a day or two later it promptly gave up and needed a night off to cool off. :D

Not to be sexist, but goddamn - girls and computers! In the first year in res we were living with girls and it was either me, Tom or Adam (Adam was doing a Computer Science course after all) being called to one of the girl's rooms to solve some bloody problem.

Get this:

I get called to Claire's room because she's run out of room on her 80gig hard drive and she didn't know why ... *ahem* right click, empty recycle bin ... 76gigs of deleted data buggered off and kablam! FREE SPACE. Seriously ... seriously.

Another time, I had to help Claire with a MS Word document ... she'd lost her work ... "where did you save the file?" - she tells me - I go there - I double click the icon that is her work - her essay comes up on screen ... seriously ... seriously.

It was a pain in the arse, but you were appreciated after you made the girl beg you into helping her out, lol. (WOOOO!!! "ANIMAL HOUSE" ON TV!!!!).

The best times were helping out Sophie (majorly sexy ... big style) with her computer. Inititally she came to uni with a *giggles* 486 ... seriously ... seriously. She then had Adam install Windows 98 on it (while we all had XP ... us lads anyway, the girls were languishing in pre-millennium stone henge). She eventually got a new friggin' computer, but damn, I hadn't seen a 486 since I was in year 7 high school (11 years old).

lol ... not to be sexist, but girls and computers ... I've got all the first hand evidence I need. :D:D

01-May-2006, 10:34 PM
I saw this and couldn't help but post it!



Sometimes I miss my webtv. Computers can be headaches.

01-May-2006, 10:53 PM
i dont have much info but has any one come across the the virus they detected for the o.s., the news just came out today

02-May-2006, 12:42 AM
a computer is a computer is a computer. 95% of computer users use their computers for email and surfing and some light gaming, that is all. Computers now are so "idiot proof" that the walk through help guides lay it all out for the basic user. i hate hearing peole say their computer is so slow they had to pay 100 bucks to get it fixed. I have a Toshiba laptop that I got at Best Buy in August, it was a cheap laptop, but i don't game hardcore and i surf 90% of the time and work on my site the other time. I don't download mp3s anymore or anything for that matter. My buddy has a mac because he's doing graphic design for school, Macs are good for that, but anymore, everything is coming out for both, I remember when there were only Macs in school, on my college campus, nothing but PCs, and about 6 Macs. I paid the extra 150 bucks to get the service plan for 3 years, i back up regularly and if anything goes wrong, it's backed up and will get fixed or replaced.

02-May-2006, 11:26 AM
Since XP I have had less PC problems compared to WINDOWS 98 and WINDOWS ME.

Under win 98 I could never let me PC go for 2 weeks without a reboot. My computer only gets rebooted when one of the following happens:

Install a program, or software update requiring a reboot.
Power goes off.

My PC runs 24/7, I never reboot it unless I need too. The last major issue I had was no internet connection... why you ask? I forgot to replug in the cable modem after relocating it to hook up my Vonage phone.

The only time a PC gives someone problems is if they have no real clue how to use or maintain them. If you don't know how to install an Operating System, Piece of Hardware, or hook up an internet connection then you shouldn't own a PC.

PC's should not be used by anyone under the age of 16.
In order to own a PC you have to know it can do a lot more than surf the net or pirate music and movies. (Although this is the main reason to own one).
It is not for just looking at or downloading porn.

Companies like DELL who give away computers at $399 should be put out of business, simply because it lets complete morons loose on the internet community thus destroying a somewhat decent community.

Nothing ****es me off more than someone who pays big money for a PC. I am talking like $2,000 for a top end VIAO and has to ask me to help fix a friggin pop up problem. Learn to use a friggin computer before you buy one. Save your friends and relatives the hassle of having to constantly fix your phuck ups.


My brother is a prime example, he was phoning me up every day about something new and stupid, like using winrar to extract a game or write a DVD. I finally told him to phuck off and try and actually do it his self.

Yeh I have to say XP has given me less problems that previous OS' ... back at Uni I used to leave my XP laptop running 24/7 downloading too, had it jacked up on white-tacked-together highlighter pens (with flat sides) to help get air under it to keep it cool. In the summer I had my desk fan pointed at it all the time the keep it cool and running.

Indeed, only time I had to restart was when a program required it or when the damn thing finally gave up and froze from something ... or the rare case of a minidump. I think my best was leaving it running, connected to the internet and downloading, for over a month with not a single restart or disconnection. I was quite proud ... a day or two later it promptly gave up and needed a night off to cool off. :D

Not to be sexist, but goddamn - girls and computers! In the first year in res we were living with girls and it was either me, Tom or Adam (Adam was doing a Computer Science course after all) being called to one of the girl's rooms to solve some bloody problem.

Get this:

I get called to Claire's room because she's run out of room on her 80gig hard drive and she didn't know why ... *ahem* right click, empty recycle bin ... 76gigs of deleted data buggered off and kablam! FREE SPACE. Seriously ... seriously.

Another time, I had to help Claire with a MS Word document ... she'd lost her work ... "where did you save the file?" - she tells me - I go there - I double click the icon that is her work - her essay comes up on screen ... seriously ... seriously.

It was a pain in the arse, but you were appreciated after you made the girl beg you into helping her out, lol. (WOOOO!!! "ANIMAL HOUSE" ON TV!!!!).

The best times were helping out Sophie (majorly sexy ... big style) with her computer. Inititally she came to uni with a *giggles* 486 ... seriously ... seriously. She then had Adam install Windows 98 on it (while we all had XP ... us lads anyway, the girls were languishing in pre-millennium stone henge). She eventually got a new friggin' computer, but damn, I hadn't seen a 486 since I was in year 7 high school (11 years old).

lol ... not to be sexist, but girls and computers ... I've got all the first hand evidence I need. :D:D

Hell, it's not just women, it's stupid older brothers too. He has files he plans on keeping in his recycle bin!!! I tried to explain to him, would you keep your Game CD's or Software in the bucket? He can be pretty stubborn so I thought fine, learn the hard way.