View Full Version : Okay, so. the ps3.

16-Jul-2008, 09:19 PM
Honestly now, it appears the romero fans are mostly gates bitches when it comes to gaming, i myself have been the addicted owner of my 360 ,"leeroy", for a good number of years, but what do the 360 owners really think of the ps3?

I for one am going to buy one, primarily for metal gear 4, but stuff like disgea 3, eye of judgement and stuff looks awesome too. there's tons of stuff more important to buy im my opinion games wise, but eventually ill get one when the price is right, what about you guys?

16-Jul-2008, 09:30 PM
i get plenty of mileage out of my 360, with tons of friends to play with and some pretty sweet games. there's nothing on ps3, aside from the blu-ray capability, that would make it worth owning to me. like i said earlier in another thread, i know ONE person (aside from those on this website) who owns a ps3, and probably close to sixty people on the 360 boat.

16-Jul-2008, 10:35 PM
I read about a mod on the PS3...perfectly legal and does not void the warranty. You can replace the existing HDD with a larger one and then install Linux on it so you can use your PS3 to surf the net or do whatever... That would be my only driving force to own one at this point. Most of the games available are also available for the 360, which I already own. But the Idea of modding this thing to let me watch movies (DiVX) is enticing.

16-Jul-2008, 10:53 PM
thats one of the things i really like about the psp over the ds. way more customizability.

16-Jul-2008, 11:36 PM
If you can find the 80G Metal Gear bundle and can afford it, then get it. Its has everything my 1st gen 60G version has plus Metal Gear, Dual Shock 3, and 20G more. Oh yeah, and like the 60G model its plays PS & PS2 cds.

17-Jul-2008, 03:30 AM
Yeah, I like my PS3 quite a bit. It's mainly a Blu-ray player, and I haven't bought a game for it since Uncharted, but it has some decent games coming out for it this year. MotorStorm 2 & Resistance 2 look pretty hot.

I think Sony messed up when they didn't hold on to some of these exclusives that the 360 is getting. According to MS's e3 conference, they're getting Final Fantasy XIII too. The only franchise exclusive that Sony was able to hold on to was Metal Gear Solid. All the other Sony exclusives have been new IPs, and even then most of the new exclusives have sucked. I didn't like Lair or Heavenly Sword. So yeah, my 360 is my gaming machine and the PS3 is my Blu-ray player.

17-Jul-2008, 07:23 AM
My ps3 hardly gets used. Aside from the odd blu-ray disc, gaming wise I hardly use it. still haven't completed MGS4....and to be honest there's still not a game worth owning the console for.

17-Jul-2008, 07:42 AM
I've got a good few games I could be playing on my 360 but it still rarely gets used, so I doubt even if I had the money to spare I'd bother buying another console that seems to have even less good games.

Anyway, I can never sit down and play a console game for hours like I can with a PC game, maybe I am a member of the 'elite PC master race' :lol:

17-Jul-2008, 09:35 AM
I would have voted for the elite pc master race ... but I got a 360 last year, so ... that's that notion out the window then, eh?

I'll never buy a PS3, if I won one, then sure, but otherwise no. I hate the controller totally (like all previous PS pads) and the games don't excite me, or I can get them on 360, which has a really nice controller, a great selection of games, and looks sexy.

I named mine "Mason" by the way, finally, it took months to come up with one, but I figured one out. :D

17-Jul-2008, 12:30 PM
My brother has a PS3. I'm not impressed. The only difference is the Blu Ray.

I'll stick with my 360.

17-Jul-2008, 03:30 PM
Won a PS3 a while ago. Played it for an hour in total and owned it for a month. Traded it in (along with my old core 360) and got an Elite. Bought a s**tload of games with it too.

The only game I was looking forward to was Metal Gear IV and played it round my mates house the other day. Not worth owning the console for and kinda boring if you ask me, even he's gonna trade his PS3 in.

17-Jul-2008, 06:04 PM
I own a PS3 but for use it mostly for Blu-Ray

17-Jul-2008, 06:17 PM
I own a PS3 but for use it mostly for Blu-Ray
2 things i never thought id see you say! :p

17-Jul-2008, 08:38 PM
I got a PS3, Wii and a 360, and by far I love the PS3 and the 360 the most. I have to give it to 360 though over the top but not by TOO much. XBL and the achievement system rocks hard. And even though Playstations multiplayer networking has come a long way its got further yet to go. The wii on the other hand, lol what a joke I cant believe I bought one now that I have had one for over a year. I use it maybe 2 or 3 times a month or less, and thats mostly to let my 8 year old cousin play all the kids games for it. Wii is an utter failure and a joke.

17-Jul-2008, 08:47 PM
I will never spend more than $200 to play games, period. So it'll be a long while before I get any of the current systems. When I do, it'll be PS3. I can take advantage of my older PS2 and PS1 games, and the other systems don't have anything I couldn't get for PS3 (that I'd want to play, anyway). And I have never, and will never, give one rat's ass about online play. I don't like multiplayer games.

17-Jul-2008, 09:46 PM
I will never spend more than $200 to play games, period. So it'll be a long while before I get any of the current systems. When I do, it'll be PS3. I can take advantage of my older PS2 and PS1 games, and the other systems don't have anything I couldn't get for PS3 (that I'd want to play, anyway). And I have never, and will never, give one rat's ass about online play. I don't like multiplayer games.

Good call, the PS2 has an amazing library of games - Persona 4 and Yakuza 2 are slated for this year. It's a shame you don't care about online play, some of my best gaming experiences online, blasting away bad guys with friends. Left 4 Dead looks to take the online co-op experience to the next level.

29-Jul-2008, 05:01 PM
Like others i own a 360, PS3 and a Wii.
The 360 came first so thats where my online gaming is done due to the friends i've built up over the years along with the user friendly interface.
My Wii is gathering dust in the corner and only gets dragged out for the odd game of tennis with friends.
The PS3 i got with my latest mobile phone contract and i've only used it gamewise for Uncharted & Assassins Creed but it is a superb media server. Its got a 320gb HD in it where i watch all my xvids of tv shows, store and stream a huuuuuuuuuuuuge collection of music. This is its strength. I dont even use the blu-ray player much because my 360 hd-dvd is getting a canning at the moment with all the cheap hd-dvd deals. The blu-ray is something for the future.

29-Jul-2008, 05:10 PM
i gotta say, if i cant, now i can afford one, get a ps3 that is backwards compatible with my vast ps2 collection, now i dont own a ps2 anymore, then i aint buyin'.

29-Jul-2008, 11:43 PM
60gb has backwards compatbility and I think a new model is being released but yeah backwards is a big thing glad I grabbed a 60 when I could. They have stoped making them but some are floating round, looking forward to playing chicken with you in GTA Hells.

30-Jul-2008, 01:46 AM
If you can find the 80G Metal Gear bundle and can afford it, then get it. Its has everything my 1st gen 60G version has plus Metal Gear, Dual Shock 3, and 20G more. Oh yeah, and like the 60G model its plays PS & PS2 cds.

It does not have the PS2 hardware built in like your 60gig model, it still uses software emulation for it's backwards compatability and is compatable with a lot less games than the 60gig model is.

30-Jul-2008, 05:17 AM
Damn, really? You guys are screwed then. I am holding on to mine. They dropped the price of the PS3 after gutting it. But if you follow Sony advice about buying a slim PS2 & gutted PS3, then you will pay more than a 1st gen 60G model. That really sucks for gamers who were not able to afford the model that I own. My friend wants a PS3, but I told him to wait. What if his PS2 breaks? He'll spend more money on 2 Sony products. A lot of people want backwards compatibility when purchasing a next gen console. So they can play their older games. F#ck downloading a title from the PS store if you already own the game.

30-Jul-2008, 07:30 AM
I have had my ps3 for a year, and have only owned two games.

I have had my xbox for just a bit longer and have bought and traded in tons of them.

Says everything.

MGS4 is good, but not worth buying the ps3 for. It's a rental game at best.

Don't buy it unless you want the blu-ray. It looks nice but the whole thing is really dog****.