View Full Version : Ok, Bush I have to hand you one thing...

18-Jul-2008, 04:46 PM
You made my shopping trip awhole lot more pleasant!

Just came back from a two and a half week vacation to the states, and the prices on everything were cheeaap! Thank you, low dollar! :D

18-Jul-2008, 07:41 PM
Don't know if it is entirely Bush's fault, but nevertheless we americans are now finally starting to understand what the Mexican's feel like when we go to Tijuana and play the arrogant and ugly American bit. Serves us right, I suppose.

18-Jul-2008, 08:03 PM
They're not cheap per say, you just have exorbitant prices in Europe.

Don't know if it is entirely Bush's fault, but nevertheless we americans are now finally starting to understand what the Mexican's feel like when we go to Tijuana and play the arrogant and ugly American bit. Serves us right, I suppose.

Of course its not, some maybe but not all. The housing bubble crash is more to blame, that started under Clinton but Bush didn't stop all the mortgage companies form predatory lending to people who couldn't possibly afford a home.

18-Jul-2008, 08:23 PM
Not to mention that the dollar sucks next to the euro or pound right now.

18-Jul-2008, 08:58 PM
You made my shopping trip awhole lot more pleasant!

Just came back from a two and a half week vacation to the states, and the prices on everything were cheeaap! Thank you, low dollar! :D

Thank you for your patronage! Come again :)

18-Jul-2008, 10:32 PM
Not to mention that the dollar sucks next to the euro or pound right now.

you can say that again, its like 50 bucks is 100 quid or something lately. a local store near me which is of note for taking any currency doesnt take american money right now, dubbing it "play money". dont think its that bad myself but still, compared to our prices you got **** real cheap.

18-Jul-2008, 10:53 PM
dont think its that bad myself but still, compared to our prices you got **** real cheap.

i think another thing that keeps prices low here in the eyes of people from the UK or europe is the fact that sales taxes (which some states don't even have) are far, far lower than anything you will find on the other side of the atlantic nor is there any such thing as a VAT here.

18-Jul-2008, 11:00 PM
Not to mention that the dollar sucks next to the euro or pound right now.

that'll happen when 50 countries come together against one country of 275 million.

let the us and canada have one currency, the euro would crash.

19-Jul-2008, 03:02 AM
that'll happen when 50 countries come together against one country of 275 million.

let the us and canada have one currency, the euro would crash.

Actually its not as if the Euro beat down the dollar. Our economy is adjusting downwardly, it'll swing back it goes up and down. When its down our money is worth less. People act like the Canadian dollar and the Euro shot passed the dollar over night. The more realistic scenario of course is that the dollar tripped and is readjusting itself.

19-Jul-2008, 03:11 AM
They're not cheap per say, you just have exorbitant prices in Europe.

See, the difference between you and me in this matter is that I know what I'm talking about. I visit the states quite often, so I spend time on BOTH continents, and altough the dollar value has hit rock bottom, the prices have not changed.

That means that last time I was in the states I was paying 200 swedish kroners for a 20 dollar pricetag. That same thing would cost about the same in Europe. As for the sales tax, yes but that's also depending on where you shop. And the retail price seems to be lower in Europe to even it out.

This time around, I was paying 120 kroners for that same pricetag. I hate to admit it, but I really felt like I was taking advantage of some third world country while there. Not to mention all the homeless people and the Mad Max oil wars. We pay DOUBLE your gas price, yet we don't complain a third as much as you americans do. Then again, we have public transportation I guess.

20-Jul-2008, 05:54 PM
We pay DOUBLE your gas price, yet we don't complain a third as much as you americans do. Then again, we have public transportation I guess.

EvilNed, American's complain now becuase our prices suddenly shot up, and yours have been consistently high for so long that you all have become acclimated to it.

Like dropping a lobster into boiling water, as opposed to having the lobster start in cold water that is slowly being brought to boiling temperature.

But in comparison to other countries, yeah, the USA has been paying less for many years than others at the pump, so I think that we are going to have to get used to it. I think that this may finally cause us Americans to wean ourselves away from the personal automobile and start to use public transport as we should have been doing all along. Our public transport, by the way, sucks in comparison to those of many other countries, possibly because of we here tend to use it less and favor the personal automobile over mass transit.