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19-Jul-2008, 01:54 AM

19-Jul-2008, 03:12 AM
When Acid goes wrong


19-Jul-2008, 04:58 AM


19-Jul-2008, 08:33 AM
When we were flynig to Australia, we were stopping half way at LA. Two rows in front of us were three Australian men, one of whom was behavign slightly strangely. While I was asleep, he had got up and started behaving stragely an started playing with the emergency exit. A couple of passengers stopped him.

From that point onwards a member of staff constantly stood next to him, and whenever he went to the bathroom escorted him.

Then, can you believe this, when we landed in LA, the pilot called over the intercom to say there had been a medical emergency onboard so could every one stay seated.

From the front of the plane two police offers came down the isle. Turns out the medical emergency was a ruse. The officers stopped and asked the row infront of the Australian men to get up and move. The same with the row behind them. They then asked each of the two Australian men who had done to move, leaving just the nutt job.

Hand on gun, they then told the remaining Australian man to stand up, which surprise surprise he did... Handcuffed he left the plane... He wasn't on the next leg of the flight, and neither were his two friends.

The way the two LA police officers handled it was excellent! :)

ps: There was talk they found a reasonable size knife on the guy but not sure if that's true or not...

20-Jul-2008, 05:16 PM
Los Angeles International Airport has their own police department, so if you came into LAX those smooth cops were probably them. They are somewhat better trained than your average Los Angeles Police Department officer, though the LAPD are pretty good too.

Since 9/11, I think that most folks who fly have been pretty proactive about policing their fellow passengers. I venture to guess that in today's climate some knuckle head with a box cutter is going to get immediately swarmed by fellow passengers and will be the recipient of a proper ass kicking by all in the plane.

20-Jul-2008, 06:00 PM
Los Angeles International Airport has their own police department, so if you came into LAX those smooth cops were probably them. They are somewhat better trained than your average Los Angeles Police Department officer, though the LAPD are pretty good too.

Since 9/11, I think that most folks who fly have been pretty proactive about policing their fellow passengers. I venture to guess that in today's climate some knuckle head with a box cutter is going to get immediately swarmed by fellow passengers and will be the recipient of a proper ass kicking by all in the plane.

This was pre-911...

22-Jul-2008, 12:09 AM
This was pre-911...

too bad nyc airports didnt have these cops :(:(:(:(

22-Jul-2008, 10:32 PM
Problem is that wasn't a hijacking. I agree we'd have an easier time of it if all hijackers got naked first.

too bad nyc airports didnt have these cops.
For 9/11? None of the planes originated out of JFK or LaGuardia. If they had, 50% would have missed their flights since the service is so bad.

23-Jul-2008, 12:20 AM
Problem is that wasn't a hijacking. I agree we'd have an easier time of it if all hijackers got naked first.

For 9/11? None of the planes originated out of JFK or LaGuardia. If they had, 50% would have missed their flights since the service is so bad.

agreed, those idiots woulda looked pretty stupid flying an empty plan into a building.