View Full Version : finally remedy says alan wake is still in production

19-Jul-2008, 08:00 AM

So hopefully there'll be alan wake news at the tokyo game-show or pax.

and its about bloody time.

19-Jul-2008, 10:06 AM
Screw when it's showing at some show, I wanna know when I can buy it and play it!

It's weird really, all the videos before made it look like it was so far along, and now they're taking ages and not saying anything, dagnammit!

I don't want a game that doesn't work, but some progress updates would be nice on an Alan Wake blog on the site or something!

19-Jul-2008, 02:56 PM
Screw when it's showing at some show, I wanna know when I can buy it and play it!
Beat me to it, man. I reckon this game still has 'epic wait' stamped on it's head.

19-Jul-2008, 04:21 PM

22-Jul-2008, 05:58 PM
Just saw on ActionTrip - it won't be showing at TGS.

It was a mistake referring to the 2007 TGS.

So ultimately ... ... we still have no f*cking clue when Alan Wake will be finished! :(

Epic wait indeed. I thought they said it'd be done in 2008? :confused:

22-Jul-2008, 06:04 PM
Epic wait indeed. I thought they said it'd be done in 2008? :confused:

I don't think I recall that statement... unless it was like a year and a half ago. As far back as I can remember, they've stuck with the term "It's finished when it's finished."

22-Jul-2008, 07:21 PM
When we last saw video it looked pretty damn far along ... so how come things take ages all of a sudden?!

I wish these videogame makers would at least keep a blog to keep the fans and potential fans up to date on what's going on, we need to know! :p

22-Jul-2008, 08:51 PM
Duke Nukem Forever will be out first :)

...and my PC won't be able to run either of them :(

22-Jul-2008, 09:24 PM
Get and Xbox, I'm sure your Mrs will completely agree with such a purchase! :)

Yeah, my rig won't run DNF either I reckon...and well, Alan Wake I'll get for my 369.

22-Jul-2008, 09:56 PM
Get and Xbox, I'm sure your Mrs will completely agree with such a purchase! :)

Yeah, my rig won't run DNF either I reckon...and well, Alan Wake I'll get for my 369.

My brain says, mouse + keyboard = good gaming (especially FPS), not funny little buttons...

22-Jul-2008, 10:03 PM
I do agree that 3rd and 1st person shooters/whatever-ers work best with keyboard & mouse.

I have, thought, become accustomed to also using a joypad - BUT - keyboard & mouse IS better for such games.

I do like the convenience and comfort of a joypad, but they do work best with some games more than a PC - like a racer, or Tony Hawk, or a fighter ... FPS and third person always has worked best on PC controls though

23-Jul-2008, 02:01 AM
Alan Wake I'll get for my 369.
If Alan Wake makes it to this current generation of consoles. There have been insider reports that suggest it might not...

...dunno about anyone else but this wall of silence is making me nervous.

23-Jul-2008, 11:01 AM
Not to this gen of consoles?!

I call bollocks on that personally, the next gen of consoles isn't anywhere near coming into existence. Even Kojima has been banging on about how the tech for a next gen just isn't there yet - so in turn, how on earth could Alan Wake take that friggin long, especially when it looked so complete when they were pimping videos - which, you'd surely think, they were fully targetting for the new console market.

I do wish they'd tell us some stuff, keep us updated, being left in the dark is reet annoying ... I'm sure Alan Wake himself wouldn't wanna be left dangling in the dark. :p

23-Jul-2008, 01:58 PM
If Alan Wake makes it to this current generation of consoles. There have been insider reports that suggest it might not...

...dunno about anyone else but this wall of silence is making me nervous.

remedy said the game has been on hold for a little while as they took a vacation form the project so it doesn't get tired and monotonous near the end, but now there back at work on it.

this is 3 clicks away from the main page of alanwake.com

not exactly a "wall of silence"

23-Jul-2008, 05:56 PM
Well I heard that minute snippet of 'we've been on holiday, back now ta' on ActionTrip a couple of days ago.

It's next to silence though, I wanna know where they're at with the project, what they're working on, how far along do they think they are, is anything taking longer than expecting, is something not working - all that kinda stuff - a proper blog, like.

23-Jul-2008, 07:50 PM
It's next to silence though, I wanna know where they're at with the project, what they're working on, how far along do they think they are, is anything taking longer than expecting, is something not working - all that kinda stuff - a proper blog, like.
Indeed, I said silence because a couple of years ago it was all like gameplay videos and updates - left, right and centre. Nowadays we have to wait months for a poxy photo. I think the fans deserve to be rewarded with a ball tickling new video or something.

27-Jul-2008, 12:43 PM
Is this going to be another one of those games where by the time its released technology has moved on so much that it wont look half as good as it does at present?kind of like stalker really,its a good game but it looked old on release!

27-Jul-2008, 05:49 PM
I doubt it to be honest, cos Alan Wake looks f*ckin' boshty.

And I doubt it'll be delayed quite that long.

The big question will be of course - what will Duke Nukem Forever look like?