View Full Version : UK - work for dole

22-Jul-2008, 02:01 PM
This sounds good on paper, being unemployed myself I would welcome the opportunity to get out the house for a bit and do simple tasks, but it's alot of hot air and unworkable.
They'd need to employ people to monitor it, they are basically penalising unemployed people for not getting jobs by making them do nothing more then community service and they'd be better off getting unemployed people better educated on schemes. About four years ago I got a course studying administration and gaining various other qualifications for 26 weeks, but since then it's been reduced to 13 weeks of individuals sitting on their arse in some office doing inductions, job search and cheap labour in the form of charity work.

22-Jul-2008, 03:41 PM
but it's alot of hot air and unworkable.

Sounds like Labour's MO to me. :p

22-Jul-2008, 03:44 PM
i think you just gotta get work to pay the bills, but not live to work, only work to live yknow?
i just finished my first week of work as a fry cook at.... *sigh*, macdonalds.

the pays ****e and its way off bus routes, but it pays the rent adn gives me the time to continue my university degree and get up and running as a freelance filmmaker at the same time.

burnt a good few layers of skin off my knuckle on the griddle, small cuts and burns have always healed fast for me and its taken a week for me to lose the marks, so thats a doozie.:dead:

22-Jul-2008, 06:09 PM
I'd sooner shovel **** or pick lettuces than be on the rock n roll, and i have done in the past as well!there is always jobs to be done,even if they arent peoples dream jobs!a lot of people just sit on the dole waiting for the right job to come along,when really they should be doing any job they can while applying for better jobs & training at night school or whatever it takes.Im in a decent responsible job now but ive worked in a chicken processing factory for a summer which was grim,picked lettuces 12 hours a day for a season,then spent 18 months as a stockman/**** shoveller on pig farms before i got into better work when i was 21!but i can proudly say ive never been on the rock n roll!:D