View Full Version : Chinese Arms Cost American Lives

25-Jul-2008, 10:11 PM
Chinese Arms Cost American Lives

"For over a year, U.S. officials have been complaining to their Chinese counterparts about the shipment of Chinese-made or Chinese coproduced weapons to Iraqi insurgents and to the Taliban in Afghanistan, largely via Iran. The requests to stop the flow of arms into the hands of insurgents who are killing U.S. and coalition troops has fallen on deaf ears."

Full Article


25-Jul-2008, 10:19 PM
Chinese Arms Cost American Lives

Damn, we've got to make them wear long sleeves!

.............but on a serious note, this kind of thing is no big secret. China supplying people opposed to the U.S. has been going on since the '50s.

26-Jul-2008, 03:08 AM
China sucks.

26-Jul-2008, 03:27 AM
Yup, mostly Oil and money.

26-Jul-2008, 03:31 AM
china is a nasty piece of work as far i am concerned. i wouldn't put anything and i do mean anything past the land of the sweatshop.

26-Jul-2008, 12:28 PM
Good to see there isn't a lot of anti Chinese bigotry here.

I love China, I've vacationed there a number of times. One of the coolest places I have ever been, one of the kindest people I have ever known.

It's funny to see American and Europeans judge China so harshly when it was American and Europeans who made China what it is today to a large extent.

And we judge them by our 1st world standards while they are a 3rd world nation. Its absurd. Imagine comparing the United States or say England in the 1820s to the US or UK of Today, its the same thing. China is still modernizing and having its own industrial revolution.

26-Jul-2008, 01:06 PM
I agree with Khardis here.

So, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, huh? China is just doing what the US and France were doing not to far ago. I didn't hear anyone complain back then.

26-Jul-2008, 04:04 PM
so when did a distaste for the way the chinese govt. operates turn into bigotry?
i fail to see any connection between the two.

26-Jul-2008, 04:11 PM
We're all guilty of it... We used to supply arms to Saddam let's not forget... Ironic...

26-Jul-2008, 07:20 PM
I agree with Khardis here.

So, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, huh? China is just doing what the US and France were doing not to far ago. I didn't hear anyone complain back then. What are you talking about? Do you mean Vietnam?

27-Jul-2008, 02:55 PM
For those that don't read the article...

Chinese manufactured weapons are being supplied to insurgent forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not just AK-47 rifles, we are talking high tech advanced technology anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. Most are made in China, sent to a second state like Iran, then smuggled into the combat area.

Now this isn't the first time that China has done this. During the Vietnam War both the Soviet Union and China supported the North Vietnamese with a vast arsenal of weapons, soldiers to train their troops, and material support.

The odd thing is in 2008 the Chinese government are already fighting a major counterinsurgency campaign against Muslim rebels inside Western China. These groups are responsible for the bombings and other attacks against the Olympic games.

Makes one question their long term goals supporting Islamic fighters in the Middle East. Destabilize the region enough that eventually China will be seen as an alternative to US or Western European support in the region? Or is China just stirring the pot to cause trouble for the US while fighting it's own campaign against Islam at home?

27-Jul-2008, 04:03 PM
China has its own morality and does follow it to a point.

I imagine as they see it, arming both Vietnam and Iraq are good ways of slowing down or stopping western imperialism.

We basically created the cluster #@$% in both countries by our inability to comprehend how many people would see our interference.

27-Jul-2008, 04:37 PM
For those that don't read the article...

Chinese manufactured weapons are being supplied to insurgent forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not just AK-47 rifles, we are talking high tech advanced technology anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. Most are made in China, sent to a second state like Iran, then smuggled into the combat area.

Now this isn't the first time that China has done this. During the Vietnam War both the Soviet Union and China supported the North Vietnamese with a vast arsenal of weapons, soldiers to train their troops, and material support.

The odd thing is in 2008 the Chinese government are already fighting a major counterinsurgency campaign against Muslim rebels inside Western China. These groups are responsible for the bombings and other attacks against the Olympic games.

Makes one question their long term goals supporting Islamic fighters in the Middle East. Destabilize the region enough that eventually China will be seen as an alternative to US or Western European support in the region? Or is China just stirring the pot to cause trouble for the US while fighting it's own campaign against Islam at home?

So the Iranians are at fault then, not the chinese.

27-Jul-2008, 07:46 PM
What are you talking about? Do you mean Vietnam?

The US sold/supplied weapons and armament to Saddam Hussein and the Talibans, while they were fighting Iran/Soviets.

France illegally sold supplies (not sure if they were military) to Iraq in exchange for oil.

29-Jul-2008, 05:06 PM
So not getting involved in the moral relativism of "since we did it to destabilize an evil regime like Iran, it's OK for China to do it to us and we shouldn't do anything about it"...

You guys have fun bashing America here. :rolleyes:

29-Jul-2008, 05:37 PM
So not getting involved in the moral relativism of "since we did it to destabilize an evil regime like Iran, it's OK for China to do it to us and we shouldn't do anything about it"...

You guys have fun bashing America here. :rolleyes:

indeed. i find it interesting how many people jump on the "well, the US used to blah, blah, blah" wagon.

so that makes what china is doing right? not by a long shot.

supplying weapons to folks involved in conflicts around the world might've come back and bitten us, might've been wrong but still doesn't excuse what china is doing. period.

morality doesn't work on a sliding scale. if it was wrong for the US, france, whoever to do it in the past, it is equally wrong for china.

29-Jul-2008, 06:51 PM
You guys have fun bashing America here. :rolleyes:

It's the worldwide pastime. Instead of people actually working to change their own miserable lives for the better, it's more fun to point a finger and blame something for it.

29-Jul-2008, 09:01 PM
indeed. i find it interesting how many people jump on the "well, the US used to blah, blah, blah" wagon.

so that makes what china is doing right? not by a long shot.
Of course, it's wrong. The point is that the original article is only giving half the story. Were you so shocked to find that Chinese-manufactured weapons were finding their way into Iran? Were you equally as shocked to see photos of Donald Rumsfeld with Saddam Hussein?