View Full Version : Videogame Peeve list....

26-Jul-2008, 04:00 PM
I was thinking the other day, one thing about video games that really narks me are the credit sequences when you complete a game, and in particular credits that feature extra content at the end of them. Take for instance Halo 3, upon completion of the game in legendary mode, there is an extra cutscene at the end of the credit sequence that anyone could easily miss by not bothering to watch through til the end. I swear it's such trumpet blowing, making people sit through 20 minute end credit sequences just in *case* there's something there at the end of the game, and 90% of the time there isn't anything there at all. All the while I have to endure little love notes to the developer's (imaginary) girlfriends and families, only to be rewarded with....nowt.


I vote for standardisation - either always put content at the end of the credits, or don't...! hahaha

I love bitching

26-Jul-2008, 04:04 PM
<cough> Metal Gear Solid 4 <cough>

26-Jul-2008, 04:15 PM
Goddamn right...
haha nah, it's fairly fun really...nothing spectacular though

26-Jul-2008, 04:35 PM
I hate invisible walls in games. If I am not allowed to go there, put a real friggin obstacle there instead of me running up against invisible walls. Piss poor, lazy, game development.

26-Jul-2008, 04:43 PM


Also dead bodies that fall through walls and doors, it's just a bit shabby....

26-Jul-2008, 04:55 PM
I hate crappy AI,its bad when enemies just stand there & let you shoot them without reacting,but its unforgivable in a single player team game where your team mates go running off shooting or just walk into enemy fire while your trying to be stealthy or just trying to keep everyone alive!
Invisible walls are crap,and so is the fact you can shoot an enemy in the foot a few times & then he drops dead!
Forgetful enemies as well,they see you & come after you,you go hide behind a tree for 20 seconds,then they forget all about you & go back to their usual patrol route like nothing happened!

26-Jul-2008, 05:08 PM
Achievements that aren't linked ie: when you do the game in hard, you have to re-do it in Normal to get the Normal Achievements.


Also, stupid friendly AI too - especially games where you have to keep someone alive, only to find they run out from cover, stand in the line of fire and end up dead whilst you are hiding...

26-Jul-2008, 06:03 PM
I hate not being able to climb on a car and sh*t on it in GTA ... I mean come on!!! :lol:


I always watch to the end of the credits just in case, and indeed I saw the scene - although I'd been tipped off about it online, so I did so anyway.


Another one, not really to do with the games, but just my luck - several times when completing a game, I've been on the final cinematic - AND GOTTEN A F*CKING PHONE CALL!!!

I missed the entire ending of GOW cos of that reason, and had to re-watch it on YouTube. Now, like when I recently completed Halo 3, I turned my f*cking phone off.

Mind you, now my phone turns itself off on it's own when it fancies doing so, lol, but I'll have a new one on Monday after a surprisingly simple phone call.

Erm, I also hate levels in games where you're just so pissed off about them and bored and not always sure where to go (for all the wrong reasons) - I'm thinking of the stuff in the flood ship at the end of Halo 3 - or NEAR the end anyway, there's a whole bunch more playing to do AFTER what you thought was the end, which was after what you thought was the end, which was after what you thought was the end.

That sort of thing, where the end just keeps on f*cking going, pisses me off - again in Halo 3, the final escape bit is fun - but it gets LAME when you essentially do it TWICE IN A ROW, but it's not really, if you know what I mean ... I mean - who the f*ck, in the Halo universe, designs these places?

And how do you have these metal flooring things seemingly floating in the air, and getting blown up from underneath by seemingly nothing?

There were many swears as I finished Halo 3, which I still enjoyed, but also found quite frustrating at times - like in that bloody flood ship, you get lost all the damn time.

26-Jul-2008, 06:29 PM
With every post I get reminded of more things...

I too hate getting lost in games, I especially hate hunting around for a door or opening for hours and hours, only to get bored and turn it off, then when I turn it back on I somehow magically go straight to that little aircon vent that is right at the back of the level in the bottom corner...I really hate game developers that go to all this trouble to design a beautiful looking and complex level, only to ruin it by making the only viable exit some stupid little vent that you end up crawling through....and "oh look there's some guys down there, I can shoot them from above in my little metal tube..." ughh....SO OVERUSED. Hasn't been fun since Goldeneye....Seems that sometimes half of the game is finding the exits to the next bit of the level, that's not fun, it's just annoying. It's like Where's Wally, it takes no skill, just keep your eyes open innit.

26-Jul-2008, 06:33 PM
Another thing i hate is when you have to roam around searching for the key to some wooden door,when you have shotguns,rocket launchers,machineguns & even bloody chainsaws in your inventory :lol:

26-Jul-2008, 08:26 PM
Being a WWII enthusiast, I hate WWII games (and movies of course) that throw realism and historical accuracy to the wind.

I don't like to see invisible walls in FPS games, but the fact one of my favourite RTT games of recent weeks has invisible walls means I guess it doesn't offend me in every genre.

One of my biggest peeves about games (especially of recent years) is mediocrety in the gameplay or just all-round... yet, some gamers thrive on it.

26-Jul-2008, 08:29 PM
I hate that the Elite tale got shafted in Halo 3.
I hate that it took me ten years to realise the Umbrella saga in Resident evil was being made up as it went along, there was no greater planning or direction.
I hate it how characters in zombie games don't get a scratch despite the fact they are bitten, shot or stabbed.
I hate crappy partner/escort AI.
I hate when developers tie the camera to the Wii remote.