View Full Version : I'd buy this eletric car :)

27-Jul-2008, 06:32 AM
0-60 in 4 seconds :)



Distance is always the problem though... 200 miles per change...


27-Jul-2008, 08:01 AM
you mean 200 miles per charge? Interesting, no idea where I'd plug it in though...?

It's a beautiful vehicle, would love to own one. I dig anything that doesn't chug out co2 (as a soon to be new driver this stuff is very important to me not only in terms of the environment but my monthly outgoings)

I have quite a thing for the Smart sport cars....think they're well sweet

27-Jul-2008, 10:57 AM
If they can make them so the charge takes about the same time as filling up at the pumps,rather than an overnight job,then i'd be very interested!

*edit* i just read the specs & it will charge up in 10 minutes for another 200 miles,not bad going to be fair!not sure how it would work if it went flat in the middle of nowhere though..

27-Jul-2008, 11:21 AM
Also - how is it charged? If you're just getting it from a power station, what's the f*cking point?! :rolleyes:

It does look good though, I wish more concepts would actually make it into the show rooms, I'm fed up with all these softly softly, roundy roundy, ever-so-generic looking cars wafting around looking so bloody boring.

27-Jul-2008, 12:05 PM
Why can't they make a car - not uber sports - that can do 0-60 in a respectable under 10 second, can do 300-400 mile between charges, and carry 3-4 people with some luggage?

And doesn't cost a silly amount of money...

It would sell like hot cakes!!!

More on the 'Lightening' - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/main.jhtml?xml=/motoring/2007/09/01/nosplit/mflight01.xml

27-Jul-2008, 07:07 PM
I'd buy that car.

28-Jul-2008, 10:05 AM
Anyone know if it's like the Prius - i.e. charges itself with a petrol engine - or is it the sort of electric car that you plug into a power station, thus negating ALL purpose of having a 'clean' car?

And the Prius is such a con for posers. :D

28-Jul-2008, 11:43 AM
If they can make them so the charge takes about the same time as filling up at the pumps,rather than an overnight job,then i'd be very interested!

*edit* i just read the specs & it will charge up in 10 minutes for another 200 miles,not bad going to be fair!not sure how it would work if it went flat in the middle of nowhere though..

Well Honda makes a portable gas powered Generator you can carry with you just in case that problem arises.

Stuck in the desert, just reach in the trunk and pull out the old Honda, give a yank on the cord and plug it in, plug it in. :lol:

0-60 in 4 seconds :)



Distance is always the problem though... 200 miles per change...


200 miles is not bad. I drive an 8 cyl mustang and with my city driving I am lucky to get 170 miles between fill-ups. So I would take this 200 mile per charge car, although I don't care for the cars style. I hope they make an electric Mustang down the road, if not... oh well, there is always the GT. :elol:

28-Jul-2008, 12:00 PM
Anyone know if it's like the Prius - i.e. charges itself with a petrol engine - or is it the sort of electric car that you plug into a power station, thus negating ALL purpose of having a 'clean' car?

And the Prius is such a con for posers. :D

No, this is 100% electric... As it should be!

200 miles is not bad. I drive an 8 cyl mustang and with my city driving I am lucky to get 170 miles between fill-ups. So I would take this 200 mile per charge car, although I don't care for the cars style. I hope they make an electric Mustang down the road, if not... oh well, there is always the GT. :elol:

What I don't understand it why - given they can build this - can't they build a car that can carry 3-4 people which standard performance (say under 10s to 60 and 100mph), can do say 300 miles and costs 10-15000....

ie: Something people can actually use and afford!!! This, although a great car, is basically just a performance car gimmick... Let's see a really practical, affordable, usuable application!

28-Jul-2008, 12:38 PM
No, this is 100% electric... As it should be!

Yeah - but how is it charged?

Do you plug it into the national grid - i.e. a coal powered, power station? :rockbrow:

So in other words, it's no cleaner than a normal car!

I'd also be interested to know how recycled the actual structure of the car is. For example, the new Mercedes S-Class is more economical and ethically built, than that poser-Prius.

28-Jul-2008, 01:03 PM
Well Honda makes a portable gas powered Generator you can carry with you just in case that problem arises.

Stuck in the desert, just reach in the trunk and pull out the old Honda, give a yank on the cord and plug it in, plug it in. :lol:

200 miles is not bad. I drive an 8 cyl mustang and with my city driving I am lucky to get 170 miles between fill-ups. So I would take this 200 mile per charge car, although I don't care for the cars style. I hope they make an electric Mustang down the road, if not... oh well, there is always the GT. :elol:

You get 170 miles to a full tank of petrol? Dude....get rid of that car.

28-Jul-2008, 01:17 PM
Yeah - but how is it charged?

Do you plug it into the national grid - i.e. a coal powered, power station? :rockbrow:

So in other words, it's no cleaner than a normal car!

I'd also be interested to know how recycled the actual structure of the car is. For example, the new Mercedes S-Class is more economical and ethically built, than that poser-Prius.

Yes, you plug it into the mains...

So it's no cleaner than petrol cars? I suspect it's a lot cleaner/efficient...

Besides... In 15-20 years when every street has a nuclear power station on it...

Here's something written about hybrids... So sort of relevant...

The study found that if 60 percent of Americans shifted to plug-in hybrids by 2050, it would lead to an increase in electricity usage of 7 to 8 percent -- a relatively small increase, indicating that hybrids would not necessarily require a surge of new power plant construction. Plug-in hybrids are charged mostly at night, when demand for electricity is low.

At the same time, the report estimates that electric hybrids would displace the need for 3 million to 4 million barrels of oil per day by 2050, more than twice what the United States imports each day from Saudi Arabia.

Researchers also found that plug-in hybrids reduced greenhouse gases no matter what energy source was used to produce the electricity, whether coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind or solar. Electric hybrids generated 40 to 65 percent less greenhouse gas than gas-fueled vehicles and 7 to 46 percent less than conventional hybrids.

Plug-in hybrids also would slightly lower air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and smog-forming ozone in most regions, the study found. But emissions of particulate matter could rise because of the increased burning of coal.

The Chevy Volt looks quite interesting... Shame the range using the battery alone is only about 40 miles!! Mind you that would be fine for me... I'd charge it up just 2-3 times a week and never use any fuel! And 0-60 in under 6 seconds :)

But it's price is suppose to be around $40,000, which once again is cuckoo-la-la land for average people. We need cars aimed at HALF THAT PRICE!!!!!


28-Jul-2008, 05:52 PM
Do you plug it into the national grid - i.e. a coal powered, power station? :rockbrow:


Actually coal fired power stations barely pollute at all these days due to the advances in technology etc,which makes it ridiculous that we are relying on europe & russia for our energy when we're sat on 1000 years worth of coal in this country!not that i care about all this global warming crap,its all a load of cobblers,it changes from "global warming" when its too hot, to "climate change" in the event of a crap summer :lol:

I like the look of this electric car,but theres no point buying it to save money on fuel if your able to pay £120,000 for the car! plus you would need a huge bass tube in the back with a cd playing growling engine noises so you didnt sound like a turbo charged electric wheelchair...

28-Jul-2008, 05:56 PM
You get 170 miles to a full tank of petrol? Dude....get rid of that car.
Yeah ... but it's a Mustang ... it's COOL.

Top Gear even says so. :D

Although the Rousch (sp?) edition of the Mustang is cooler though.


Neil - well the decreased energy use would be good, it's not neutral, but it's reduced. They do need to work on efficiency and power though ... but one thing lost - the beautiful sound of an engine. The sheer, raw, violent power of it all. :(

Also - it's not just about fuel, it's about materials. If the materials are flown all over the world (from being dug out of the ground, to being assembled), then that's not much cop is it?

28-Jul-2008, 07:15 PM
Also - it's not just about fuel, it's about materials. If the materials are flown all over the world (from being dug out of the ground, to being assembled), then that's not much cop is it?

Oh absolutely... But I suspect digging up dinosaur juice from 3 miles under the sea aint easy/clean!!

29-Jul-2008, 07:32 AM
Oh absolutely... But I suspect digging up dinosaur juice from 3 miles under the sea aint easy/clean!!
Indeed, but it might be cleaner than sourcing the parts to make a Prius, for example.

And judging by Top Gear's hatred of cheap, American plastics in their "luxury" cars, that stuff must come from Mars or something, because they have no idea where it comes from. :D

Not diggin', just sprung to mind...which leads me on to, if you have a vehicle with recycled bits, it has to be of a decent quality, you know. Not like that recycled bog roll which cuts you up.

Also, the VW Fox has a parcel shelf made out of old pineapples apparently...interesting. But such pick & mix, half-assed recycling is fairly pointless wouldn't you say? Either do it properly, or piss off.

03-Aug-2008, 10:07 AM

It does look good though, I wish more concepts would actually make it into the show rooms, I'm fed up with all these softly softly, roundy roundy, ever-so-generic looking cars wafting around looking so bloody boring.

I agree. That one looks interesting.

If they really want to sell electric/non gas powered cars then they should start making them look like some of the cool concept cars that always turn up at car shows and then disappear afterwards. Then people would actually buy them. The electric cars today look horrible. I don't care if they get 1000 miles per gallon if they look like the generic crap out there today then I would never buy one.

You get 170 miles to a full tank of petrol? Dude....get rid of that car.

It's a sports car though. Just the price you pay.

I get 360 miles to a full tank in my Corvette.
(20 miles per gallon in city/27 highway).

03-Aug-2008, 10:21 AM

I mean look at that Prius - minging.

Such boring design, this is the sort of softy roundy lame design I'm on about.

And this (the previous Ford Focus):



And here's the Corsa that used to be around a shedload recently, and still is quite prevalent on the roads:


It looks like a testcile on it's side with wheels.

This Vauxhall Astra used to be everywhere too, and it was rank:


Fortunately, SOME manufacturers are starting to spruce things up, the Astra is getting replaced and looks alright if memory serves from Top Gear. The new Focus looks a bit snazzier, although it's still an incredibly average car.

Ugh, I want a bit of grunt, a bit of growl, a bit of grrrrr in car design. I want some funk, some snazz, some wow ... not bloody soft wobbly marsmallow corners and lifeless interiors etc. :bored:

03-Aug-2008, 01:49 PM
Urrgh those cars are horrid,all modern affordable cars are pretty horrible though,they all have that ghey "modern art" type look to them,all bubbly & poncey looking :barf:
I mean what the bloody hell is this??

or this..

and this absolute monstrosity

Have you noticed nearly all new cars on the road now are all in shades of grey?they all look extremely bland!

I stand by SEAT for fairly mean looking affordable modern cars,the Ibiza & the leon,especially the cupra models are very nice


13-Aug-2008, 08:02 AM
Here's a new electric car that I would love to buy.
They just need to get the price down from $100,000+
Great design.


13-Aug-2008, 08:51 AM
Here's a new electric car that I would love to buy.
They just need to get the price down from $100,000+
Great design.


Basically a Lotus Elise with a powerful electric motor...

Yes, hopefully these enthusiast cars will pave the way to sensible ones...