View Full Version : Lost boys: the tribes danny's play by play.

28-Jul-2008, 11:13 PM
*does a mz*

20 seconds in: bad opening shot to a car pulling up at an angle form a crane doing a big circle, thats sci-fi original opener right there.
1 minute in: 12 ****'s in a minute, that doesn't bode well.
1 minute 30 in: terrible background music.
1 minute 50: enter tom savini, dressed like a pimp on vacation...aa'ight.
2:55: typicla reasonless fight ensues, good effects though.
3:11: (SPOILER), they arent shocked, in fact they turn out to be vampires too, not bad for an opening twist.
6:30 spelling stuff out for us "not bad, right little sister", poor choice writing wise.
6:40 ...its the dude from american pie 4.....
8:50: camera lingers far too long on an old man, whom there told to ignor......yeah....
10:53: needless sporting failure backstory.
11: lame love interest for the girl.
12:23: heading out of the way, were the california bay has become a desolate wasteland apparently, and loads of no tresspassing signs, im guessing que a man with a dark adn depressive past, probably alcoholic, o r that old man...
13:49: ominous hand pulls back blinds to watch them leave, oooohhh!:bored:
16: some crappy lestat wannabe who sounds like he was caught in a brundleflyian (tm) incident with kid rock. lame.
19: inevitable dickhead enemy, are they checking off a list?
21: wow, a walking pair of tits, classy
22:30: wow, the vampire is seducing the lead female, THE ORIGIONALITY IS ****ING EPIC!!!!
23:30: girl says to the vamp she appreciates death - vampbait.
25:46: he slips here something to drink, probably his blood or some ****, who cares igven the setting?
27: uh-oh, tits is upset
30: ominous music, trouble and upheaval. this really is by the book cliches.
32: okay, now its gone to comedy, now i can watch it.
33: oh goody, tits is back, asking to be invited in.....
34: tits loses here top, ANOTHER MAKEOUT SCENE, ONLY 8 MINS LATER?!?
35: se tries to bite him, he stakes he by accident, thinks hes a murderer, right on.
36: yep, guy with a darkpast, told ya.
38: eggs and holy water and garlic= frog juice, kay.
38:31: his sisters only a half vampire, he can save here if he kills the head vampire ,YAY!, PREDICTABLE RESOLUTION APPEARS!
40: sister lures love interest back to do what vmapire lovers call feeding, most of us just call rape.
42: hero shows up with cross, love interest now thinks hes a crazy born again christian, kinda funny i guess.
44: girl discovers shes turning and squeals about being vegetarian, not bad for a pun.
45: lame vampire stalking prey scene, including fog, metal music and camera jump's. danny is not impressed.
47: head vampire whispers over a distance to control the sister, again, done before, and in a much better fashion than this.
50: the vampire hunter literally has to take a 3 second pause between EVERY ****ING SENTENCE!!
50:26: make out scene to sleazy rock, wow, this is a great image of a rebel... from 1991...
52: ANOTHER sex scene to metal music, good lord this is using the scum fomr the edges of the bottom of the cliche barrel.
(how can he even get it up if hes dead, just , yknow, logically speaking)
55: police are idiots, surprise surprise.
56: ridin' with the dickhead, cliche, cliche, cliche....
59: vampires vs idiot cops, SURELY TEH COPZ MOOST VIN!
1hr: so a big chase scene, not bad, and there not wearing safety equipment like they were rumored to.
1hr:4: nice use of stop action footage for the passage of the day.
1hr: 5: keeps focusing on the old man in the background.
1hr: 6: wow, vampires smoking weed, heading to "devils reef", LAME!
1hr: 7: blood drinking scene is hampered by the same recycled driving effet every 2 seconds.
1hr: 9: lesbians, that means its high class.
1hr: 11: whorish girls are running for there lives, sarcasm overload.
1hr:13: one down 3 to go, were the hell did the vampire hunter piss off to anyway?
1hr:13:42 oh, there he is.
1hr:15: rambo reference, nooiyce.
1hr:17: ugh, repeating a dialogue to add a nice little moment, blech!
1hr:17:32: so thats were the love interest went, wow, im impressed, it actually has mild continuity.
1hr:20: lame troma set up death ,with troma effects.
1hr:21: each vampire has taken roughly 40 seconds to kill, wow, undead bane of the night indeed.
1hr:23: BOSS FIGHT!...que lame metal music again.
1hr:24: ahhh, family saved the dead.....LAME!
1hr:26: love interest gets the girl.....kinda. this is very mal-arranged.
1hr:28: ending on a weed joke, could be worse i spose, no lame twist.
1hr:29: wtf is this?, a lost boys refernece after the movies ended starring the older characters?, most people would have barely sat through the whoel thing let alone the credits.

so...all in all?


ive watched it so you dont have to.

tries ultra cliche' horror AND comedy in a mishmash thats confusing, terribly written and its just a terrible movie. if it wasnt for my ****ing tweak were i cant stop watching a movie once i start, if i could id have left at 6 mins in.

28-Jul-2008, 11:17 PM
THank you. I don't think I'll be wasting any time on this. Although, I don't understand the very last thing you wrote...

1hr:29: wtf is this?, a lost boys refernece after the movies ended starring the older characters?

Can you elaborate more on what you mean by this?

28-Jul-2008, 11:17 PM
Thanks for that.

I will not waste my time with this movie.

28-Jul-2008, 11:19 PM
That bad.My wife is making me rent this later this week.

28-Jul-2008, 11:35 PM
Good list there, Danny. :)

I shall take your word for it that this film is "****KING WANK" :lol: and will continue to enjoy watching the original time and time again, whilst simultaneously forgetting that this turd exists.

What's next Licence To Drive 2? :D

29-Jul-2008, 12:02 AM
Jesus, I finally got the girlfriend to watch the first movie (she had a strict upbringing) and now she wants to see this movie. I said: "Baby! Sweetie. No you don't!"

Good list, thiugh. I may actually watch this film...eventually.

What's next Licence To Drive 2? :D

Get out of my dreams, get into my car! :D

29-Jul-2008, 12:36 AM

What's next Licence To Drive 2? :D

God we are sooo old. :(;)

29-Jul-2008, 04:04 AM
I happen to like Licence to drive.

29-Jul-2008, 07:51 AM
I happen to like Licence to drive.
I have a license to drive ... does that count? :)

hellsing - I'll take your word on it and avoid it like a plague or something really manky.

I figured it'd be gash, but now I know how gash. :D

29-Jul-2008, 11:59 AM
Can't say I'm surprised. I mean, a sequel 20 or so years later with only the two Corey's? The same Corey's that are now doing "reality" tv. *shivers* ugh...

This was destined to suck.

29-Jul-2008, 12:23 PM
so...all in all?


ive watched it so you dont have to.

Sounds like you really took one for the team there mate :)

29-Jul-2008, 04:21 PM
I'd heard that Corey Haim was cut out of it...is this not the case? :confused:

30-Jul-2008, 02:20 AM
THank you. I don't think I'll be wasting any time on this. Although, I don't understand the very last thing you wrote...

Can you elaborate more on what you mean by this?

Corey Haim is in a 30 second scene during the credits. I watched this movie 2 weeks ago (one of the perks of working at a video store) and I agree with him on every level.

However, if they had dumped the plot of this movie and used the plot set up during the scene during the credits along with the 2 alternate endings on the dvd the movie may have been good.

31-Jul-2008, 10:13 PM
I watch this movie last night,and it was really bad.

Millard Rausch
10-Aug-2008, 03:25 AM
Savini biotches!
WTF are you doin on my beach?
You should look as good at 55+
(BTW eff the skull of 3rd generation Sutherlands)

11-Aug-2008, 02:05 PM
THank you. I don't think I'll be wasting any time on this. Although, I don't understand the very last thing you wrote...

Can you elaborate more on what you mean by this?

This is where Cory Haim gets his bit part:

Cory Feildman meets Cory Haim, and Haim is a vampire. Ends with them running at each other about to fight.

I gave the movie a 6 out of 10, mainly because Savini & Fieldman are in it.

Far cry from the original.

11-Aug-2008, 02:14 PM
Isn't Feldman now trying to get a Goonies 2 going?:eek:

I guess they could get most of that cast back. Except for Brolin and that guy that played Frodo's Butt-buddy, Sam...

11-Aug-2008, 05:24 PM
Isn't Feldman now trying to get a Goonies 2 going?:eek:

I guess they could get most of that cast back. Except for Brolin and that guy that played Frodo's Butt-buddy, Sam...

Please tell me your joking.

11-Aug-2008, 05:34 PM

thanks for taking one for the team. I appreciate it. I now know this is a rental at best and only if I am really frickin' bored.

11-Aug-2008, 06:08 PM

thanks for taking one for the team. I appreciate it. I now know this is a rental at best and only if I am really frickin' bored.

wouldn't even pay rental for it.

i didnt :sneaky:

26-Dec-2008, 12:18 AM
Well I am watching it now, yep its Sci-Fi original quality, but in a really bad its sort of likeable kind of way.

The over the top cheesiness of it all makes it kind of fun, but the plot is one of the type you can see coming a mile away.

However, i did LOL at Savini's Cameo.