View Full Version : NIGHT of the LIVING DEAD '07 - Now on Youtube

30-Jul-2008, 04:08 AM
Hey guys! Just came on here to tell you that Night '07 is now available to watch on youtube! :D

Enjoy :evil:

Webisode One (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmBhcVBV0n0)

Webisode Two (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cojbHxkdl0)

Webisode Three (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLPdY-uaf_s)

Webisode Four (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DJ3qSUElwQ)

Webisode Five (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Tf9LmvBqMc)

Webisode Six (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLJAtsU2YOQ)

30-Jul-2008, 10:55 AM
*rubs hands togethor* :)

30-Jul-2008, 10:56 AM
thanks for the heads up. i'll give this a spin a bit later.

30-Jul-2008, 01:35 PM
Thanks, I'll check it out over the next few...

30-Jul-2008, 04:16 PM
Reese, you already know I'm a bit of a Night 07 fan so this is excellent news! :cool:

Dead Hoosier
31-Jul-2008, 02:47 AM
While there were understandable shortcomings, I have to say I really enjoyed it. Certainly more than Land. Well done!

04-Aug-2008, 09:27 AM
While there were understandable shortcomings, I have to say I really enjoyed it. Certainly more than Land. Well done!

I've given my review on NIGHT 07

LAND pales in comparison to this entry.

04-Aug-2008, 02:08 PM
Cool! I'll check it out after work tonight and report back when I'm done...though I don't expect to be able to watch it all in one sitting. Thanks for making us aware :)

04-Aug-2008, 02:12 PM
LAND pales in comparison to this entry.


Cool. I really liked Night07 when it was released. Now to watch it again.:D

07-Aug-2008, 02:49 AM
I just got done watching all of them,and they were really good.

07-Aug-2008, 03:32 PM
Really well made film. I like the ending. I don't think the title is fitting since it is not really a remake but a new movie based on the story.

08-Aug-2008, 03:06 AM
Really well made film. I like the ending. I don't think the title is fitting since it is not really a remake but a new movie based on the story.

I agree,it shouldn't have been called Night of the living dead.But it was a great movie.

08-Aug-2008, 08:05 AM
Yeah, ok. Pretty good. I am slightly confused as to why it was called Night of the Living Dead though. Aside from the "coming for you Barbara" line. . there wasn't really any corelation with Night.

15-Aug-2008, 08:14 PM
Thank you all for the kind words... If I could go back to 2006 knowing what I know now, I would have changed the title and made that movie far more stylish. One of these days I'll dip my fingers into the zombie pie again. In fact, about a month ago we almost went into pre-production on a zombie project that I wrote with a decent budget, which frankly (and not to toot my own horn here) would have been legendary. HOWEVER I want to save it for a rainy day! ;)

Millard Rausch
15-Aug-2008, 08:24 PM
bad on many front's
especially the webisodes
each starting with your (reese) comments
in a flash back or based on a progression
of your infection (what infection)
Kyra Schon is suing you for use of trowel

16-Aug-2008, 12:44 AM
Sorry, but that was awful. Perhaps I'm missing the point, but what is the wisdom behind lifting dialog directly from the original film when the context is completely different?

Quite frankly, there is nothing keeping you from changing the title except for an obvious need to garner attention by (mis)labeling your work as 'Night of the Living Dead.' It has far more in common with 'Diary of the Dead' but surely no one is in a hurry to use that title.

26-Aug-2008, 01:16 AM
For effort in making an obvious low/no budget flick A+

Script: C- Too much swearing "F*ck this and that." (of course, Romero himself is quite guilty of this as of late.) The "F" word is overused in typical conversation. Loses its "shock value". Besides, this is a word that should only be used by villians, IMO.

The part where the hero is speaking with the girl who was bitten ... ? I mean, c'mon, this chick was attacked and BITTEN by someone, yet there's no real sense of shock, or outrage.

The TV broadcast during the final minute or so was done well enough to draw me into episode 2.

Camera work and editing: Not bad. B-

Sound: A+



30-Aug-2008, 05:10 AM
I don't know why you used a "flashback" sequence here. Not needed. You should have showed us the events as they happened in linear order.

Again, far too much use of the "F" word. It adds nothing.

Scene composition was not the best, esp during the conversation between the cop and our hero ... note all that blank space on the right side of the frame.

Your plot is interesting enough to keep me watching.



Okay, I actually had some time to sit down and watch these all the way through. In spite of my early critique, I really enjoyed the final webisodes.

There was some really classic imagery after you brought in your full cast of zombies. Not a whole lot of ACTION, however, it doesn't look to me like you were going for an action film.

Again, this being viewed as a flashback type thing doesn't really appeal to me, I'd have rather seen it as a straight forward storyline. There were a couple of flaws that I picked up on (mainly, how did our hero know his friend had been murdered and fed to the woman's zombie husband when he wasn't there to see it?) This type of confusion comes from use of the flashback.

All in all, it was worth the time I spent watching. You did a fine job. I hope to see something more from you soon.



05-Sep-2008, 12:42 AM
If you go watch the Webisodes now, I have added annotations to them (which is essentially like watching Pop Up Video) So there are bits of behind the scenes information and trivia that play along with the movie.

05-Sep-2008, 01:09 AM
If you go watch the Webisodes now, I have added annotations to them (which is essentially like watching Pop Up Video) So there are bits of behind the scenes information and trivia that play along with the movie.

That is awesome.

16-Sep-2008, 02:20 PM
Script: C- Too much swearing "F*ck this and that." (of course, Romero himself is quite guilty of this as of late.) The "F" word is overused in typical conversation. Loses its "shock value". Besides, this is a word that should only be used by villians, IMO.

Lol, I can't help it. I drop the F-Bomb like there is no tomorrow. 98% of the people I know and or work with are also very fond of that word. If I stub my toe I let loose several dozen f*cks and various other expletives, I can only imagine what I would be like if the dead took over the world. It's not a matter of "shock value", it's just how we talk.

16-Sep-2008, 05:27 PM
I see where you're coming from, but sometimes overuse of the word can really make a movie turn out for the worst. Even TROTLD used it a lot, but it was done in such a way it didn't pop out at you. EVen I am guilty of using it quite a bit in Dead 2, and I am actually editing dialog to take some of them out.

16-Sep-2008, 06:36 PM
I don't mind F-words, if it's realistically portrayed.

19-Sep-2008, 09:15 PM
I think cursing for cursings sake shows a lack of sophistication. It has its time and place, in life and in cinema, but just dropping f bombs for no reason is amatuer hour. Like a 13 year old hanging with his boys without adults around, cussing to sound cool maybe.

A contributor to my blog just posted today and on this subject.

Give this a read.


20-Sep-2008, 12:09 AM
You mention your distaste for cursing for the sake of cursing...but then post an article glorifying the language in Die Hard, GOODFELLAS, PULP FICTION, and FULL METAL JACKET as if it's needed?

Something about that doesn't seem right, imo.:rockbrow:

20-Sep-2008, 12:45 AM
Indeed Bassman. Just count the f**k words in Casino or Goodfellas. Both movies are sophisticated as hell but contain vast amounts of cursage.

20-Sep-2008, 02:03 AM
I believe yall have just missed the point. :confused: :rolleyes:

Comparing the above conversation to cinemas classic films is, well ---

If I have to explain it you'll never get it.

20-Sep-2008, 02:14 PM
I don't believe budget has anything to do with what a person can consider sophisticated either. Ivans XTC and Baise Moi were both no budget jobs but very stylish in their own field.

I believe yall have just missed the point. :confused: :rolleyes:

Comparing the above conversation to cinemas classic films is, well ---

If I have to explain it you'll never get it.
Well you brought it up, man. It's only natural that a director in his early career is going to take from what he has been raised on filmwise.

21-Sep-2008, 01:11 AM
Indeed Bassman. Just count the f**k words in Casino or Goodfellas. Both movies are sophisticated as hell but contain vast amounts of cursage.

Casino and particularly Goodfellas have compelling characters and stories, and the same could be said of The Sopranos. The dialog and lack of refinement is entirely relevant to those characters and anyone that comes away from those works believing it's a-okay for any character to curse up a sh*tstorm has missed the point.

22-Sep-2008, 03:01 AM
Well w/e, the swears are there because they are there.

Now lets drop this f*cking subject and move onto another f*cking subject before we all get too f*cking caught up in this f*cking discussion... Ahhh dang-it! I got carried away with them F-bombs again! Guess it's my lack of soph... sophis... sophity... ah, gosh darn big words.

Mutineer you have a blog for everything... awesome

07-Oct-2008, 08:34 PM
Lol, I can't help it. I drop the F-Bomb like there is no tomorrow. 98% of the people I know and or work with are also very fond of that word. If I stub my toe I let loose several dozen f*cks and various other expletives, I can only imagine what I would be like if the dead took over the world. It's not a matter of "shock value", it's just how we talk.

I dig what you're saying about the "F" word being used in ordinary conversation these days ... I throw people off my transit coach for it quite often.

