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View Full Version : Interesting... WEINSTEINS regarded DIARY as garbage

30-Jul-2008, 10:13 PM
Read this article to see why.


30-Jul-2008, 10:33 PM
Well it's not actually stated that Weinstein regards the film as garbage. 'Ancillary value' or not, Diary was not a blockbuster and it has to go somewhere.

30-Jul-2008, 10:46 PM
They said and I quote
"If Harvey Weinstein didn't exist, someone would have to invent him. One week his garbage gets recycled into source material for The Village Voice, the next he and his brother Bob cut a 95-film, multi-year deal with Showtime and resurrect Scream. And then he gives a wide-ranging interview with The Hollywood Reporter which includes his explanation for why The Weinstein Co. created Third Rail Relasing, a new distribution label. Is it to showcase undiscovered independent gems? Introduce the world to global filmmaking talent?

No, it's for dumping the garbage. He told THR: "We should have had Third Rail two years ago, t's a good way of differentiating between what we really believe in, and what has been for ancillary value."

It's for dumping garbage... He says it, and Diary was released in theaters through Third Rail.

I don't think it is garbage, I actually like Diary, but just quoting an article.

30-Jul-2008, 11:16 PM
I find it funny that the article mentions him picking up the rights for more "Scream" films.

That says a whole lot in very few words, imo...

30-Jul-2008, 11:25 PM
I didn't much like the movie. . but I don't consider it garbage. But when a movie has a limited budget and a limited appeal, the distributors may well consider it garbage. . because they aren't going to make a lot of money on it.

30-Jul-2008, 11:28 PM
I find it funny that the article mentions him picking up the rights for more "Scream" films.

That says a whole lot in very few words, imo...

Lou and I were talking about that.

Scream 4 which is just a remake of Scream

Dead Hoosier
31-Jul-2008, 01:07 AM
At least the guy picked it up and the film was made, even if the release was an absolute joke.
There isn't much "great" about Diary, but I was still glad to see it. I don't have a lot of faith left in GAR, but maybe he has one great one left in him.

31-Jul-2008, 01:59 AM
Thats a shame they feel that way.

31-Jul-2008, 11:09 AM
If they feel that way they should have passed on it instead of buying it for $2.5 million.

12-Aug-2008, 02:07 AM
If they feel that way they should have passed on it instead of buying it for $2.5 million.

Not when it grossed

= Worldwide: $4,285,704

And even better ...

US DVD Sales: $4,075,778

Millard Rausch
12-Aug-2008, 03:38 AM
Out of the "arthouse" into the "farthouse"

Evan Waters
26-Aug-2008, 09:20 PM
And this is why filmmakers need to stop working with the Weinsteins.

I've actually heard that the ideal situation if you're working for Bob and Harvey is if they just like your movie. If they love it, they will insist on taking control to get as many people to see it as possible. If they hate it, they'll take control to try and salvage it.

darth los
04-Sep-2008, 04:25 PM
From a purely business standpoint, how is badmouthing the film going to make you anymore money? Isn't that the opposite of why they got into it? Even if it is what they think they should keep it to themselves.