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View Full Version : Space Post - First other body in solar system known to have liquid on its surface...

31-Jul-2008, 01:56 PM
NASA scientists have concluded that at least one of the large lakes observed on Saturn's moon Titan contains liquid hydrocarbons, and have positively identified the presence of ethane. This makes Titan the only body in our solar system beyond Earth known to have liquid on its surface.


31-Jul-2008, 03:04 PM
damn. you beat me to this one.

this has been suspected for many years now so it is good to see that it has finally been proven as fact.

titan is defo one of the more interesting places in the solar system.

man, cassini just keeps on making the huge discoveries. it has to be some of the best money ever spent in the area of space exploration.

31-Jul-2008, 03:15 PM
The other exciting thing about this is that Titan has a whole load of lakes, which should make examination/exploration plans fruitful to choose from. Also, when you look at some of those photos of islands and such, Titan almost looks like Earth.


31-Jul-2008, 03:32 PM
Didn't the Transformers cartoon depict water on the surface of Titan back int he 80's?? LOL

31-Jul-2008, 03:36 PM
The other exciting thing about this is that Titan has a whole load of lakes, which should make examination/exploration plans fruitful to choose from. Also, when you look at some of those photos of islands and such, Titan almost looks like Earth.


Apart from the fact all the lakes are absolutely still/flat... Not a ripple... That's what the article suggested... That would look odd to us, as any water with a reasonable surface area tends to have ripples/movement...

31-Jul-2008, 05:35 PM
Just unfortunate that we'll never get to set foot on these places in our lifetimes!

31-Jul-2008, 05:55 PM
Just unfortunate that we'll never get to set foot on these places in our lifetimes!

Or our childrens, or theirs most likely...