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View Full Version : Saw a cool horror film on Propeller TV last night...

02-May-2006, 10:27 AM
On "Film First: Horror", there was a short film (20 minutes) called "Forget Me Not", about this woman who receives a panicked phone call from a woman claiming to be herself, who begs her not to answer the door when a stranger comes knocking. It's hard to describe, but it's well acted (the voice on the end of the phone is chilling) and has been very well written, by the end you're really wrapped up in it all.

If you've got Sky (UK) go to channel 195 and have a gander, there are some pretty nifty short films that get shown there. They also show stuff that was produced by the London Film Academny or the UK Film Council (which is kinda cheating the hard grafting, few chances type folk from somewhere in the UK other than fahkin' Lahdahn), but yeh, some damn good short films on Propeller. But "Forget Me Not" was quite impressive, usually I can't watch short films too long as they don't hold my attention or poor practical skills turn me off, but this short really kept my interested. If you're able to, check it out.