View Full Version : House Dems turn out the lights but GOP keeps talking

01-Aug-2008, 09:00 PM
Looks like the Dems are trying to stifle dissent by not allowing the Pubs to talk about gas prices and how to fix the energy crisis. So instead of letting Pelosi and other America hating Democrats close down congress for the month of August the Pubs got an open speech going on on the congressional floor and are talking about their energy plans to fix the gas prices etc. The Dems are trying to turn off the lights and mics and ban new reporters from covering it, proving once again that Democrats hate not only America but especially middle class Americans who cant afford to wait 5 weeks for them to ignore the gas prices and energy costs. This is truly awesome. Way to go Republicans, your balls dropped again.

http://www.politico.com/blogs/thecrypt/0808/House_Dems_turn_out_out_the_light_but_GOP_keep_tal king.html?showall

01-Aug-2008, 09:34 PM
Awesome! But the dems to care about america. They just want to turn it into a socialist amusement park

01-Aug-2008, 09:52 PM
looks like they ended the "protest" after 5 hours, false alarm, they didn't find their gonads, go back to what you were doing false alarm.

01-Aug-2008, 10:09 PM
America hating Democrats
It's almost worth paying $4.00/gallon for the entertainment.

01-Aug-2008, 10:47 PM
I do not understand why these a$$holes will not let anyone tap any oil off the West Coast. I am tired of this green-enviromental bullsh!t. The whole stae of California is f#cked. The housing and property cost is at least triple that compared to where I live. The Gulf of Mexico is always in danger of being hit by a huricane, especially, around this time of the year. Do they realize what happens to the offshore rigs after a huge storm? They are out of commission. And here we are dealing in oil with the enemy in the Middle East. They are price gauge everyone and laughing all the way to the bank.

01-Aug-2008, 10:49 PM
I'm not a fan of the Republicans in general. . as we all know I'm sure. . But I do like seeing this kind of thing. We need more confrontation in the legislature. That branch has become so milquetoast over the last few decades. There is no passion left. . so Its good to see a little old time shenanagins again.

01-Aug-2008, 10:51 PM
Commute and shut up, is what I say.

02-Aug-2008, 01:21 AM
Commute and shut up, is what I say.
It's quite difficult to rely on mass transit when big oil has effectively stifled its progress in the USA. Ever travel outside of this country and notice the train system that exists in say, Europe or Japan? It all looks like futuristic space travel right out of a science fiction movie. I was even impressed with how technologically advanced Monterrey (Mexico) seemed compared to New York City where nothing ever works the way it should.

02-Aug-2008, 06:10 AM
Commute and shut up, is what I say.

I agree. Thats why I am working from home now.

02-Aug-2008, 01:30 PM
It's quite difficult to rely on mass transit when big oil has effectively stifled its progress in the USA. Ever travel outside of this country and notice the train system that exists in say, Europe or Japan? It all looks like futuristic space travel right out of a science fiction movie. I was even impressed with how technologically advanced Monterrey (Mexico) seemed compared to New York City where nothing ever works the way it should.

Plus Europe and Japan are tiny, the United States is massive.