View Full Version : Police tape: Canada bus killer ate victim's flesh

major jay
04-Aug-2008, 01:20 PM
I wonder if this crazy bastard was a zombie fan?


04-Aug-2008, 01:41 PM
WOW that sick.

He must have watched many cannibal films when he was young.

04-Aug-2008, 04:25 PM
Are they sure he isn't a zombie?

major jay
04-Aug-2008, 07:17 PM

04-Aug-2008, 07:26 PM
ok being really honest, in that area theres been about 3 or 4 cases of asian men going totally apes#it recently and doing things they'd not previously have thought to be the person to do somethin like that. the guy from i believe cambodia was in minnesota and shot about 5 hunters and said "his life was in danger". u cant shoot unarmed people and say they threatened you.

maybe its some psychological thing over there in that area of the world where they come from? who knows. but if it walks and talks like a duck........

04-Aug-2008, 08:50 PM
ok being really honest, in that area theres been about 3 or 4 cases of asian men going totally apes#it recently and doing things they'd not previously have thought to be the person to do somethin like that. the guy from i believe cambodia was in minnesota and shot about 5 hunters and said "his life was in danger". u cant shoot unarmed people and say they threatened you.

maybe its some psychological thing over there in that area of the world where they come from? who knows. but if it walks and talks like a duck........

Or maybe its a coincidence. There happens to be a LOT of Asians in Toronto from what I heard, kind of like how many if not most crimes committed in NYC are committed by blacks whom also have a large presence there.

04-Aug-2008, 09:40 PM
He must have watched many cannibal films when he was young.

Great, you're on THAT wagon. :dead:

04-Aug-2008, 09:48 PM
Better shoot him in the head, just in case.

09-Aug-2008, 10:29 PM
Or maybe its a coincidence. There happens to be a LOT of Asians in Toronto from what I heard, kind of like how many if not most crimes committed in NYC are committed by blacks whom also have a large presence there.

Agree with Khardis, it is a coincidence.

If you want to talk about statistics in crime, most of the serial killers that we know of and have studied have been white males, though it would be kind of a stretch to say that because of this statistic we can conclude that there is something going wrong with the "white world"

09-Aug-2008, 11:27 PM
Or maybe its a coincidence. There happens to be a LOT of Asians in Toronto from what I heard, kind of like how many if not most crimes committed in NYC are committed by blacks whom also have a large presence there.

ok so toronto is not in the same area minnesota is......

go back to school and learn geography,please.

09-Aug-2008, 11:45 PM
Agree with Khardis, it is a coincidence.

If you want to talk about statistics in crime, most of the serial killers that we know of and have studied have been white males, though it would be kind of a stretch to say that because of this statistic we can conclude that there is something going wrong with the "white world"

*draws knife and sneaks up behind yojimbo for learning our dark honky secret* :lol:

09-Aug-2008, 11:56 PM
*draws knife and sneaks up behind yojimbo for learning our dark honky secret* :lol:

Dude, have mercy, I won't tell a soul!:lol:

10-Aug-2008, 12:10 AM
Better shoot him in the head, just in case.


10-Aug-2008, 12:47 AM
Dude, have mercy, I won't tell a soul!:lol:

you better, or we'll do to you what we did to Michael jackson!

one of us, one of use, one of us.....:lol:

10-Aug-2008, 12:59 AM
you better, or we'll do to you what we did to Michael jackson!

one of us, one of use, one of us.....:lol:


10-Aug-2008, 12:08 PM
Great, you're on THAT wagon. :dead:

my thoughts exactly :) :p

12-Aug-2008, 12:44 AM
. the guy from i believe cambodia was in minnesota and shot about 5 hunters and said "his life was in danger". u cant shoot unarmed people and say they threatened you.

Close. He was from Laos, he lived here in MN, but was hunting in Wisconsin, and his were the only shell casings at the scene. In fact, only one of the dead or wounded was carrying a gun at the time, and they managed to get a single shot off. He claimed they were using racially offensive words and he felt threatened at the time, hence his actions.

As you can imagine his claims of self defense fell apart when the facts came out that some were shot in the back as they ran away, that he removed his scope before opening fire (scopes magnify the target, and at close range, get in the way) and only one of the victims was armed and only fired once.
