View Full Version : Taking "terrorism" powers another step too far...

05-Aug-2008, 10:31 AM

A spokesperson for the Met told the photographers' group earlier this year that cameras are potentially more dangerous than guns.

What a f*cking ninny.

Also - since when did terrorists learn to become professional photographers, buy a load of kit, then set up a ruse of a bloke advertising an Organic foods book, just to scope out a target?

In fact, if they want to scope a target - they'll use these things humans have called eyes, make a note of what info they need in this thing called a brain, then scarper, but just appear to be a normal person out and about.

I can't be doing with all this "no photo, cos you're a terrorist" sh*t, there are no actual laws against public photography, yet rozzers such as that douche think they're on a mission to stop terrorism - wake up you idiots - they're not terrorists! :annoyed:

05-Aug-2008, 10:56 AM
the key point with terrorism is that it instills terror and paranoia, they dont ned to blow anything else up, just look at labour, theyve already won.

05-Aug-2008, 02:59 PM
the key point with terrorism is that it instills terror and paranoia, they dont ned to blow anything else up, just look at labour, theyve already won.

I agree.

05-Aug-2008, 03:57 PM
I'm surprised it took this long to take effect over there. Since pretty much immediately after September 11, 2001 cameras have been a big no-no in a lot of places. Mainly on public transportation (Els and subways most importantly) and on bridges.

05-Aug-2008, 05:52 PM
It's absolutely ridiculous too, terrorists only bother using a camera if they're making an "youze are infidelz, lulz" videos, or taking pictures of them with their bomb making stuff - all grandeur type stuff.

As far as I know, none of the recent terrorist attacks have been carried out with prior photographic research.

Our gubments are feckin' eejits, they're playing into the terrorist's hands, and making our lives more miserable in the process, bunch of wankers. :mad:

06-Aug-2008, 07:22 PM
When will people realize that these anti-terrorism laws aren't for fighting terrorism at all? They're all about giving the government more control of your lives. After the nazis burnt the Reichstag to the ground, Hitler was able to consolidate power in Germany with the Enabling Acts. None of Hitler's reactionary laws to the Reichstag fire were used to combat terrorism and bad guys. They were used against the people of Germany who refused to submit to the Nazi party.

The same can be said about the anglo-American mafia that runs the show in Britain and the United States. After 9/11 and 7/7, all these anti-terrorism laws have been put in place to condition the people to accept wiretapping, torture, the suspension of habeus corpus, etc..

It also conditions the people to accept money-making scams too, like biometric IDs, increased visa application costs, etc..

So remember this the next time you see a little ol' lady frisked and forced to take her shoes off at the airport. How is that helping them fight al-Qaeda? Or should I say, al-CIAda?