View Full Version : What sort of gamer are you?

05-Aug-2008, 11:29 PM
Online multiplayer games are a dime a dozen these days, but there are a few open-ended (Grand Theft Auto IV), skill-based (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare), and class-based (Team Fortress 2) multiplayer games which allow players the freedom to express their personalities on the battlefield. The role you choose to play may completely alter the playing field and become the deciding factor between a win or loss. Your play-style may change from game to game, but your personality generally dictates your actions. That being said, which of the following aliases best suits you as a gamer?

The Stalker
You tend to sneak up on players and catch them off guard. Surprise attacks are your forte. You have a lot of patience and don't mind camping in a spot until you can silently snipe an enemy from afar. Your weapons of choice are generally silenced, but opting for a knife is also enough to get the job done. You're about as visible as a ghost and rarely die because of it.

Strength: Sneaking
What To Fear: Not knowing what hit you
Weakness: Sneak attacks being anticipated

The Artist
You thrive on your creativity to discover unconventional and untraditional ways to do away with your enemies or complete objectives. You'd rather play your way, then by the rules. This means that you'd play Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare like Assassin's Creed, using your environments (running/jumping/climbing/etc.) to gain ground on your enemies and wielding nothing more than a knife or weak pistol to dispose of your enemies. The odds are always against you, but you see every obstacle as an opportunity for much more self-indulgence, satisfaction, and gratification.

Strength: Environments
What To Fear: Unpredictability
Weakness: Always at a disadvantage

The Demolitionist
Explosives are your best friend. Whether it be grenades or a rocket launcher, you enjoy weapons that make anything go "boom". You're the player that blindly shoots explosives with hopes of killing anything within the radius of the blasts. Getting lucky is fun, but you're also very skilled with ricocheting grenades off walls and shooting a rocket like a sniper. You're also the loudest on the battlefield and it is an intimidating aspect of your game. You get a good laugh when "stealth" players fall into your mine and claymore traps.

Strength: Explosives
What To Fear: Accuracy with explosives
Weakness: Committing suicide

The Exploitive
You're keen on finding glitches and cheap weapons. Once they're in your grasp, you rely on them to have the edge over your enemies. You don't care about getting kicked out of a room or even banned. You're one of those who force developers to release updates and patches to keep cheaters from making the game unfair.

Strength: Cheating
What To Fear: Cheating
Weakness: Updates and patches

The Terminator
You're an expert with machine guns. Sometimes you get lucky, but other times, it's all based on being "in the zone". You're a very aggressive player and are always on the move. You've mastered the art of headshots with short fire bursts. You're capable of getting a good kill streak without dying, but once you start "praying and spraying", your skills lose some credibility and consistency.

Strength: Machine Guns
What To Fear: "In the zone"
Weakness: "Pray and Spray"

The Eagle
All you need is a sniper and a spot to snipe from. You only move from that spot if you're killed or if your cover is blown. Patience is integral to your strategy, but you're also accused of being a camper or a sitting duck. All you care about is lining up that scope with any head that happens to be caught within your crosshairs. Your accuracy is extremely sharp and no-scoping is a skill you usually brag about.

Strength: Sniping
What To Fear: Spot on accuracy
Weakness: Close range combat

The Wheel-Man
Drive first, shoot later. That's your motto. You're usually the taxi driver or transportation guy. Your driving skills are superb and players rely on you to get them around. You'll occasionally jump out to shoot, but you'd rather just run over your enemies.

Strength: Driving
What To Fear: Being run over
Weakness: Having your vehicle blown up

The Outcast
You don't really get involved and typically stay out of densely populated areas of combat. You don't bring much to the table, but you're occasionally thanked for providing medical support, a human shield (or bait), or just being the brains of the team. You let your team take care of the dirty work, while everyone is wondering where the hell you are. In all seriousness, you're all talk and no game.

Strength: Brains
What To Fear: A genius tactical plan
Weakness: An easy target

Im an Artist.

06-Aug-2008, 12:57 AM
I would be a Demolitionist. I loved blowing sh!t up along with people. Setting traps, setting people on fire, etc.

06-Aug-2008, 03:23 AM
I would be a Demolitionist. I loved blowing sh!t up along with people. Setting traps, setting people on fire, etc.

I'am going to have to go with stalker.I love to sneak up on people.

06-Aug-2008, 01:08 PM
artist, i love doing crap like that, flying a banshee onto the border of the game world in a halo match and standing on that little lip with a sniper rifle.:cool:

06-Aug-2008, 01:55 PM
Me and my buddy are deadly in halo and cod4...when we play halo we get into what we call "Halo mode" and we usually win by a large margin.

I'd say terminater, with a bit of artist and sneaky set in, but mainly terminater.

06-Aug-2008, 03:29 PM
consequently, my favorite weapon for my "art" is the warthog, jack one and drive it up a hill backwards, then mount the turret and "do a rambo"

06-Aug-2008, 06:09 PM
I still play battlefield 2 quite a lot and i mainly flit between sniper & special forces on there!i love laying traps with explosives,and sniggering to myself as i detonate them on a helicopter that someones just flown off in,or a flag their just trying to capture,or even better i learn where some camper goes & booby trap his hiding place :lol:
When im sniper i usually find a good place & stick claymores around the way in so im safe,then just rack up "noobs" who dont use cover :lol:
Im not a bad pilot on that game either

06-Aug-2008, 07:42 PM
Call me the Driver...

I love to grab a car and go with a wing man shooting out the door.

06-Aug-2008, 08:25 PM
Doesn't anybody else think it's a very disheartening sign of the (gaming) times that there's no 'team player' option :rolleyes:

06-Aug-2008, 09:50 PM
**** no, team players are assholes that have vietnam flashbacks "YOU OVER THERE!, ****ING FOLLOW MY ORDERS!, OH ,GREAT, YA KILLED ME, THATS TREASON SON!"


10-Aug-2008, 03:09 PM
I'm a team player, ie I consult my team to discover the best tactic or use their eyes and ears to help me get ahead, so i'm all for team work...nothing more fun than collectively predicting what might happen then seeing where it really goes and dealing with it...

But according to this list I am a Terminator....

Basically I'm a ****ing nightmare with a machine gun....but spray and pray is my motto in BFBC!!

10-Aug-2008, 06:14 PM
Not sure where I fall after reading these descriptions ...

I play the following games with some fervor:

Battlefied 1942
Desert Combat (BF Mod)
Forgotten Hope (BF MOd - My fav and best game I have ever played)
Battlefied 2
Forgotten Hope 2 (BF2 Mod)

I am always on the move; going after flags constantly. Reducing the tickets of the other team is my goal.

I tend to have many deaths as I am super agressive and relentless in getting flags and defending them. But for as many deaths as I have, I have a ton of kills.

I stick with mainly basic assualt rifles for combat and close quarters combat.

If available and convenient, I'll jump in a Tank and do some major damage, but I won't camp and wait for one to spawn (waste of time)

I typically land in the Top 10 PLayers each game I play. Rarely at the Top, but hardy EVER at the bottom.

I prefer to play in a squad or to play for the team and tend not to roam and do my own thing.

10-Aug-2008, 09:27 PM
see?, in ctf, im one of the few defensive players who will stay just out sight with a shotgun or flame thrower to protect the flag.

i never use the trip mines in halo, there's always a dumb **** who stands on it even if i yell that ive planted it, AND THEY GLOW ****ING ORANGE!?!