View Full Version : Redneck gets life in prison for multiple DUI's.

11-Aug-2008, 11:45 PM

Texas may give us some terrible Presidents, but they sure know how to do law and order. As far as I'm concerned, ten chances was about seven too many.

11-Aug-2008, 11:51 PM
I know they're trying to "set an expample" and all....but he'll be out in just a few years...

Still though....I hate people that drink and drive. So f*ck him.:D

11-Aug-2008, 11:53 PM
This guy needs to be in jail for the rest of his life.He's never going to learn.He's going to keep on drinking and driving.

12-Aug-2008, 01:33 AM
I think the nation's drunk driving laws are a bit...strict, but this guy blew .215! He's the perfect example of why we need laws like this.

12-Aug-2008, 01:40 AM
great, he gets life in prison next to guys who kill people. nice way to make an example :rolleyes:

12-Aug-2008, 02:07 AM
While I think the sentence is overly harsh, the guy was convicted 9 previous times. So I guess I have very little sympathy.

However, we all know he will get out on appeal. Cruel and Unusual punishment, its like the 3rd or 4th ammendment, he will win the appeal, but hopefully he does serve at least 10 years and maybe it will teach this f**kstick a lesson.

I rather he be in jail than a family mourning in a funeral home. Just a matter of time before he would have killer or hurt someone.

12-Aug-2008, 02:12 AM
It does seem harsh.

But why was he still driving after the first 9 ?

12-Aug-2008, 08:44 AM
If that happened in the UK, he'd have been banned on the first time for like 6 to 12 months and fined, or banned on the second time...I duno about the drink driving laws in the UK, in terms of punishment.

But no way on earth he'd have gotten to the 10th time, he'd have been banned for life long before that, which is exactly what needed to happen with that dude. The jail part seems a bit excessive, but the thing should have been dealt with long before that with a life-time driving ban.

12-Aug-2008, 11:53 AM
Driving Bans don't work in the US MZ. People will drive without a license, and without insurance and not think twice about the consequences.

12-Aug-2008, 12:40 PM
Driving Bans don't work in the US MZ. People will drive without a license, and without insurance and not think twice about the consequences.

It's funny how they think it doesn't matter, isn't it?

For a reference, MZ......watch cops. Nine times out of ten, the person getting arrested for something else is either drunk or without a license.:rolleyes:

12-Aug-2008, 12:54 PM
It does make me kind of mad, but I did drive without a license once, but I still had insurance. I had to get to work and no one else could give me a lift. However, it was a risk not worth taking again.

However, Drunk Driving.... I have zero tolerence for that.

Trust me, when you have no license you tend to make yourself more suspicious because you become overly cautious on the road, too cautious and that draws even more attention.

12-Aug-2008, 01:27 PM
Aye, true enough, we have plenty of people without licenses and insurance over here too.

So for that breed of moron, there needs to be other measures in place.

Public humiliation perhaps? :elol:

12-Aug-2008, 05:07 PM
This belongs in general discussion. Why is it that I'm always the one saying these things on threads in the incorrect sections? You mods really need to wake up or give me a damn badge!

12-Aug-2008, 05:13 PM
This belongs in general discussion. Why is it that I'm always the one saying these things on threads in the incorrect sections? You mods really need to wake up or give me a damn badge!

*mikepizz spits out wad of baccy*

"there's a new sheriff in town fellers and ya damn threads better'n go in the right place."

back to the matter at hand:

i wonder if this moron had realized he was facing 25 to life would that have changed his behavior. probably not but it's a thought.

Public humiliation perhaps? :elol:

or how bout dipped in honey then made to run the fire ant gauntlet.

12-Aug-2008, 06:06 PM
This belongs in general discussion. Why is it that I'm always the one saying these things on threads in the incorrect sections? You mods really need to wake up or give me a damn badge!

It's weird, because Neil has been on a real kick lately with having *anything* that has a video attached to it go in the media section, even if it's the sort of topic that usually gets discussed in the general forum. This reaction is, of course, primarily in response to people posting crap that doesn't belong in the general discussion board, but the total sum of is a general sense of confusion for some...or so it seems.

12-Aug-2008, 07:09 PM
great, he gets life in prison next to guys who kill people. nice way to make an example :rolleyes:

Drunk drivers kills people in droves.
Think of it this way: If he took his rifle and just shot some bullets around town while drunk should he not go to jail? And if he did not stop he should go to jail. People need to learn too think and leave the jackass stunts and wild lifestyle to the people on tv.

Chic Freak
12-Aug-2008, 07:23 PM
I agree that drink-driving is wrong, but it's not the same as premeditated murder. A life sentence is too much. Banning, fining and community service would have been more fitting, I think.

12-Aug-2008, 07:25 PM
Banning, fining and community service would have been more fitting, I think.

i still think my fire ant idea would drastically lower the number of drunk drivers.

12-Aug-2008, 08:15 PM
I agree that drink-driving is wrong, but it's not the same as premeditated murder. A life sentence is too much. Banning, fining and community service would have been more fitting, I think.
No but it can cause acidental killings and since the roads are used by all its important with hard laws to keep the worst of the worst in line. And some people never stops so they need to be stopped.

12-Aug-2008, 08:49 PM
I agree that drink-driving is wrong, but it's not the same as premeditated murder..

At 10 arrests, if he killed someone, then it would be premeditated murder. He has been told over and over again at this point that driving drunk could kill someone. Now he hasn't killed anyone. . but I think a charge for attempted manslaughter wouldn't be out of the question here.

major jay
12-Aug-2008, 09:24 PM
Pittsburgh Man Convicted For 12th DUI

I wonder what the record is?

12-Aug-2008, 10:03 PM
Drunk drivers kills people in droves.
Think of it this way: If he took his rifle and just shot some bullets around town while drunk should he not go to jail? And if he did not stop he should go to jail. People need to learn too think and leave the jackass stunts and wild lifestyle to the people on tv.

so put him in detox. u think hes getting help in jail? i admit drunk driving is wrong but what good is he doing behind bars wasting my tax dollars?

12-Aug-2008, 10:58 PM
Putting fear in others.

12-Aug-2008, 11:31 PM
so put him in detox. u think hes getting help in jail? i admit drunk driving is wrong but what good is he doing behind bars wasting my tax dollars?

The same amount of good he's doing loose and running your family down in the street. The guy's worthless trash whether he's in prison or out of prison.

And there is no "help" for his condition. He, and others like him who willfully endager other people in the name of their own fun are afflicted with "I don't give a ****". And there's no cure for that.

13-Aug-2008, 10:30 AM
I saw something on a repeat of an episode of Fifth Gear when I was flicking around the channels, and two of the presenters did a driving weary test thing.

One was drinking all day (not sloshed though, but seemingly merry) and the other was awake for a long time.

They did a driving challenge and the one who was simply tired fared far worse than the one who was drunk, which was interesting.

I think booze has a huge variety of affects on all people, and it varies even more with the quantity of drink too.

But still ... 10 DUI's ... come on, both the law and the guy...sheesh.

13-Aug-2008, 02:15 PM
I agree that drink-driving is wrong, but it's not the same as premeditated murder. A life sentence is too much. Banning, fining and community service would have been more fitting, I think.

Banning? Telling him not to drink and drive had no effect on him, but telling him not to drive at all would be effective? I doubt it.

Millard Rausch
13-Aug-2008, 02:25 PM
Chicago donut connoisseur's demand return of beer goggles.
