View Full Version : And so it begins... Big Brother?

13-Aug-2008, 07:57 PM
Just heard on CNN about an Arkansas town declaring a 24-hour curfew for a rash of crime and stopping people without reasonable cause, just that they are in the area.

The same thing is happening in Hartford, Connectint after several people were shot.

Is this the right thing to do?

Here is a quote from an article about it:

"Now if somebody wants to sue us, they have an option to sue, but I'm fairly certain that a judge will see it the way the way the citizens see it here," Mayor James Valley said. "The citizens deserve peace, that some infringement on constitutional rights is OK and we have not violated anything as far as the Constitution."

Hello!? This Mayor SHOULD be fired. Ben Franklin said something along the lines of those who give up liberty for safety, deserve neither!

Here is a link to the Arkansas article:


:dead: Dawg

13-Aug-2008, 08:08 PM
The thing that spooks me out and I think GAR said this once too, is that when you have these strings of crime go on the government passes laws to fix it, then the crime wave ends but you still have the laws on the books. Its not a good thing.

13-Aug-2008, 08:31 PM
Agree with Khardis.

First thing I thought of as I watched the Twin Towers fall on TV was that the Government would take the incident as an excuse to become ultra-heavy and chip away at the personal freedoms we as citizens have previously enjoyed, all in the name of patriotism and security. We as a citizenry then stood by and watched as they implemented things like no-warrant wiretaps. We don't do a thing when people suspected of crimes (though not formerly charged) are kidnapped by masked men at night, taken with a bag over their head to an undisclosed location and then held indefinetly without due process.

While I understand the motivation of the powers that be, I am fundementally disturbed by much of what they do.

13-Aug-2008, 11:52 PM
I'am glad I don't live in Arkansas.