View Full Version : Sad, touching, and amazing story

14-Aug-2008, 04:47 AM

14-Aug-2008, 12:43 PM
That is truly amazing. I t is a very touching show of affection that an animal can show towards a human, and truly emphasises (at least to me anyways) that dogs are more then just dumb crap eating carpet pissing on rag bags- but intelligent animals that are emotionally connected to their human counter parts....

It reminds me of this picture I found awhile ago, and I feel it is equally as touching..


14-Aug-2008, 12:50 PM
I've heard similar stories my entire life. They don't call them "man's best friend" for nothing.

Too bad the dog's owner was stupid enough to take his own life. I know, I know. I don't know what the guy was going through, but I just personally hate suicide and people that even consider it.

14-Aug-2008, 01:09 PM
Too bad the dog's owner was stupid enough to take his own life. I know, I know. I don't know what the guy was going through, but I just personally hate suicide and people that even consider it.

I agree, it seems like an act of ultimate selfishness in cases like this. Forget the dog, this guy has a two-year-old son who's now going to spend his whole life without a father.

14-Aug-2008, 01:23 PM
I agree, it seems like an act of ultimate selfishness in cases like this. Forget the dog, this guy has a two-year-old son who's now going to spend his whole life without a father.

Exactly. I don't see how he could intentionally leave behind a two year old. My daughter is only three weeks old and the thought of myself dying before she's older scares the living sh*t out of me. Fortunately I've always had a good head on my shoulders and never been mentally unstable, but even if I was in the lowest of low spots, i'm pretty sure the thought of leaving my child would prevent me from harming myself.

As for the dog - The man took his own life with his dog by his side. But the dog never left his side, you know what I mean? That says alot about the character of that man.:dead:

14-Aug-2008, 03:44 PM
That is an amazing story.

14-Aug-2008, 06:39 PM
Very sad story. Glad the dog is OK, but sad for the whole family, especially the kid.

Yes, irresponsible of the owner taking the "easy" way out and shirking his responsiblilties to his family and child. WHen you are a single person, fine go ahead and do what you want. But when you have a child, your life is no longer yours to do with as you feel. Your decisions must be governed by what is in the best interests of your child.

He would have benefited greatly by learning a lesson about loyalty, duty and honor from his dog.

It reminds me of this picture I found awhile ago, and I feel it is equally as touching..


Mista mo, that photo breaks my heart. :(

30-Sep-2008, 10:24 PM
And going further, knowing that most dogs would do anything for their owner, how could anyone look into those trusting, unconditionally loving eyes and abuse them (I grew up with German Shepherds and now have a Malamute)?!? They're just pieces of crap cowards who need to make themselves feel strong. I'm all for those scum getting back everything they did and more besides. :mad:

30-Sep-2008, 11:37 PM
And going further, knowing that most dogs would do anything for their owner, how could anyone look into those trusting, unconditionally loving eyes and abuse them (I grew up with German Shepherds and now have a Malamute)?!? They're just pieces of crap cowards who need to make themselves feel strong. I'm all for those scum getting back everything they did and more besides. :mad:
I agree with DawnGirl here. Many dog owners do not deserve the unconditional love and loyalty that their dogs give them.

30-Sep-2008, 11:40 PM
ive got two long scars along my arm from when my last german shepherd max pulled me and my brother apart in a fistfight and i wouldn't smack him for love nor money because its all he could do, bloody as it was, though it is weird to think that hes gone but ive skill got those white fang scars along my forearm.
still going off a bit there but no you shouldn't own dogs if you cant treat them right. simple as that.

01-Oct-2008, 12:27 AM
(I grew up with German Shepherds and now have a Malamute)

Good choice of dogs! For me it was German Shepherds and Siberian Huskies. Chihuahuas and the like should be reclassified as rodents. ;)

01-Oct-2008, 02:04 AM
I agree with DawnGirl here. Many dog owners do not deserve the unconditional love and loyalty that their dogs give them.

Yeah,like people who make these poor dogs fight eash other.Most of the time they make them fight to the death.These people need to be locked up for the rest of their lives.

01-Oct-2008, 02:19 PM
Yeah,like people who make these poor dogs fight eash other.Most of the time they make them fight to the death.These people need to be locked up for the rest of their lives.

AMEN. :evil:

02-Oct-2008, 01:59 PM
I wasn't going to post in this thread, but I saw a seeing-eye dog on the train this morning with his master and it immediately reminded me of this picture. (S)he was chilling there next to his master, yawning every now and then, maybe a sniff here or there, but just basically waiting to help its master. It was very cool to see and a beautiful dog to boot.

02-Oct-2008, 02:11 PM
Chihuahuas and the like should be reclassified as rodents. ;)
Stop being stupid. It doesn't take much encouragement for the inbred amongst us to shoot at anything they can classify as a "varmint."

03-Oct-2008, 03:45 AM
Chihuahuas and the like should be reclassified as rodents. ;)

Thats not very nice.My wife loves Chihuahuas,and has had them her whole life.Their that not bad of a dog.

darth los
03-Oct-2008, 03:51 AM
Thats not very nice.My wife loves Chihuahuas,and has had them her whole life.Their that not bad of a dog.

Of course not dude. They have major hookups at taco bell. Free burritos anyone?

Yo quiero taco bell!!


03-Oct-2008, 03:51 AM
Of course not dude. They have major hookups at taco bell. Free burritos anyone?

Yo quiero taco bell!!



03-Oct-2008, 03:31 PM
Exactly. I don't see how he could intentionally leave behind a two year old.

And by committing suicide any life insurance is null & void I assume, so the family are now down to just the mother's income...

03-Oct-2008, 04:42 PM
Stop being stupid. It doesn't take much encouragement for the inbred amongst us to shoot at anything they can classify as a "varmint."

Thats not very nice.My wife loves Chihuahuas,and has had them her whole life.Their that not bad of a dog.

Good morning, class! Today we will learn about "emoticons." First lesson, the winking smiley...
