View Full Version : I Got a letter today..

14-Aug-2008, 04:59 PM
.. Which i have been waiting for a very long time for, i got a letter from greater manchester police saying that my application had been accepted and was being processed.

:D first hurdle down..

14-Aug-2008, 05:02 PM

14-Aug-2008, 05:05 PM
oink oink!!

hehehe just kidding, well done buddy!!!

14-Aug-2008, 05:15 PM
Congrats mate, I know you've been waiting on this for a bit. You still got a fair stretch to go but like you say, one hurdle down.

Bacon sarnies all round! :D

14-Aug-2008, 05:16 PM

Andy and his partner on the 1st day lol

14-Aug-2008, 05:16 PM
I definitely smell a pork product of some kind....

14-Aug-2008, 05:22 PM
http://www.vinmag.com/online/media/gbu0/prodlg/TVKO1.jpgopen up, it's the fuzz, baby. :D

on a serious note though, congrats man. i know this is something you've been after.

14-Aug-2008, 06:12 PM

Whilst doing research for the film, Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg discovered that a disproportionate amount of police officers were named either Nick or Andy, which led to the character names of Nicholas Angel and the two Andys. The Angel part of Nicholas Angel was named after the film's music director, and the joke where the local paper misspelled Angel's name as "Angle" was based on several incidences where this happened to him.

14-Aug-2008, 06:13 PM
To borrow a phrase...Nice job "Bronze"!!

I am sure we are all supportive of your lifestyle choice. :hyper:


14-Aug-2008, 06:14 PM
right shhhh say nothing lads :p

14-Aug-2008, 06:21 PM
Congrats, Brother Andy!


I am sure you will make us proud.

14-Aug-2008, 06:52 PM

*cheeses it*

Nice one Andy!

14-Aug-2008, 07:49 PM
*cheeses it*

best effect post ever.

15-Aug-2008, 10:32 AM
best effect post ever.
Learned that from the master - Bender.



15-Aug-2008, 01:18 PM
Congrats! I hope you get past the rest of the hurdles just as smoothly.

Chic Freak
15-Aug-2008, 10:09 PM
*cheeses it*


Congrats Andy!

16-Aug-2008, 01:19 AM
Congrats! I was in Law Enforcement for 3 years! I was lower on the totem pole, of course and being a woman didn't help, but if you can handle it, it's a great field and one you will find fufilling. I personally got sick of gang bangers, child rapers and looney tunes so now - - I get to stab them with needles!! ^.^

16-Aug-2008, 10:06 PM
"Smells like bacon in this MF'er"
-Snopp Dogg in Training Day.

Seriously though, when do you get to chase down rogue swans with a butter ball partner?:cool:

16-Aug-2008, 11:18 PM
hes gotta go through rigorous training first.

eating a kebab and holding it with only one hand.

chasing down boy racers without spilling your polystyrene cup full of tea.

eating indian take-out.

mastering the average response time of 4 hours

eating chinese takeout.

and a kebab.

i could go on and on, there so many stereotypes for coppers:lol:



16-Aug-2008, 11:28 PM
mastering the average response time of 4 hours
LOL, it seems Hellz has been popping the mirth pills. Twice you've had me in fits today. :lol:

20-Aug-2008, 11:13 AM
This thread has suddenly turned into a sausage factory. OINK OINK OINK.

Dude, why do you wanna be a cop? Seriously, are you ready to be the most hated Mutherf*cker on the planet? No one likes cops. Hell even other cops don't like cops.

Well you have been a forum mod, so that is a form of Cop, damn man... Andy's gone full Bacon.

Well if that is what your heart truly desires, I wish you luck. Be safe out there. Even though guns are pretty much banned over there, doesn't mean people don't have them and won't use them.

And to end this off on one final note... in the immortal words of Ice Cube, and NWA. "F U C K Tha Police!" :D:rant:

20-Aug-2008, 05:09 PM
Congrats copper.

http://pierrelegrand.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/windowslivewriterfbitalksabout6terroristsarrestedi nnjbut-1340ekeystone1-copy8.jpg

Keep us posted in the goings on in the world of pork ;)

20-Aug-2008, 05:23 PM
Dude, why do you wanna be a cop? Seriously, are you ready to be the most hated Mutherf*cker on the planet? No one likes cops. Hell even other cops don't like cops.

That's kind of narrow minded there, dude. Not all cops are bad. I've been arrested for bullsh*t charges before, but that doesn't mean I have to hate all cops.

If something ever happens and you call for the police to help(possibly save your life), I bet you won't be so narrow-minded then.;)

20-Aug-2008, 05:24 PM
It was meant to be funny...

However, most cops are hated.

20-Aug-2008, 05:26 PM
However, most cops are hated.

By whom? I suspect you may have a sampling bias.

23-Aug-2008, 07:41 PM
Be careful andy. You never know where danger can come from.

My brother is an officer here in Atlanta Georgia and I just found out that last night while arresting a man for robbing and brutally beating a woman, the guy bit a chunk out of his arm. The guy has AIDS. So now my brother probably has it and is having to start all the treatments.

People that talk bad about cops really have no idea what they go through. They put their own lives at risk to help other people and most people say they're evil. I probably just lost my brother because he was helping get a brutal man off the streets. Real evil.:rolleyes:

So be careful, andy. And even though you're on the other side of the pond....thanks for trying to help make the world a better place.:thumbsup:

23-Aug-2008, 08:41 PM
I know the danger, i used to work in a nightclub and one night, one of our boncers was stabbed with a syringe while throwing a guy out.

My mum says im crazy for wanting to be a police officer in this day and age, but its what ive wanted to do since i was a kid, i feel for your brother man honestly i do and i know its a very dangerous job, but if i didn't go for this.. i wouldn't forgive myself..

major jay
23-Aug-2008, 08:46 PM
Give it all you've got.

23-Aug-2008, 09:17 PM
.. Which i have been waiting for a very long time for, i got a letter from greater manchester police saying that my application had been accepted and was being processed.

:D first hurdle down..

you will now be reporting to sanford gloucester :lol::lol::lol:

23-Aug-2008, 09:25 PM
you will now be reporting to sanford gloucester :lol::lol::lol:
Watch out for crusty jugglers.

*whispering* crusty jugglers...
