View Full Version : Important poll for drivers...

14-Aug-2008, 06:09 PM
Well, do you?

14-Aug-2008, 06:21 PM
I have a hook that connects them so it's really easy to have them seperated...

14-Aug-2008, 06:26 PM
I have a hook that connects them so it's really easy to have them seperated...

As do I. Makes life a little easier.

But now that you mention it, I do carry too many keys around with me:

1. Car Key
2. Wife's Car Key
3. House Key
4. Office Key
5. Office Desk Key
6. Bike Lock Key
7. 2 keys that must unlock something that over the past few years I thought I should carry around, but now do not know what they go to.
8. Post Office Box Key
9. Padlock key for my gate

OK, embarassed myself. Got to work on this!

14-Aug-2008, 06:35 PM
I have a hook that connects them so it's really easy to have them seperated...

^ This, with a sawed off spare in my wallet.

14-Aug-2008, 06:36 PM
I'm thinking that if you lose your car keys, and they're attached to your house keys...you could be in for a cold night? I do that however, but I can't be arsed to carry them separately...

Sorry, this is the most pointless thread since "spiderman is gay"

14-Aug-2008, 06:47 PM
Many people seem to either: live with someone (room mate, significant other etc.) who has a spare, have a neighbor who they entrust with a spare or hide a copy somewhere outside their home.

For me, my room mate has a spare, as do both of our girlfriends.

15-Aug-2008, 02:38 PM
I keep them seperate.

darth los
15-Aug-2008, 02:52 PM
I subscribe to the "all my eggs in one basket theory" when it comes to this.

16-Aug-2008, 01:47 AM
[QUOTE=Yojimbo;153043]As do I. Makes life a little easier.
7. 2 keys that must unlock something that over the past few years I thought I should carry around, but now do not know what they go to.

Don't feel bad, I have a whole drawer full at home that I have no idea where they go too. I've moved 6 times in the bast 2 years. :annoyed: Surley I won't have anything that I might need. BUT I"M STILL TOO SCARED TO THROW THEM AWAY! Because you just never..... know.

Chic Freak
16-Aug-2008, 03:08 PM
I keep everyhting on one keyring, otherwise I'd end up forgetting to keep the right ones on me. I have a front and back door key for my parents' house, one for Liam's, and my car key, all attached to an attack alarm keyring, which come to think of it so old it probably doesn't work anymore, lol.

16-Aug-2008, 11:06 PM
I did have them seperated but kept misplacing them,
so I keep them on the same chain.
Of course there is always the spare I have hidden
at the bottom of the lake ;)

17-Aug-2008, 01:08 AM
Of course there is always the spare I have hidden
at the bottom of the lake ;)

Now that's hardcore key hidin', right there!

17-Aug-2008, 08:09 AM
on Rusty's advice I threw my keys into the thames....but i was supposed to get a copy wasn't i?

20-Aug-2008, 08:00 PM
[QUOTE=Yojimbo;153043]As do I. Makes life a little easier.
7. 2 keys that must unlock something that over the past few years I thought I should carry around, but now do not know what they go to.

Don't feel bad, I have a whole drawer full at home that I have no idea where they go too. I've moved 6 times in the bast 2 years. :annoyed: Surley I won't have anything that I might need. BUT I"M STILL TOO SCARED TO THROW THEM AWAY! Because you just never..... know.

Yeah, I have a drawer like that too. A lot of the keys there (some of them over 20 years old) are likely useless, but, like you say you never know!