View Full Version : USA Whites to be a Minority

14-Aug-2008, 07:17 PM
This may upset some of the members here, while others will just attribute it to the melting pot effect.


14-Aug-2008, 07:22 PM
Not surprising, really.

In the area I live in, you're more likely to see double the amount of hispanics or blacks than you would whites just by going to a store. Not that this is a problem, it just doesn't surprise me because I see it everyday.

Hopefully this thread can hold up without turning into a race war.....

14-Aug-2008, 07:25 PM

Hopefully this thread can hold up without turning into a race war.....

we can hope. though probability levels based on recent auguries put the chances at about 14% - and dillinger's ban is up this evening or early tomorrow, so i am sure he'll have some oh so sweet thoughts on this.

14-Aug-2008, 07:28 PM
I'm only as racist as the next dude, but I still find it unnerving.

Just please try and melt into the pot a little bit. Just a little.

dillinger's ban is up this evening or early tomorrow

Really? I was hoping for a year long or perma-ban. Oh, well...if you can put up with a billion anonymous people seeking negative attention to compensate, then you can put with a billion and one.

14-Aug-2008, 07:34 PM
Well, after 2042, I guess white people will be able to make excuses and point fingers at other races if they fail at life, too.

Since it implies that Hispanics are the fastest-growing, I suppose they'll be the the new target. "El Hombre" is going to be the one "holding everyone down" at that point.:D

14-Aug-2008, 07:39 PM
Really? I was hoping for a year long or perma-ban. Oh, well...if you can put up with a billion anonymous people seeking negative attention to compensate, then you can put with a billion and one.

3 days is the usual first time boot. i could be wrong but i wouldn't be surprised to see him back.

as far as the topic of this thread goes: i find it kind of hard to get worked up over something that won't happen until i am 72.

edited after SRP helped me with my ciphering skills.:p

14-Aug-2008, 07:44 PM
as far as the topic of this thread goes: i find it kind of hard to get worked up over something that won't happen until i am 80, if i am still alive then.

If your listed age under your avatar is accurate, you'll only be 72. With the way retirement age keeps getting pushed back, you'll not only be alive, but still working at that point.

14-Aug-2008, 07:45 PM
This might be true, but the white man still controls 90% of everything in America. This doesn't bother me at all, your only a minority if you let yourself feel like a minority. ;)

14-Aug-2008, 07:50 PM
If your listed age under your avatar is accurate, you'll only be 72. With the way retirement age keeps getting pushed back, you'll not only be alive, but still working at that point.

christ, i read that wrong. i saw one of these stories earlier that was talking about 2050. this one is 2042. so 72 it is.

after doing a quick google on this, there are about a zillion stories out there today talking about this with dates that range from 2040 to 2055.

14-Aug-2008, 07:50 PM
You'll be a minority by 2042, according to the article.

Well, not an actual minority (since it projects whites still to be the largest group), but whites will be less than half the population.

14-Aug-2008, 08:05 PM
Its not a melting pot thing, whites simply do not breed in the united states. Period. There's going to be almost 10 million more asians, like 30 million more blacks and 50 million more hispanics. Guess how many more whites? 1-2 million.

Its a simple numbers game, whites don't breed, they're either too old, too selfish or too moronic. For those of you who feel upset by this, look at yourself and ask yourself how many children do you have? Whites don't have families any more. For whatever reasons, they just don't. You all did it to yourselves. The funniest thing is seeing white racists cry about becoming a minority in 40 years, and they complain about it etc and you see they have 1 or no children. The borders aren't the problem, we aren't being swarmed by black and asian immigrants and they're having way more children than whites are.

I don't even know why this sort of under the radar racism is even on the news. It don't bother me that whites will be a minority in 40 years (which is BS they wont be a minority they will still be the largest ethnic group.) I dont understand how anyone can not even see this coming. Go to the park how many white women with white babies do you see? I dont see many.

Well, after 2042, I guess white people will be able to make excuses and point fingers at other races if they fail at life, too.

Since it implies that Hispanics are the fastest-growing, I suppose they'll be the the new target. "El Hombre" is going to be the one "holding everyone down" at that point.:D

Whites will always be the root of all peoples problems in the victim mentality mind. Even in cities that are a majority black and run by black congressmen and mayors etc its still the white mans fault even though he has not actual power in thier society.

And dont let this thing fool you, whites may not make up 51% or more of the population at that time but they will still be the largest single ethnic group. "minority" represents about a dozen other ethnic groups.

14-Aug-2008, 08:26 PM
So not having an exorbitant number of children or fueling overpopulation, while breeding within responsible fiscal means is selfish? I suppose it depends on the motivations. I'd rather see the eventual mixing of the races come full circle than 'breed' for 'my' race. ****, I'll more than likely be having multi-racial children, anyway.

Maybe I can start my own Anglo-Korean bloodline. Hrm...

14-Aug-2008, 08:34 PM
So not having an exorbitant number of children or fueling overpopulation, while breeding within responsible fiscal means is selfish? I suppose it depends on the motivations. I'd rather see the eventual mixing of the races come full circle than 'breed' for 'my' race. ****, I'll more than likely be having multi-racial children, anyway.

Maybe I can start my own Anglo-Korean bloodline. Hrm...

Oh believe me I don't care if the white race goes extinct, means not a whip to me. I only care about my own loved ones, I don't see race 1st I see people 1st. My children will be bi-racial as well Irish, Italian, French, German Jewish Polish, Native American / Chinese.

But yes I think people who refuse to have children because children will inhibit their "me time" are inherently selfish. The next generation isn't a burden or a statistic, its a gift to the furthering of our species. Not having them because you don't want the responsibility is selfish in my opinion. And I say this after much experience in knowing people who refuse to have children. The dozens of people I know who made it into their 40s and so one without having kids because they fear responsibility have also been the most self centered people I have known. At least in my experience.

And how is 2 or 3 children exorbitant? I only plan to have 3 myself which is plenty of pain to put my woman through, but I don't understand how as a society we have gone from 3 being exorbitant to 1 or 0 being normal. Are we raising children or ****ing pets? Oh don't answer that, the majority of white people I know do treat their kids like pets.

14-Aug-2008, 08:35 PM
Its a simple numbers game, whites don't breed, they're either too old, too selfish or too moronic. For those of you who feel upset by this, look at yourself and ask yourself how many children do you have? Whites don't have families any more. For whatever reasons, they just don't.


Every single white person I know (in my age group) has children. How is that "not breeding"? How many times must a person reproduce before they are considered to have "bred"?

14-Aug-2008, 09:33 PM

Every single white person I know (in my age group) has children. How is that "not breeding"? How many times must a person reproduce before they are considered to have "bred"?

i only have one child. i feel like such a bad person now, a traitor to my race.:(

woe is me.:lol:

14-Aug-2008, 09:43 PM
to be honest i couldn't care either way, its just a particular skin pigmentation, its still people, human beings so whats the problem if these kids are raise din america they, especially in 40 years will be american, regardless of what ancestry they have.

and thats the end of that chapter

*throws scarf over shoulder and exits the room*

15-Aug-2008, 12:25 AM

Every single white person I know (in my age group) has children. How is that "not breeding"? How many times must a person reproduce before they are considered to have "bred"?

yeah how many of them have 2 or more? how old is your age group? I am willing to bet many have just 1 kid and are 30 or older. Which of course is why whites numbers decline so badly. If it takes 2 humans to make 1 kid and thats all they have then the numbers cycle down.

i only have one child. i feel like such a bad person now, a traitor to my race.:(

woe is me.:lol:

Well noone brought up being a traitor, you added that on your own. But yes you are part of the "problem" if you consider it a problem at least as to why whites are being overtaken etc. I cant say jack for myself, I don't date white women... so i'm just as bad. If you consider it bad anyway. Which I don't... yeah.

15-Aug-2008, 12:43 AM
Well noone brought up being a traitor, you added that on your own. But yes you are part of the "problem" if you consider it a problem at least as to why whites are being overtaken etc. I cant say jack for myself, I don't date white women... so i'm just as bad. If you consider it bad anyway. Which I don't... yeah.

that was sarcasm genius. sorry that doesn't register with you and if you fu*king think for one second i am going to justify my choices in having children to the likes of you, you are sadly fu*king mistaken.

15-Aug-2008, 12:56 AM
that was sarcasm genius. sorry that doesn't register with you and if you fu*king think for one second i am going to justify my choices in having children to the likes of you, you are sadly fu*king mistaken.

its ok, lol i know kids are expensive. Dont freak out on me.

15-Aug-2008, 12:59 AM
Something that Khardis wrote made me wonder if the outmarriage rate (that is, the rate at which a person of one ethnic group marries and has children with a person from a different ethnic group) was taken into consideration in the projection of whites becoming a minority.

We know from past interpretations of race/ethnicity here in the USA that the product of a white/nonwhite union cannot be considered white. So the outmarriage rate has to have an effect on this statistic.

I wonder if there has been ever a study on the rate of outmarriage among whites, where either white females or males are marrying non-whites and having children that are not considered white. I know that there was a study not too long ago that determined that second and third generation Asian Americans, for example, had an extremely high rate of outmarriage.

I, for example, am an Asian that spent most of my life dating and hooking up with non-asians, and was always perplexed when my non-asian friends would talk about how they viewed Asian women as "exotic" and "mysterious" and therefore very desirable. I, of course, did not find Asian women "exotic" in the least.

I have white friends that exclusively date asian women, others that like latinas, others that favor african american women. I have latino friends that only date asians, others go after whites, and others that are obsessed with african american women. And so on.

So maybe it is a given that folks from one race are going to find members of the opposite sex of another race to be more desirable than those of their own ethnic background. Certainly in the melting pot environment of the USA where we have such a diversity of ethnicities in close proximity to one another, accessibility to members of the opposite sex in different ethnic groups only increases the chances of mixed race hookups creating mixed race offspring.

Suddenly I am reminded of the Le Guin story "Lathe of Heaven" where the world is free of ethnic struggles because everyone's skin has turned into a uniform grey color.

15-Aug-2008, 01:00 AM
its ok, lol i know kids are expensive. Dont freak out on me.

whatever dude. you are simply unbelievable. does it give you a thrill to break out of your nursery and come here to annoy the adults?

darth los
15-Aug-2008, 01:05 AM

So what's the over/under on this thread getting locked again? :confused:

15-Aug-2008, 01:09 AM

So what's the over/under on this thread getting locked again? :confused:


i had it at 86% at the start of festivities. now i'll go with about a 95%.

15-Aug-2008, 01:10 AM
whatever dude. you are simply unbelievable. does it give you a thrill to break out of your nursery and come here to annoy the adults?

dude cry more i'm busting your balls, if you cant handle it don't participate.

15-Aug-2008, 01:12 AM

So what's the over/under on this thread getting locked again? :confused:
Pretty good. Locked.